
"I need you now, Milagros."


"Why do you have to leave us?"

"What will happen to Esclamado?"

"Oh madam!"


sniff sniff sniff

Christopher Esclamado was staring blankly at the tomb stone in front of him. It bears the name of his mother, Duchess Milagros Esclamado, while next to the large marble tomb stone was another tomb that had been there for five days, and it was the grave of his father, Duke Romero Esclamado.

He should be weeping like the maids, knights, and subordinates of his mother, who is almost losing their voices for crying out loud, but he feels more confused than depressed. He was genuinely saddened after knowing that his father had expired because of his dragon form, but he could not even feel anything even after seeing his mother buried under six feet.

Is it possible that reality hasn't yet set in? That was what the young lord thought, but it was not the case. He felt like he was forgetting something. He feels like something is not in place.

"Mother died because she was depressed. Depression?" Christopher mumbled, thinking the reason for his mother's death was ridiculous. He knows himself. He would blame it on himself if his mother really died of depression, but he literally had nothing to feel about what was happening to him in the past few days. He feels like he is following a path, a script.

Christopher's mind is becoming more chaotic the longer he stares at his mother's grave. He stepped back and gave way to the one who wanted to touch and say farewell to his mother, then unintentionally bumped into someone because he walked backwards.

"Uncle Robert." Christopher said while looking up at the large man he bumped into. Robert Van Aston was the closest confidante of Mila, but the same with the young lord. He was not showing any emotion and only staring off into the crowd, but didn't seem to see anything.

"Uncle Robert."

Christopher called Robert again because Robert didn't seem to notice someone had bumped into him.

"Oh, young master! What is it?" Robert asked the moment he snapped out of his reverie.

"What's wrong? Why are you staring at them like that?"

"It's strange young master, I don't remember the duchess dying from depression," Robert said as he gently touched Christopher's shoulders and looked at the young lord with a puzzled expression. "Didn't she run away after the Duke's funeral?"

Christopher furrowed his brows and was about to respond to Robert's ridiculous statement, but then he paused before saying anything. Robert's statement made him think that it was strange as well. Now that Christopher knows something is wrong with their current situation, he pulled Robert's sleeve and exclaimed, "I don't know about mother running away, but it's strange that I can't recall mother before this funeral. Not at all. I can't even specifically recall what I was doing hours before we held the funeral!"

The people who were crying and grieving in front of Mila's grave paused and looked at the two at the same time. No one clearly heard what Christopher had said, but their attention was caught by the young lord's loud voice.

Robert returned the crowd's gaze with his intimidating aura, which made everyone return their focus to Mila's grave. Robert then pulled Christopher down the hill and away from the people so that the two could speak to one another without interruption.

"That is what I was thinking as well. Why is it that my memory can't support our current situation? Why is the Duchess being buried now?"

Robert felt relieved that he was not the only one aware of the strange setting. It was confusing for him as he was remembering two different situations.

"Uncle, do you think it's a work of magic? Didn't you tell me the mages attacked us first?"

"No. The one who attacked us was not from the magic tower. Mila was close to them. They will definitely not do this, and if it's the crown's mage, it's impossible as well, because his mages are not at the highest level yet." Robert explained while he was trying to think of what the cause of their situation was.

Was it an illusion?

Memory altering magic?


There is only one strange thing Robert and Christopher are experiencing: they both feel like they are following a script.

"Uncle, I believe you are correct. I guess the culprit is so powerful that he can control us as if we were puppets. I mean, look at everyone; they act as if they are following a script. The only difference with us was that at least we were aware."

"Y-you are right! Just a while ago, I said something to the butler that I really did not mean. It was like it was given to me and I just needed to execute it."

They both gasped and looked at each other, stunned, before saying, at the same time, "Greater being."

"Young master, we need to be careful first. Just go with the flow and don't reveal to anyone that you are aware of this." Robert suggested which Christopher respond with a nod. They agreed to play clueless for the time being while they figure out who the unknown enemy is who is messing with them.

"Uncle, what can I help with investigating?"

"Just go with the flow, young master. Act as if you believe that the duchess is dead. It's better for me to do it alone so I won't get caught. I will make sure to find Duchess Mila." Robert said with determination. He was not certain yet of what was really happening, but he got the feeling that Mila was really not dead, and if his memory was correct, Mila was just somewhere in the duchy.

"Okay, so I will. Please take care of yourself as well, uncle." Christopher said goodbye to Robert. He went up to the hill where the duchess and the duke's graves are located. He then started to act grieving, like what they agreed to show.

Robert stood firm while clenching his fist before he left the area, mumbling, "I need you now, Milagros."
