
Helping out an Old friend

A/N: "Kinda a short chapter since this is half of a chapter but it was running on for a bit as I enjoyed writing it.

There will be a second chapter soon so dont worry about this being short short. 👍


Yggdrassil POV

As I stared at Death Pokers new status I kept looking at it in shock and disbelief since I didn't expect the change to be this drastic.

[~~~Death's Poker~~~]

Weapon Type: Greatsword

Attack Type: Standard/Pierce

Ash of War: Ghostflame Ignition Ritual

FP Cost 25 ( - 15)

Weight 8.5


Attack Power | Guard Damage Neg

Physical 330 | Physical 60

Magic 120 | Magic 39

Fire 0 | Fire 33

Lightning 0 | Lightning 33

Holy 0 | Holy 33

Critical 100 | Guard Boost 43


Attribute Sca | Attributes Req

Str C Dex B | Str 15 Dex 17

Int C Fai C | Int 11 Fai 0

Arc E | Arc 0


Passive Effects

- Frostbite (85)




Death Poker received an overall rework in its entirety. It received a new Skill, magic damage increased from 88 to 120, damage increase from 301 to 330, its scaling improved on the Int & Fai to a C, and lastly its passive frostbite increased from 65 to 85.

I felt a tear slowly fall from my eye as all I could say was, magnificent. I asked the system to take me to the redmane castle courtyard to test the weapon and once the sky changed to black I took a deep breath and breathed out.

Yggdrassil: "Time to test it!"

I grabbed the weapon and felt chills covering my whole body before I performed a heavy slash that made the Death Poker light up in ghostflame as it sent out vengeful spirits with a trail of ghostflame in its path.

Yggdrassil: "Eh?…"

I decided to finish the heavy combo and as I performed the second heavy attack as I swung down Death Poker down as it exploded in a fiery explosion of ghostflame being discharged all around me.



Seeing ghostflame be on Death Poker still, I was confused before realizing that there was a new attack pattern.

I went with the flow and swung left and right as three vengeful spirits were sent out in a wave of ghostflame every swing wailing.







Seeing the vengeful spirits slowly disperce the farther they go until they dissapeared fully made me look at Death Poker.

Yggdrassil: "So they can chase down foes for 5 seconds, the only thing left the new Ash of war…"

I stretched my body as the chill within my body rose and I instinctively performed the ash of war.

I infused Death Poker with ghostflames as it lit up and the entire area around me lit up in ghostflames and slowly black chains appeared with blue ghostflame hooks and vengeful spirits clinging onto the chains.






Yggdrassil: "System are you able to summon a dragon?"

It wouldn't be long before a massive dragon appeared and roared at me but I pointed at the dragon and multiple chains flew towards the dragon and their hooks tore into the dragons flesh as it was roaring in pain and the vengeful spirits were wailing.






Once multiple hooks were attached and the dragon couldn't move, the chains started lighting up in ghostflames as it started doing large amounts of damage to the dragon.


As it roared the HP of the dragon started to fade quickly but it wasn't all. Two massive hands appeared from the black ghostflame pool around me and slowly the large skeletal head appeared along with its upper torso.


As it let out a massive roar I grabbed Death poker that now was fully lit up in intense ghostflame before swinging it at the Dragon that wanted to open up its mouth.



The massive skeleton manifosted Death Poker and slammed it down onto the dragons head stopping it from spitting out fire.

With ghostflames on both my habds, I motioned grabbing the dragon and slamming it into the ghostflame pool.

Swiftly the skeleton grabbed the dragon and slammed it into the Ghostflame pool as it roared in pain before its stopped moving and I said the last few words.

Yggdrassil: "The Death Rite Ritual is complete…"

As the dragon got dragged down the ghostflame pool via the chained hooks and large ghostflame skeleton I felt my entire body grow in strength surprisingly.

Yggdrassil: "Huh? How does that work? Also I guess the Massive skeleton was the follow up attack and the last attack is dragging it down into whatever is down the pool of ghostflame"

I chivered suddenly as I heard a faint whisper in my mind talking, and that unnerved me greatly.

???: "Thou art thy first to be able able to use thou power to conquer ghostflame….

???: "A fitting candidate for…Death Rite… a champion to be made of thy strength…"

Yggdrassil: "I wish to do nothing with you! Not a champion for you Outergods!"

???: "Is that thy answer…? Then whenever thou feel ready, prepare thyself to fight me…"

???: "With rituals, thou shall keep your power over thy ghostflame…if thou wish to control them fully… take them from me thyself…"

[~~~~~~Quest Gained!~~~~~]

Quest Name: Defeat thy Lord of Death Rite

Quest Type: Elimination/Takeover

Quest Timer: "Until thy is prepared"

Description: As you have turned away the Lord of Death Rite, you have gained its attention and has given you a challenge to take its power or it will take yours away if there is no rituals.

