
The triple night: Part one!

Alice slowly opened her eyes, feeling the unbearable burn between her thighs. Desperate for satisfaction, she slithered her fingers deep into her most intimate place.

To the side of her blurry vision, she took a glance at him laying like a dead fish. The memories of last night flooded her mind. A painful and irritating sensation burned her inside, like an itch that she can't scratch.

Without even realizing it she had already started wiggling to his side. Cain heard the sound of her wings quivering so he glanced at her.

"C-close your eyes." She murmured, noticing how he was staring at her hands. She was pleasuring herself and was ashamed to have him peek at her.

As if understanding, Cain closed his eyes waiting for her to make the first move.

Being in heat, Alice scorned the garments he was wearing. If not for the fear of hurting him, she would have already disintegrated them with [Cursed Decay].
