
Fire In The Hole!

In front of me was a big hole, one that didn't have smooth edges or the same width of the holes I entered so far.

This one was crudely made by the attacks from the Berserkers. The place was already filled with lots of berserkers fighting with their allied races against minions.

Of course their number wasn't that much, only limited to a few hundred at most. That was the force that remained after that deadly sneak attack from the angels.

"It's my friend human Hye," as I stood on top of that all black hole, I heard the familiar harsh voice of the berserker leader. "Did you come to kill that heart? We just killed it!"

I looked at him and his men, no one had any black colour on their hands or the exposed parts of their bodies.

"Great job," I said in fake praise, "I'll let my dragons help in suppressing the minions here. You can lead your forces and search for another heart."

"Are there more hearts?" I didn't know why but at this moment I felt that berserker was really dumb.