You are to beat up the Lord of Death Rite and take its power for yourself and master the ghostflame and become its Lord.

"Do you Accept?"



Yggdrassil: "Hah! You bet your ass I will fight you even in death! So let me get stronger before I beat you up and take over!"

???: "Hmph, Mongrel thou are…very well I shall await till thy gain enough power to overthrow me…"

??? POV

Yggdrassil: "Hah! You bet your ass I will fight you even in death! So let me get stronger before I beat you up and take over!"

???: "Hmph, Mongrel thou are…very well I shall await till thy gain enough power to overthrow me…"

Hmph, the audacity of this mongrel on trying to bet myself! I will make sure to teach thee a lesson thy shall mever forget!

But I cannot argue that thou strength is increasing. And this new world he appears to be in, there is so many interesting offerings to be made in my name!

Once you fail in my challenge I shall make you go out there and consume this entire world with Death Rites!

Mark my words as the Lord of Death Rite, I shall never forgive such audacity for betting my own bossom.

You shall continue using my power to fight off your enemies otherwise I shall sent you to the deepest pits of deaths where you shall meet the Twinbird…

Yggdrassil POV

Once I felt its voice dissapear I shook my head and the chill over my body dissapeared but at the same time I felt riled up due to fighting an extremely powerful opponent.

Yggdrassil: "System summon the Red Wolf of Radagon!"

The entire castle changed into the Schoolhouse Classroom area with countless candles and the Red Wolf that slowly appeared in motes of light.

Slowly the Red Wolf fully materialized in front of my very own eyes and stared at me before sniffing the air and it growled at me.

I waved Death poker as it lit up in ghostflame and I looked at the Red wolf that summoned its golden blade.

Yggdrassil: "You really want to do this? Dont you wanna live out in Freedom?"




Hearing my words the Red Wolf had looked at me before It growled and I sighed as I slashed Death Poker towards the wolf as vengeful spirits chased the Red Wolf and trail of ghostflame chased the Red Wolf.



The Red Wolf Jumped high before plunging down in a corkscrew motion with his golden sword aimed at me. I rolled to the right and struck the red wolf that grimaced in pain before it slashed its sword to the left knocking me back.

I grinned and decided to just have fun and stop defending and so I quickly rushed forwards as it rushed towards me with its jaws open.



I rolled to the right and slashed the Red Wolf on it's left ribs as ghostflame climbed on its fur but was stopped by a golden coating of its fur.




The Red Wolf materialized its orange sword and I jumped over the attack and slashed the Red Wolf's fur once again as it groaned in pain yet it didn't let go of its sword as the sword tore through my armor.

I jumped back and so did the Red Wolf as we charged at one another once more but the Red Wolf jumped up high before creating three glintblade sorceries whilst in the air.




As they flew towards me I ran to the right dodging the three glintblade sorceries and saw the Red Wolf jump into the air before plunging down in a corkscrew motion which I dodged.




I rolled forward and plunged Death Poker down as a small explosion of ghostflame occurred and the Red Wolf had his guard broken.




I walked towards the Red Wolf and as it growled at me I stayed far and raised my left hand before placing it on the Red Wolf's head surprising it.

Yggdrassil: "I do not wish to kill an amazing Wolf even when you are down"

Yggdrassil: "I wish you no harm only to unchain you from your duties.."




I jumped back as it materialized its gold blade and swung it twice in wide arcs but it had a fast reaction time as its golden sword cut my chest.


I focused on the Red Wolf before deciding to unsummon Death Poker as the Red Wolf swiftly raised its hind legs before plunging its head down as its jaws bit my entire left shoulder.





I coughed up blood, and raised my left arm to pet the Red Wolf's head and It threw my body away onto one of the Schoolrooms walls.



Yggdrassil: "Ack! Damn that hurts.."

As I hit the wall and dropped down onto the ground I looked at the Red Wolf with a Smile before I drank a flask of Crimson Tears and took a deep breath as the Red Wolf approached me cautiously.

Yggdrassil: "Although I wanted to fight you in the moment I wanted to know why you stayed inside here while other Red Wolves are outside?"

Hearing me say that, the Red Wolf growled at me before scoffing as it dissolved the golden sword from its mouth.

Yggdrassil: "Is it because you are here to protect Rennala?"

The Red Wolf nodded its furry head before it whimpered as it stared towards where Renalla would be.

Yggdrassil: "Don't worry big guy! Once I manage to get Rennala out of her shell, you can meet with her again rather than continue fighting here alone!"

The Red Wolf growled before it calmed down and stared at my hand. I lifted my hand and slowly placed it ontop of the Red Wolf and I started petting it.

Yggdrassil: "Hey, do you want to get revenge on your master who left you locked away in here to protect Renalla?"

