
Epilogue (4)

The sky was clear and blue, lacking all the clouds of that night. The sun beamed in its splendour and the Victorian train station was as busy as always. People who hadn’t the slightest clue that their life was at state a few nights before wandered around creating a cacophony on their way.

The train horn echoed, and white smoke was released from on top. People coming in and out of the compartment. Vendors shouted in their sales pitch, trying to sell their articles to the passengers.

On the first-class compartment, Althan sat comfortably alone, lacking all the groves and swag he came with his minion. He looked around now and then as if sneaking out, hiding something under his skin.

Then someone popped out beside him out of nowhere and Althan’s eyes widened as he leapt up in horror.

Oh, you must be wondering who’s the person that could make Althan react like this. Well, it was exactly, your friendly neighbourhood trynabe wizard: Me.
