
Yu Wan played with the children in the carriage for a while. From time to time, cackling laughter came from inside the carriage. Although the sound of gongs and drums was deafening, Shadow Thirteen's hearing was good. The Young Master Manor was cold and cheerless. After so many years, he had never seen the Young Master talk and laugh like a normal person. Perhaps with the four of them, he could live a normal life from now on. The premise was that the poison was removed. Of course, he was not worried about this. After all, the antidote was in the carriage.

The little munchkins woke up too early and fell asleep in Yu Wan's arms after playing for a while. Yu Wan's wedding dress was a little heavy, and it was inconvenient to carry the children. It was also hot. She was glad that she did not get married in summer. Otherwise, she would probably die of heat in the carriage before she passed Lotus Flower Town.