The Red Wolf growled in anger before it subsided as its ears lowered as it slowly nodded.

Yggdrassil: "Then join me, as both my companion and ally! I can let you roam the land freely where I live in than in a caged box like this place!"

Wether or not the Red Wolf trusted my words or not It raised its quite large snouth at me before licking my face.

Yggdrassil: "Ugh…didn't have to lick me that much..haha"

I slowly got up and remembered someone who I genuinely felt needed help and whom I would gladly help.

Yggdrassil: "Hey buddy, do you want to get out of this place?"

Hearing my words the Red Wolf quickly shook its head up and down and I chuckled. You don't deserve to be ridiculed for such a leyendary achievement old friend…

Yggdrassil: "System, can you please take me to Church of Irith to meet an old friend… with the Red Wolf"

The entire sky cracked before it shattered as the Red Wolf and myself were transported to the Church of Irith.

Once seeing the open area of Liurnia of the Lakes the Red Wolf took no time in rushing out there to explore and I genuinely smiled.

Yggdrassil: "Go have fun, I will be back soon wolf…system buy me two glintstone keys"

[Glintstone keys bought! Remember, once used by said person it is bound and cannot be used by another!]

Yggdrassil: "Im not letting you die a laughing stock when your accomplishments deserve to be known"

I took a deep breath and breathed out before I entered the church and on the far right saw a man wearing the Raya Lucarian robes.

I walked towards him and he looked at me before he humbly asked me to donate 10 runes.

???: "Your tarnished aren't you? Then, perhaps you could spare some runes?

???: "Believe it or not, I studied glintstone sorceries ar the academy of Raya Lucaria"

???: "For a small donation, I'd be happy to share my knowledge"

I took out 1000 runes and gave it to the man who looked surprised before he humbly rejected the runes.

???: "I'm terribly sorry but I can't accept all these rune-"

Yggdrassil: "No old friend, I believe you need them for glintstone sorceries. I have more runes, so please accept my small donation sir?"

???: "Ah right, excuse my rudeness, my name is Thop, a Raya Lucarian Sorcerer"

Thop: "Presuming you're interested, I can teach you sorceries, as promised. Only, None of them are particularly great…"

Yggdrassil: "Fret not, I don't mind learning something new"

As Thop taught me the most basic spells a Raya Lucarian Sorcerer can learn, I followed his clumsy teachings fully.

35 Minutes Later

Thop: "Sorry friend If it appears my teaching isn't up to par to other so-"

Yggdrassil: "No it was fine, especially since I fight with swords rather than staffs. So thank you for simplifying it for a muscle brained man Thop"

Thop: "O-oh, that is the first time I have been complimented for my teaching. Thank you very much young friend"

I nodded and asked him about the seals on Raya Lucaria to which he nodded and started telling me.

Thop: "Why not find a Glintstone key? Without one, you can't pass through the Academy, and you'll never reach the Erdtree capital"

Thop: "And if theres a chance, if you find an extra glintstone key, perhaps…"

While I was about to give him the key, I stopped myself and started thinking more on possibilities.

There doesn't need to be followed parts to save Thop when I can create an entirely new path.

Yggdrassil: "Hey Thops, what if you joined me as my companion?"

Thop: "What? But I am but a bluntstone compared to the others! They could be better companions"

Yggdrassil: "Nah, they don't come close to being as friendly as you Thops"

Thops: "I only know the most basic spells I couldn't do much help in battles! The only spell I could use is just a defensive sorcery I am working on"

Yggdrassil: "Then ill help you with your sorcery!"

Thop: "A-are you certain? To give a bluntstone like me help, I have spent most of my life researching this sorcery"

Thops: "This shows I don't have an aptitude for glintstone sorcery!"

Yggdrassil: "Then let me help, don't you have something to prove to those other sorcerers? Don't you want to see their smug grins turn to scowls as they witness your own unique sorcery Thop!"

Thop POV

As I listened to this madman speak, somewhere deep within resonated with his words.

Thop: "I-I…do you really believe in me….?"

Yggdrassil: "Of course I do! If no one believes in you, I will. If everyone hates you, I will be there to support you. If I am dead, then I will support you in spirit!"







Hearing his words, I felt hidden shackles that held me back break and slowly I felt tears drip down my cheeks as I stared at this man.

Thop: "Why have this much support for me…? How have I made you believe in me?"

Yggdrassil: "Hah! You showed perseverance, are humble, and I know for a fact that your lifelong sorcery will be known far and wide"





As I heard shackles breaking throughout my mind I stared at this man and smiled gently.

Thop: "T-thank you for believing in me! I will be sure to not let down your trust"

Yggdrassil: "Thats more like it! So you ready to get out of here and start researching!"



As he held out his hand for a handshake, I eagerly shook it and the last shackle of my self-doubt shattered as I felt like I was reborn.

