
Chapter 1

It was monday morning and a boy was seen pulling up his pants as he shoved his hand In the drawer to pull out a shirt

hastily he pulled out a sandwich which is roommate had prepared for himself

" Hey that is mine, asshole. give it to me " yelled his roomate

" please man you can prepare your own I am in hurry" pleaded Ethan

running down the street He went to the crossing

suddenly he saw a small girl passing down the road on the other side he saw a car rushing on full speed

Ethan pulled on to speed he is a athlete and had performed many times in inter state games

he jumped forward pulling the girl on his shoulder and rushed to the other side

After some time

After being praised for the deed he rushed away saying that he was late

he chomped down on the sand wich and halted all of the sudden every muscle froze

he looked down in horror as he opened the sand wich

to his nightmare

it was peanut butter sandwich

and he was allergic to peanut

he fell down face first his eyes rolling upwards

Ethan black died that day alone before his school gate

few hours later his body was in hospital

and next day in cementary

a hero died saving a girl that day

After some days people forget him or who he was

because that is the nature of the world


" Well now what ? " Ethan asked to the dark abyss

"Now it is your choice " a black silhouette in the void spoke with a gentle tone

"So let us clear this you want me to go to Boruto world and clear that mess of the world

so that you can have some entertainment ? "

Ethan asked the silhouette

The silhouette bobbed his head

Ethan then spoke with a clam voice " I have two words..... Fuck you asshole"

"Well those where three words and you don't have a choice " the black silhouette didn't show any annoyance

" But..but ..but I will die there I won't survive in that world at least give me a power or a wish or something" asked Ethan frustrated by the God's antics

" Well who said you won't get a power " with a hint of amusement in his voice

" Why are you doing this ? ...why me ? at least tell me that ? "

the silhouette sighed " you are a divine grade soul these type of soul's are ment to be something great there are usually three divine grade soul after every big bang or I should say creation of a universe but you are the fourth in your universe so you were not transcended to God hood . these phenomenon are very scarce but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen"

" So you are now just reincarnating me for compensation ? " asked Ethan angrily who doesn't want to be a god and when you are told that you were one customer late for first hundred customer free item sale

" Well yes and no you will only have to complete one anime verse and one real world trip and then you will transcended to god hood" spoke the silhouette with chiding tone

" OK so you mean first I have to complete two world's with one fictional and one real world "

"yup" told the silhouette

"....OK so where do I sign"

"here spin this wheel and the arrow where it will stand will be your ability" told the 'god'

A large golden wheel suddenly appeared with a poof the wheel had many abilities written on it from ' invisibility', ' teleportation' to 'time manipulation' and ' space manuplation'

there were even some useless like ' pp size adjuster ' and ' hair colour changer'

steeling his heart he spun the wheel





the arrow slowly came to 'creation'

" what is this skill is this like the skill: creation from mha" asked Ethan confused

" Again yes and no this skill can create anything unlike the skill from many but you will only unlock the abilities in parts"

" parts ?" Ethan murmured thoughtfully

" yes at first you will gain the ability to make non living things from body's fat at second stage you will gain the ability to make non living thing's from already present material like making a sword from stone and the third stage would be when you can make organic substance and on fourth stage you could make anything out of nothing " drawled the god

" hahaha.... so I can literally become god before becoming god even accending to god hood " crackled Ethan

" yes now don't waste my time you will be reborn in the world but I don't have the authority to reincarnate into specific place you will be reincarnate randomly now go get out of my hair" the silhouette waved his hands

A large black portal appeared the silhouette waved his hand and then he was sucked into the portal


Author's note : At some point the story will not strictly follow the manga 😑

it will branch off and have a different story point
