
Chapter 121 (flashback to the past 14)

"You are insane! What on Earth are you talking about?!" She replied boldly even though deep down she was soaked with fear.

"I am talking about your friend, Nadia. I heard you last night. You said that you didn't like me...and what was that word you used." He inclined his head upwards as if trying to remember something. "Ahah! You said I exudes shady aura. Aren't you something?" He scoffed. "You just met me for the first time and concluded that I was a bad person."

"I never said you were bad. I just said that I didn't like you. It is my personal opinion. Everybody has the right to choose what he or she doesn't like." She replied defensively as she staggered backwards away from him.

"But why don't you like me? I haven't done anything wrong to you. You werewolves are just not supportive for any reason. You people think life revolves around you and it is only you people that deserves happiness. What about we the vampires? We deserve happiness too."
