
chapter 127 Beautiful Hell

He finally had a reason to escape that beautiful hell. He knew that he could not stay at that place among the three heavenly women who were all arousing various hidden emotions in him. Dumping Zhao Ling'er on to them had provided him with all the reasons that he needed to get out of there. He was mortified thinking that the girls might be able to see him having a nosebleed if he stayed in that hot spring with them for long.

He steered Zhao Ling'er into their hands with his arms and darted towards his clothes that were lying scrunched up on the land to their side.

But before he could get out of the spring and grab a hold of them, a squirrel that seemed to have come out of nowhere, pounced at the clothes and succeeded in snatching them away.

As the squirrel made a run for it, a frustrated yell escaped Zhang Jian's mouth, "GET BACK HERE!"
