
Arriving And Leaving Again

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"I don't have time to worry if it's right or wrong, you can't hope for a horror story with a happy ending!"

- Eren Jaeger


"And do you know what the secret ingredient is?" my grandma asks as I help her stir the cream to a dessert. It's a double-decker, vanilla and chocolate confection. And it is necessary that the two are mixed simultaneously for the consistency to be perfect.

"You're not going to tell me it's love, are you grandma?" I send it back playfully while rolling my eyes. "Because if it is, I'm sure it's going to get bad with me mixing this"

My spider-sense warns that something is coming towards my head at high speed, but I don't dodge. It is not necessary.

*paf* "No, you silly," she says putting back the cloth she uses to smack me on her shoulder. "You add a little guava jam between the two layers. It is used to stick and leaves a good aftertaste in the mouth, even after you finish eating."

"I see" I say concentrating on moving my part. Clockwise, constant speed, wooden spoon at a 60º angle, the edges scrape the bottom to avoid sticking, spider-sense flaring...

*paf* "No need to concentrate so much, you're not defusing a bomb". She says putting the cloth back on her shoulders again. "Not everything needs such precise instructions, Hector. You have to feel…" she says advising me.

"I don't have all that talent for listening to the 'voice of ingredients', I'm concentrating so I don't mess it up" I reply, knowing the Toriko reference will go straight through her head.

"It's not talent, just practice. When you do something often, it becomes natural. You don't have to think so hard. " she tells me.

"But…you said something about love before" she says raising an eyebrow "Have you had any experience there in New York? Did some girl break your heart? Why don't you vent to your dear grandma here?" she makes a barrage of questions smiling.

"..." I stop "Is that why you called me to mix this up? To lock me in here and ask about my love life?" damn it. She's good.

"What can I do? If you avoid my questions like the devil from the cross when I ask about your girlfriends?" she says shrugging her shoulders.

"There are no 'girlfriends' grandmother." I say rolling my eyes.

"And there's no one you're interested in?" she persists.

"Nah. If you want a serious answer... In my High School has some interesting girls. Gwendolyne Stacy, Liz Allen, Betty Brant, the two MJS.

"Two MJs…?" she asks confused.

"Mary Jane and Michelle Jones. Those five would be the only ones I would be interested in."

"And why don't you make a move on these girls?" she asks curiously.

"Pfft. Gwendolyne have a crush in a... acquaintance. And he has a crush on her back. MJ1 and Liz are from a group I don't want to get involved in." The jocks. Sigh, just remembering that I'm going to have to get involved with these guys again.

Maybe I should give Flash Thompson a beating for a smooth school life.

Nah. I'm the bigger man. I don't need to bully him back.

"What about Michelle and this Betty?" my grandmother asks seeing that I was silent for a second without continuing.

"Betty is too normal and Mj2 is annoying" I just say.

"Well, Hector. I think you need to take more chances. No girl is perfect, you can try with one at least. Relax... A little experience will help you." She says

"AH" I gasp exaggeratedly" Grandma... Are you telling me to have fun with women, fooling around? Be a player?" I ask scandalized.

"That's not what I meant!" She responds outraged.

"Ah~ah~ You already said, you can't take it back. Now I will fall into the path of depravity. And if someone asks me, I'll say that my grandma instructed me..." Spider-sense again...

*paf* *paf* *paf*

"Hector Belucci de Carvalho! I did not say that? And if you go around spreading your bullshit.... And falling into the path of depravity you'll find yourself having to deal with me" she replies accentuating each word with an onslaught of her powerful dish towel.

"Ouch. Ouch. Okay. I must have heard things. Sorry grandma." I say calm her down.

After that we had a good laugh. And we finish the dessert.

As I look out the window I wonder what I'm going to do when I get back to New York.

I'll be back tomorrow. It's been two days since the last Gacha and only Miles has reached 10%. Progress is much slower than I expected.

The cards I'm assimilating are people with a lot of superhuman abilities. Valentine and Batman are only human in body.

Valentine has his stand and Batman has all that experience and knowledge. But normal humans in body.

I feel like everything Batman knows is here in my head, but I still need to re-experience it in order to use it effectively. Knowledge usually comes during sleep or study.

