
My Daughter Part 2

Dante couldn't take his eyes off his newborn daughter! She was just so damn cute! She didn't look ugly and fat like the babies he's seen throughout his life! Even newborn beast babies look ugly except for a select few.

That's also another reason why Dante likes the Fox and Phoenix races more than others because their babies are fucking gross looking!

But he just didn't expect his child to be this cute! Then again, how could she not be cute? He's his daughter! As the most handsome, perfect, and amazing person in the multiverse, it only makes sense for his child to be the cutest and most beautiful person even when she's just a baby!

That's another reason why Dante won't be having any sons! They might try to compete with him in looks! He can't make them depressed like that! Daughters, on the other hand, are a completely different matter.

He can have a daughter that is the most beautiful person in existence since that's a separate category! One Dante has no plans in joining.


"What the fu-I mean frick!?"

Dante was shaken out of his thoughts as Ava started crying again. He almost cursed on reflex as well. He can't let his daughter learn such naughty language like that so soon! He's such a good father already!


"What is it, Little Ava? Are you hurt? Why are you crying? Do you need to poop? I thought girls didn't need to poop ahaha!"


"Joke! That was a joke! Why are you crying? Just tell me what's wrong!"


"Fuuuuu- I mean frick!!"

Dante started freaking out thinking that he accidentally hurt his child. He lifted her up and started searching all over her body until a stream of liquid shot towards his face. His mind was too preoccupied with checking her body that he didn't even notice until it hit his face.

He immediately stopped searching her body for injuries and now realized that this bit- wonderful daughter was pissing all over his face!

A few seconds later, she stopped pissing on his face and also stopped crying simultaneously!

With a thought, Dante cleaned himself 100 times over from Ava's bodily fluids and stared at his daughter with a deadpan expression.

"Ahaha, Little Ava, why did you do that to Daddy? How am I supposed to know you needed to pee? You know, Daddy knows hundreds of different languages. I've even created a few, but it just so happens that I don't speak baby. How unlucky!"

At this point, Dante started to realize there is a bit of a language barrier between the two. It hasn't even been a day since his Daughter has been born and he's already been pissed on.

Luckily, Dante is a magnanimous person and forgave his daughter for causing such a blunder as he was also at fault.

Dante learned from this little mishap and moved on. He wasn't exactly sure what to do now that she was back asleep so he just cleaned her up and continued to cradle her.

It's not like he's doing anything anyway so he might as well spend all of his time with his daughter even at the risk of getting pissed on!

A few hours went by until Dante heard a familiar noise…


Now he knew what that meant!

He wasted no time putting her on the grass and walking a few steps back.

"Haha! Gotcha now, Little Ava! It's okay, you can go ahead and pee on the grass. I guess I should've put a diaper on you! How silly of me! Wait… Ahaha, actually I've forgotten to make diapers. Well, whatever! It's easier this way anyway!"


"I know I know. You don't have to be embarrassed. Here, I'll even turn around to give you some privacy."

Dante turned around and stopped looking at Little Ava to let her do her business in peace, but after waiting a few minutes she didn't stop crying.


"Huh? Why are you still crying?"

Dante turned to look at Little Ava, but it seemed like she had no intention of relieving herself.

"Waaaa! Waaaa! Waaaa!"

"Okay okay, you don't have to pee! Geez." Dante carefully walked over to Little Ava before thinking of the reasons why she might be crying.

She has to pee/poop

She's bored

She's hungry… Shit!

Dante reached his hand into the void and pulled out a bottle full of warm milk. The milk was from a Low-Mortal Tier cow and has just enough Qi to nourish her body and fill her up, but not enough to advance her cultivation.

Dante placed the nipple on the bottle up to Little Ava's mouth to let her drink and it seemed he was right. She was indeed hungry because as soon as she sensed the nipple in her mouth, her instincts took over and she started sucking on it.

"Phew… Luckily, I have a bunch of bottles of warm milk on standby each with a nipple attachment. I could've forced my nipples to lactate which might be more beneficial, but there is no way in hel-heck that I'm going to do such a thing!"

It's true, Dante keeps a bunch of bottles of warm milk suspended in time, so they never go bad, at the ready.

"But really, Little Ava. Your cries are a bit misleading. I mean how can you make the same word mean different things? You sure like to make Daddy confused, don't you?"

At least he knows that she most likely won't be crying out of a lack of love or attention because Dante doesn't plan on separating from her. At least not until she learns how to crawl or walk.

After a few minutes, Little Ava finished drinking her milk and fell back asleep. It seems she's still tired from earlier and the only reason she woke up was because she was starving.

"I wonder what her cries will mean next hehe. Maybe she'll finally want to play with me and then I can show off all of her wonderful toys!"
