
Separated Quests

On the next day, the girls returned to their worn in the new kingdom. Cain returned to the mortal world to collect the ingredients needed for the bug-killing toxin [RAID] That Lilia would make to allow them to pass through the cockroaches of Maladomini.

Sofia sighed, digging a massive hole in the sea with her magic as Aria filled the dirt with magic. "Say! You're out having fun, and we're here working." She looked up.

Aria looked at her, "I'm more focused on here. We also need to do two things at the same time." She flew down to her, "I'm the only one who can do it."

Sofia stared at her. She knew that Cain and Aria were the same person. He left half of him working here with them while the other one went out to gather the ingredients.

"Cain should be the one staying here. What if Tarra woke up?" Sofia flew to Aria after digging a massive hole with a single spell.