It has been a strange feeling to study languages. I start, and it feels like I'm relearning.

I see a car engine, and I remember about the name and functionality of all the parts. And better ways to fix or boost the car.

I thought the knowledge would already have been implanted in my mind when I got to 100%. But I think it's a defense mechanism to my mind.

This redundant way of giving me theoretical knowledge is to protect my sense of being apparently. After all, I don't have any memories of banging Catwoman or individual fights with the Joker.

But I know how to fight naturally.

And it looks different with powers. I have to do it the hard way.

So I finally plan on using a Travel Ticket when I get back.

Before high school starts of course, so my grandparents can't see the possible changes in my body. And new people will only have a reference to myself from months ago.

I will use the Ticket on Sunday, the day before High School.

I will spend Friday traveling. And Saturday I'll get ready, arranging things to put in my Inventory and take away.

The plan I have in mind is morally dark-gray. No... is downright villainous. I can't fool myself or make excuses. I will act like an asshole if the plan works. But there is a possibility that in the end I can redeem myself.

But there are so many "ifs" that it's not even funny.


I will do things for my maximum benefit, I don't have the luxury of thinking too much right now. For all I know, Galactus can arrives today.

"What do you think about so much?" my grandmother speaks catching my attention.

"Think? Can't I just be watching the scenery?" I respond by deflecting.

"No... When you think about complicated things you have the habit of putting your index finger and thumb on your chin, and supporting your elbow with the other hand."

EH. I find myself taking both fingers off my chin.

"I hadn't noticed" I say slowly "I was thinking about the future grandma"

She doesn't say anything, just watches me waiting for me to continue.

"I was thinking about graduating early. To get into college"

And I really will. In this world it is much more common. I remember there was a character here who entered the M.I.T. with 10 years. Riri Williams, The Iron Heart mary sue.

"Hmm. I can't advise you on that, my dear" she begins "Personally I would like you to make friends your age. Make the most of your youth. You won't get it back, you know?"

I understand what she means. Makes sense.

"But I think I'll go for it anyway. I feel like I'm wasting my time in High School" so I look at the watch on my wrist. The last gift from my parents "And time waits for no one"

"Looks like you've already made up your mind. I hope you are sure of that, my dear." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking away.

I don't think she liked my idea very much. My grandmother has a view that my happiness is connected with my relationships with other people. She is not wrong. But I have bigger concerns right now.

Cursed with knowledge, huh Thanos? Now I understand.

I would like to be blessed with ignorance too.


Next Day

"Do you have everything? Don't forget anything?" My grandmother asks before I go to take the bus to the airport.

"No, grandma. I have everything." I answer.

Today I return to New York. I'm scheduled to arrive only for the night. The stay here was good. But vacation is over.

"Oh my dear, I will miss you so much." My grandmother says hugging me tightly, with a hint of tears in the eyes. "You can come back anytime, you know?"

"Yes. I will come visit you guys when I have the chance." I answer.

My parting with my grandfather is much more rigid.

He pats me on the shoulder and wishes me a good trip. Looks cold, but that's his style. I'm used to it. I know that he cares.

After one last wave I board the bus to the airport. It will be hours and hours sitting and confined. This time I will have something to study.

I am currently finishing relearning Japanese. So easy, a few hours and I'm already learning a language. Batman assimilation for the win.



Finally home. How can stand still be so tiring. I trained and trained every day. With a maximum of 5 hours of sleep, sometimes much less, and I never felt this tired.

I think because of Cart Titan power, which has high amount of Stamina and Batman himself.

But this trip has tired me mentally, that I just want to drop in the bed and not think about anything else. Todays is Friday. Tomorrow I will look for things I need for my trip to the world of anime.

Ending up texting Aunt Chris, Foggy and Matt. Telling them that I'm in New York.

And I go do my daily meditation to end the day.



Fabrics, spray paints, food, medical kits, multi-purpose ferments and many others. I personally went to buy all these things. Home delivery isn't used much on this year. So it would take too long, especially on the weekend.

When I get home, I start working on my costume.

