

CLAP! As Selena's right foot ankle guard flashed with golden light, her body zapped toward the worm with a thunderclap. [Thunder Step]

The worm only saw Selena's figure approaching in slow motion but couldn't dodge. Selena was way faster than what the worm's body could react to.

BAM! Selena's right fist connected with the worm's face and dragged her body across the air in a lightning bolt. Her left foot ankle guard flashed next, [Haste] increasing her speed further. The ridiculous acceleration was causing the worm to start losing consciousness.

ZAN! Selena's right-hand wrist guard flashed causing a shock wave to shake the worm's head, [Lesser empowerment] even the slight increase in strength was amplified by the high speed.

Cain who was running around searching for the girls suddenly felt the enchanted items he gave to Selena overheating. They were about to break from the way they were forced to run.