Yggdrassil POV

As I shook my hands with the teary eyed Thop I smiled in happiness seeing the man happy and being able to overturn his fate.

It wasn't long before I found a surprising text from the system that shocked me yet gave me immense hope.

[~~Hidden Quest Completed~~]

Quest Name: Change Thops Fate

Quest Type: Convince/Save

Quest Timer: Before Thops Death

Description: Save the Raya Lucarian Sorcerer Thop from his destined death within Raya Lucaria in any means necessary

Rewards: 10x Universal Gatcha Tickets, Thops Heartful Loyalty, 5x Sorcery Gatcha Tickets, 2500x Gold, 5x INT Attribute

Hidden Reward: Thops Barrier, 10x Universal Gatcha Tickets, Thop's Potential Unlocked, Apprentice Sorcerer Title, 10x INT Attribute


I sighed and whistled loudly and Thops looked at me confused before he saw a giant shadow jump over him shocking him as he saw what it was.

Thop: "T-thats the-"

Yggdrassil: "The Red Wolf of Radagon, my other Companion who has joined me"

Thop: "Sigh, just who have I joined? But I don't mind knowing the Red Wolf has joined you"

Yggdrassil: "Well then, time to return to the castle if you wouldn't mind system"



Thop: "How…surprising…"

The entire area's sky cracked before shattering and we were transported back to the Castle with the new arrivals.

Thop: "Is that not General Radahns Redmane Castle? Why have we appeared here?"

It wasn't long before the High pages rushed towards us and raised their thrusting swords at Thop and the Red Wolf who summoned its golden sword as it growled.



Yggdrassil: "Calm down all of you, Their borh with me and Raya Lucarian Sorcerer Thop is my friend who I've invited to create sorcery with"

Thop: "Indeed, If you have anywhere for me to stay I wouldn't mind anything"

Yggdrassil: "You can stay in my studyroom to continue researching your sorcery and I will help from time to time but due to my duties I can't waste too much time"

Thop: "If you don't mind me asking, what is your duty here?"

Samael: "He is our Lord of Redmane Castle, Yggdrassil"

Thop: "L-Lord!? Gulp, Im sorry for not kn-"

Yggdrassil: "Stop it Thop, you are here as my companion and friend whom I promised to make the smug grins on other sorcerers fall from their faces"

Thop: "Thank you, then I shall go towards my research station to continue researching"

I nodded and silently told the system to buy hundreds of research tomes relating to the subject of defense.

I told three of the pages to help ensure Thop doesn't overwork himself to death as even then however thop died remains a mystery.

As I thought of what to do next I recieved a call from Shiroe who talked to me of the prior events which I sighed before talking to him.

Shiroe: "Tell me, are you responsible for one of the knights that went haywire a few hours ago?"

Yggdrassil: "Indeed, we were hunting boars for Crescent Moon restaurant but one of them awakened his power and ultimately players got attracted to his weapon"

Shiroe: "Eh? So that weapon was a manifestation of his skill?"

Yggdrassil: "Indeed but I must say if you will start your grand plan soon?"

Shiroe: "Right, all invitations were sent out to all major gulds necessary"

Yggdrassil: "But I will guess that due to our spectacle it is delayed?"

Shiroe: "Surprisingly no, the meeting is within 2 hours and I suggest you bring the other knights than the taller ones"

Yggdrassil: "I will the only one coming to the meeting since many players will feel suspicious of new or old knights beside me"

Shiroe: "Got it, but what will I see you wearing to recognize you?"

Yggdrassil: "I will be wearing samurai armor with my hook weapon that I believe you remember"

Shiroe: "Indeed, quite the spectacle that was"

Yggdrassil: "Yeah, I will be heading over soon"

I bade my farewell and sighed before I changed back to my Samurai armor and whistled the Red Wolf over.





The Red Wolf ran towards me before it sat down and looked at my hand and I chuckled before petting the Red Wolf that wagged its tail but I ended it soon.

Yggdrassil: "Although it might be the first time for this, do you want to see new places?"

The Red Wolf nodded and got up on all fours waiting for my instructions.

Yggdrassil: "Can you let me ride ontop of you and head towards a city I know?"


Seeing it nod in response, I jumped up and felt its soft lustrous fur and felt comfortable but I focused at the matter at hand.

Yggdrassil: "Head out the bridge and run as fast as you possibly can towards the west and once you see tall walls run through"

Yggdrassil: "Open the gates!"



Hearing me say that the Red Wolf Howled high before It sprinted out the opened gates and past the bridge within seconds.



I didn't even know what to say to the forest passing us by in the blink of the eye and the wind rushing past my hair.

But I felt immense freedom as we sprinted through the forest within seconds And I couldn't help myself from laying down my head on the Red Wolf's fur and closing my eyes.





To be continued
