
And the sun danced for the first time!

"I think you should stop Draya! It's dangerous and I don't want to lose you…"

Dora scoffs as she stood up with the baby in her arms and handed it to the father. Looking outside through the window she smirked at him and said:

"You would also lose me if I don't go." 

Staring directly at the sun as it sets Draya began to shed her human skin as a new white glowing scale covered her body until she was completely turned into her beast form. She flew into the sky and vanished right before Ford's eyes. And all that Ford could say was:

"May the heavens protect you my love…"

***  ***  ***

Fannie and Rumi were both cuddling on the bed in Althea's room when Rumi suddenly freed herself from Fannie's embrace and rushed to the window. She looked up at the skies for a while and then gasped. Fannie turned in her direction and quickly asked:

"Tell me dear what's the matter?" 
