
Commanded Respect

“You don’t look entirely pleased to see me,” Jonas smiled brightly. “I’m almost offended.”

“No, you’re not,” Caleb sighed.

Jonas laughed.

“No, I’m not. Go ahead and roll me in, Sweet Pea.”

Nessa appeared from the other side of Jonas and took control of his chair. Axel moved back to the stool as they entered the room.

“You boys behave,” Nessa smiled as she locked the break on the wheelchair and then left the room, shutting the door as she left.

“That was a hell of a fight, boy,” Jonas said.

Caleb grunted in response.

“Is he always this much of a wet blanket?” Jonas turned to Axel.

“Don’t ask me,” Axel chuckled.

“What do you want, Jonas,” Caleb said, wishing he could turn his body away and not have to see him at all.

“A lot of things,” Jonas said, “but I’ll settle for just a few. So, let’s begin the negotiation process.”

“I don’t understand. He lost,” Axel said.

Caleb turned his head back, looking at Jonas and waiting for his response.
