
Selune In the Mansion

Amaterasu glared at Selune. "I won't apologize. Cain should be the one to do it." She growled, walking to the arena.

"You will regret it," Selune flew to the arena and approached Cain.

Cain turned his head, glaring at Selune, "What do you need?"

Selune stepped back, gulping. "May we talk for a moment?"

"Yeah," Cain nodded, "What do you want?"

Selune looked around them, "Can we speak somewhere else?" Her eyes darted around, worried.

Cain flicked his finger, teleporting with Selune to the mansion. Thud! Cain landed sitting on the couch, scaring Lexi, who was swiping the floor.

"Master?" Lexi gasped, dropping the clothing in her hand and stepping back.

Cain lifted his hand, "Can you get us some tea? We will have a small talk here,"

Lexi's eyes darted between Cain and Selune, "Of course," She rushed to the kitchen.

Cain faced Selune, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Selune bowed down, "First, I wanted to apologize in Amaterasu's stead. She's a hard-headed one."
