
[Transcendent] stage method

Right now, a huge unbelievable change was happening to the [Inner Dream Realm].



The moment Lorien 'passed the test', the whole [Inner Dream Realm] shook, it felt as if this realm would collapse at any moment.

However, this of course wasn't the case, it's just that the changes that were currently happening are too huge for it to be silent.



As the earth cracked in some areas and rose in others, rivers, streams, and small mountains emerged in all directions.

Golden sand dunes appeared in a certain locations, and green forests emerged in others while snow accumulated atop certain mountains.

From the previous monotonous state with golden flowers everywhere, a new varied landscape appeared.

Right now, this small 4269 meters sized realm looked like a small complete world instead of a normal domain.

With a quick glance, one can easily observe all the elements that constitute a normal world.

However, those weren't the biggest changes that happened, because if we were to look up, we'll quickly notice two large objects that silently appeared in the golden-dotted sky, high above the 'atmosphere'.

Those two celestial bodies were juxtaposed against each other rotating in sync at the highest extremes of the realm.

Now, the night sky above the realm finally had its sun and moon, and with their appearance, the realm became more solid than ever, it was as if one of the largest puzzle pieces was finally filled.

Rotating at a very slow pace with the golden dream tree as the center, they caused half of the realm to be dark representing the night while the other half was bright representing the day.

Right now, this realm looked more and more like the earth as those flat earthers perceived it.

Moreover, with their appearance, a large number of 'dream bubbles' that were floating in the air silently disappeared, or more precisely, they were getting absorbed by those two celestial bodies.

However, it appears that the transformation isn't fully complete as even with this happening in a continuous manner without any sign of it stopping, those two celestial bodies still looked a bit transparent.

It seems that this 'test' alone wasn't enough to fully manifest them, for this, Lorien might need to finish facing the remaining fears.

It's just that such a choice should be left for Lorien who had just finished absorbing the 'insight' to decide.


Opening his eyes, the first thing that caught Lorien's attention was the bright light that affected his vision.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Lorien couldn't help but raise his hands and place them slightly above him so as to block the rays of the sun.

'The sun? Where did it come from?'

'There shouldn't be a sun in this realm...'

Realizing that something was wrong, Lorien immediately became vigilant as he started scanning everything around him and analyzing the situation.

However, as he did so, he got more and more surprised by the things he continuously uncovered as astonishment and amazement became apparent on his face.

'Wasn't there a huge flower field that expanded in all directions? where did it go?'

'Umm, never mind, those flowers still exist, it's just that they got assimilated and adapted to the newly emerging landscape.'

'Some became water flowers floating above some of the lakes while others became ice flowers above the icy mountains.'

'Tsk, Tsk, I knew that beating those 'tests' will cause change to the realm, however, I didn't expect it to be so large!'

Shaking his head slightly as a smile appeared on his face, Lorien's eyes then narrowed slightly as he raised his head towards the heavens.

'But more importantly, why did the sun and moon appear?'

'If things continue like this, by the time I finish beating all of those weaknesses, this realm might not be any different from a real-world!'


Reaching here, Lorien's eyes uncontrollably widened as he couldn't help but look around once more as to observe the place.

Doing so, a smile full of joy silently appeared on his face.

'This might be a bit far away, however, I think I discovered the method to reach the [Transcendent] stage!'

'The stages of the dream path are [Inner Dream] where an Inner illusory realm that is based on a person's consciousness and power is born and then slowly consolidated.'

'The next stage comes after the consolidation of said illusory realm as it then gains the ability to manifest into reality; as such, it is called [Outer Dream].'

'Logically speaking, the next level should be transforming this realm into a real and complete world!'

'By doing so, hypothetically speaking, it shouldn't be an issue to reach the [Transcendent] level, moreover, the path from there would be much clearer!'

'It's just that according to the information I got, creating a world isn't something possible; this is the case even for the guys at Moira's level.'

'This is because all worlds are a perfect combination of an innumerable number of laws and rules, constructed in a balanced and perfect way, and to achieve such a thing one has to master all those laws to an unimaginable level which is something completely impossible.'

'So, the best thing those beings can do is to create realms not so different from the one Lorien is making, just a lot stronger.'

'As such, all the worlds in nothingness are naturally born and there aren't any artificial ones, it is as if such a thing is a taboo.'

'However, I think that there might be a loophole somewhere!'

Thinking of this, Lorien couldn't help but think about Moira, the one who gave him the information in the first place.

'I should ask here for more information when I have the opportunity, however, I should focus on the things at hand for now.'

Shaking his head, Lorien threw those thoughts aside as he then continued observing the realm for a while before finally turning his attention again to the remaining 'weaknesses'.

'Alright then, It shouldn't take me long to finish dealing with them, by then, this realm should be perfected.'

Thinking of this, Lorien couldn't help but ponder about the things he'll be doing once he finishes the tasks at hand.

'Hmmmm, after this, I should go and meet Sukuna!'

'First of all, I can use my chrono-eyes to absorb the 'Open Domain' method once I meet him; and most importantly, I just want to do it!'

Narrowing his eyes, a wicked smile couldn't help but appear on Lorien's face.

'I really wonder how you'll face me!'



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