
Friendly Chat

Bell did her best to swallow down the panic.

“Yes… well, I didn’t really think you were here for a friendly chat….” Bell said nervously.

Caleb’s mouth tilted in a half-smile before he spoke.

“Three years ago, I made a recommendation to every pack, an emergency medical station. Did Winter implement this suggestion?”

Bell was confused.

“If I remember correctly, the recommendation was accepted. But when we offered to furnish them, we were rejected,” Caleb said.

“I wasn’t involved in any of those kinds of decisions at that time,” Bell replied.

“No, but you should still know the answer. Do you have emergency medical stations?” Caleb asked.

“We have a few first aid stations across patrol routes,” she answered with a sigh.

‘What is he getting at?’ she wondered.

“Have you ever been to Autumn?” Caleb asked, holding her gaze.

Bell felt her heart stop for just a moment, a crushing wave of anxiety descending over her.