The base is the Unstable Molecule Suit that I bought at Gacha. I complement it with my newly developed utility belt. My utility belt is thick with 12 evenly spaced cylinders. Each cylinder is one inch in diameter and can hold small things like smoke bombs, transmitters, pills, syringes, trackers and others.

Between each cylinder is a compartment for bigger things like my smartphone, shurikens and small weapons.

Other than that I'm wearing a black hooded cloak. I know, I know. NO CAPES. Sorry Edna.

But my cloak has functionality.

At first he's sitting on my shoulders loose, so even if cling somewhere I can get away easily.

Second, a cape has the effect of making you bigger and more intimidating. I know because of Batman uses this way too.

Third, I can use D4C together with it like Valentine uses the American Flag.

Fourth, I can hide my body so the enemy doesn't know my next move. I can pull a weapon from my inventory or turn my hand into something with mochi.

Looses clothes is to hide something. People who have nothing to hide prefer more form fitting clothes. That won't get in the way.

Fifth, pockets. I can put in multiple pockets, pockets are great. I know I have an inventory, but you never have too many pockets.

And also test Minecraft Inventory. I can store huge quantities of raw material, but unique items are a problem.

I spend a slot just for my smartphone or a gun. Like in the Minecraft game. Well, advantages and disadvantages, everything has some.

Finishing with my costume I'm going to paint my weapons.

Using spray paint I turn black various objects that I will use.

Not because I'm edgy, but to not reflect light and give my position.

My costume is basically black with some matte gray parts. Very Batman-like and not even on purpose.



Today is the day.

Time to use the Travel Ticket.

I'll go early in the morning, so when I get back I'll have the whole day to rest, I don't know what situation I'll be back in.

But the world I'm going to isn't difficult. If all goes well, I'll be back unharmed.

Even if my primary objective is not accomplished, I will have a lot to gain there.

The assimilation progress of my cards is very slow, more than 5 days and still at 10%. If it continues like this, it is from my experience that with higher percentages they take longer. It will take me at least 3 months to finish.

I wonder if assimilating three at once is slowing the process down.

Anyway, where I go I'll fight. And it will probably help me with assimilation. Besides that there are no Gods or Higher Beings there to keep an eye on me.

Time to let go little. Stops holding back.

Suiting Up, I use the Shonen Setting Travel Ticket (Low-Tier/One-month) without hesitation, and choose the time and place to appear.


A.N.: Heya Guys and Galls.

Next chapter will start the arc in an anime world. The MC is going to make big gains there.

Let's talk a little about harem. First, I think it's a natural conclusion. When you can summon people of various fictions, so I believe that 95% would have some romantic relationship with some summons. This is not to say that the MC will only summon women and that all of them will be in his Harem. I'll try to make it work, make sense and be realistic. It will be a slow process. So you won't see any action for now.

I also don't know if I'll add marvel girls in the middle. I think is improbable. For them to be okay with sharing, they would have to have very unique senses of value. Like aliens, gods, queens...

Also on the invocations, I'm working on them being loyal and still keeping the personality. I don't want it to be total mind control.

Each summon will have their own personality and will be loyal, but they will also have their own ambitions and goals. Which will not bring any harm to the MC. For example, someone evil might try to influence the MC to dominate the world. Someone good would try to inspire him to do good things. This things. But relax, the MC is not easily manipulated, and he will be careful about summoning.

Now I also saw some comments that the MC progressed too fast. well I don't agree. The initial premise of the series is that The Gacha Essence was OP. And I won't regret it and nerf the MC. Never.

But I want you guys to know that the power levels of the world he is in are comic-like ridiculous.

He will be OP, but not invincible.

With prepare, maybe he is. Batman bullshit you know...

But even with the upgrades he will receive on this trip he will have, I can think of several Marvel characters that can face him head on.

They are in the MC's world, hidden and can have conflict with him at any time. I'll list some: Apocapyse, Selene Galio, High Evolutionary, Blue Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Hulk (very angry), Thor (with full memories) and many others. Not to mention in other dimensions and space. Mephisto, Odin, Gladiator...

What I mean is the MC will have no problems with low level characters. He will destroy them. The real enemies will be the top tier. So don't worry he's getting stronger too fast.

That's all for now. Until later.

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

EvansKannoncreators' thoughts