
Saving Private Dawn

Gabriel broke into one of the window on the second floor but not before Alpha scared the habitants inside the hospital.

He rapidly zig zaged evading bullets being shot at him, he killed three polce officers and once he had done that, something unexpected happened.

Walkers managed to get in, drawn by the sound of shooting and destruction, now that wasn't the unexpected surprise.

The unexpected surprise was that the walkers were jogging instead of running, a buzzing started to vibrate in his mind.

He ran ahead and killed the zombies and covered the entrance in which they came in.

Gabriel looked around and saw five women besides Maddison and Alicia who are looking at him with awed faces while there was a police woman dressed neatly staring at him. Gabriel couldn't help but think he met her before but decided to focus back on mother-daughter duo.

"Madison, Travis is waiting for us down there... but I didn't know we were going to have company" laughed Gabriel dryly looking at Dawn and the others.

"D-Dawn... it's me Dawn, Gabriel!" called out Dawn putting her hand on her heart.

Gabriel put a thinking face "Hmmm.... I think... yeah no, sorry. We have to move. Did you see those walker, Madison?" he asked.

Madison nodded

"Well, I've never seen them like that, that could mean a lot of things but for now we should go, I'm gonna ride Alpha... that wolf you saw before, you can go with your husband and Dawn here can fit with you in the van... I think"

"Yeah, they looked a bit too fast" said Madison.

"Let's go then!" said Gabriel.

Along the way Alicia asked Gabriel "Can I ride with you?"

Gabriel thought for a moment because Alpha doesn't let other people besides Gabriel ride her.

"We'll see" he said making Alicia pout.

"Gabriel!? don't you remember me?" asked Dawn catching up to him.

"You are gonna have to enlighten me, Ms. Dawn" chuckled Gabriel remembering where he had seen her.

"I am one of the women who 'took care of you' in the army" she said remembering her paassionate momment with Gabriel.

"Nop, can't remember" joked Gabriel making Dawn stop running and stood there mouth wide open.

"I- I... O-okay" said Dawn looking down.

Gabriel laughed "Of course I remember you Dawn, you were a little desperate back then, and you still are"

Dawn blushed because she indeed was needy back then, when she had enlisted in the army, she became a Leiutenant real fast because of her hard work but she was already a middle age woman and she had needs, needs that she had neglected for so long so when she heard there was a confidential contract where women who enlist will satisfy a man, she did it.

She just didn't think it was going to mess with her mind, she thought she was going to satisfy some average important man but it ended up being something much bigger and when Gabriel left months ago she did as well and became a police officer trying to forget about him and she did though her mind started breaking slowly and now she knows why.

She needed Gabriel again, the only man who can tame her and sate her needs. He awakened her wild side and when he was gone, she became unsteady and edgy but not now, right now she feels safe and satisfied just breathing the same air as him.

Her thoughts wete cut short by his voice "Alright, we are here. You see that white van? that's where you go"

They all saw the white van where Travis came out and rushed to Madison, he hugged her tight and she returned the hug lightly.


They looked around scared except for Gabriel who just before that walker screeched, his brain buzzed again.

Gabriel looked at the walker who started jogging towards them, Gabriel stepped forward and suddenly the walker stopped and avoided Gabriel's gaze.

His blue eyes shining making the walker lower and hit its head bit it gave in and just stood there waiting.

Gabriel was just trying something, his brain buzzed warning him of this walker but it doesn't buzz on normal walkers which means these walkers must have been killed by him.... or by..... Kane.

Gabriel finaly uderstood the problem. Kane is infecting people.

He sighed and looked at the walker waiting in front of him, he walked towards it and punched its head destroying it. He didn't want to leave these things around, these are an infestation that he neede to take care of even if they might make good soldiers, right now they are moving somewhere far and as much as these walkers jog, they don't run and they won't make it far and if he left this here then it would just cause problems.

The others around were flabergasted seeing a walker stop and wait for orders in front of someone.

"Gabriel, what was that?" asked Travis.

"That was what Kane did... unintentionally, he killed this man and must have gotten his blood or something on those walkers in the hospital too" he said looking at Madison.

"There were four of them plus this, that makes it five. who knows how many more he turned" said Madison a little worried.

Gabriel nodded and looked at Alicia "It looks like you are going back in the van for now. I'll catch up with you later, I need to look for Kane and let him know... actually never mind. Do you have a pen and paper?" he asked.

Dawn came forward eager to be of use to Gabriel "Here" she handed him a small book and a pen.

"Thanks" said Gabriel making her smile.

He wrote down a small letter and once her was done "cover your ears" he said.

The others were confused but did as told and Gabriel wistled.


His wistle was so loud it cracked windows in cars around.

Soon two different screeches in the sky made the others be on guard.

*Flap* *flap*

Griffin, the giant eagle came down making a cloud of dust along with Crow.

Gabriel pat them while Travis and the rest widened their eyes "You have a bird?" asked Travis astonished.

"I have three!" said Gabriel winking at Alicia who jumped excited. Dawn scoffed at Alicia's inmature action but deep down she was jealous of the younger girl.

Gabriel gave the note to Griffin "Give this to Kane and don't leave until he reads it and once he does give him a little scare to let him know I am serious"

The bird nodded and left, Gabriel looked at Alicia "Do you wanna ride a giant Crow?"

Alicia squaled "Yes!"

Dawn got saddened so Gabriel rubbed her back "Don't worry. You'll have your time too"

Dawn nodded and tip toed smooching his cheek "Be safe"

"I will"

"Wait, I haven't given you permission" said Travis.

Alicia got angry and was about to tell Travis that he is not her father but Gabriel picked her up by the hips and threw her on his shoulder, Gabriel looked at Travis "Don't worry, father in law. I'll be gentle, you too mother in law" he joked

Madison smiled and nodded while Travis was still angry but Gabriel ignored him and jumped on Crow while putting Alicia in front of him.

She smirked at her parents "See you later" she said lifting her butt up and placing it on top of Gabriel's crotch. She looked back at him and stuck out her tongue.

Gabriel just laughed "Follow Alpha and she will take you to reunite with the group" he told Travis and Madison.

Alpha was playing with a walker when she heard her master speak her name and when she saw he was on Crow her puppy eyes widened and a tear ran down.

Gabriel seeing this laughed "You are not fooling me, Alpha"

Alpha snorted and looked away and whined. Travis seeing the huge wolf being so casual and acting like a person made him feel more secured since he still feared her.

"Let's go!" said Gabriel taking off woth Alicia.

Madison and the girls entered the van.

"Wow, this bed is confortable" said Dawn

"It's Gabriel's" said Madison, Dawn nodded and grabbed one of the pillows "think it's time I tell you about me" she said.

She got everyone's attention and soon she started telling her story.


(A/n: Sorry about yesterday, It was a a bit weird day. Tornados warning and hailing was quiet the night and I freaking loved it. it was chill and felt right, I thing I'l move to Colorado one day lol)

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