
The Start Of The War

Hye learned in detail about the grand layout of not only the world's armies but also the Hescos. He received maps, detailing everything about the space high above, and got even the prearranged plans about the moves of the armies on both sides in the middle of the war.

There were lots of scenarios generals on both sides devised and prepared counters for. He studied everything he got from Smiggy and learned much of battle tactics in the universe.

To win a war, one had to not only crush the enemy to do it. After war losses were something that any army should be quite aware of and attentive towards. According to what he learned, the most dangerous moment of all would be when armies would lose a lot, ending up being an easy target for opportunistic forces.

Hye instantly recalled the Toranks and their forces amassed around this zone. He thought they were here just to wait for the right moment to intervene, or to get the right deal from this world's merchants. But that wasn't the case.
