

The Goliath was the base for the Juggernaut.

The defense mechanism of the dungeon uses the best monster in that floor range. For floors 1-12 it will be based on a wyvern. For floors 12-17 a Minotaur is used as the base. And so on, as you keep fucking around on deeper floors, you keep finding out. As I am about to do.

Cypher flanks left. His job is to hold the juggernaut's attention. The drones were also deployed I need every advantage possible.

Without further ado, I started blasting. The drones were spread out in a wide defensive formation. We had overlapping fields of fire, to be able to direct the juggernaut into a favorable position.

That plan worked for all of five minutes. It worked very well for those five minutes, but only for those five minutes. When a section of the drones were turned into pancakes, the usual strategy went out the window.

I wanted to capitalize on the opportunity available. I charged the monster with spear and shield. The glossy black armour of the juggernaut was harder than anticipated. Meaning the opportunity was actually a trap to get me to close the distance on my own.

I used wind magic to get as far away as possible from the the thing. I was too slow, it's left hand lashed out and smacks me to the side. Into the Wall of Grief.

Using the limited stealth spells I have at my disposal, I used the shadows to move positions from where I currently am and where the juggernaut was now charging, to someplace far away and behind it. I told Cypher to keep his distance and only ambush the juggernaut. He's just going to end up dead against that thing if he fights it outright.

I'm going to need to acquire a large amount of ingredient and potions when I get back to the surface. To offset the purchases made through the SHOP.

I get back up and use wind magic to launch rocks and boulders at the thing. Using the 'Eject' function of the INVENTORY. It was the bombs and missiles that got me into this mess. I don't know if a second juggernaut can form, and I really don't want to find out.

Taking out my M14 I start taking head shots at the thing. It turns around far too quickly for it's size. And is upon me in seconds. Seconds I don't have to move to a different location. A combination of fire and wind spells deflects the juggernaut and propels me farter away.

I chance upon the location of my destroyed drones. I recover them and keep moving.

Bullets and grenades are having an effect on the thing. But the armour is simply too thick. Right now it's just trying to push me off this floor, I have a path of retreat. Using larger explosives can lead to me dying really quick.

I catch my breath while the juggernaut moves towards me. Cypher jumps onto the thing and claws at it's back. Just as quickly, he's gone. Finding a spot to hide and ambush the juggernaut again.

The juggernaut was not idle, it turned to where Cypher came from, and lashed out. Luckily, it missed where Cypher ran off to.

'Thanks for that buddy.'

'This is glorious hunt!'

'Roger that.'

Ambush tactics it is.

I use the rubble lying around and reshape it into a terrain advantageous for me. Considering the thing is a defence mechanism that spawns when there is too much damage, it sure as hell has no compunctions damaging the dungeon even more.

Case in point, it just crashed into where I was shooting it from. Ninja stealth skill are not to be underestimated.

I move in and take a swing it's left hand, there is a deep cut between the hand and wrist joint. There is a roar from the juggernaut. More anger than pain. It's slightly slower than before, but not by much. It's still too fast for me to effectively dodge or fight head on, but I now have a better idea of it's weakness. Now to capitalize on it.

The drones were told to target the legs and arms periodically. The neck and head had far too much armour for their current load out to handle. A .50cal was reduced to a .22 because of that armour.

I would charge in during the gaps of their firing to deliver a cut or stab to it's joints.

Magic was ineffective against it. Not useless, but it would take a lot longer than just repeatedly stabbing it. I used stone spikes, ice lances, wind blades and all manner of conjured weapons against it. It can sense the buildup of magic and react accordingly. Taking a more defensive stance, and moving away.

Helps create distance, but does not eliminate the threat.

More restructuring of the terrain, that the juggernaut keeps destroying in it's rampage.

Cypher ambushes it from time to time, usually when it's charging me. Slowly we are wearing the thing down.


The thing is on it's last legs. It's been twenty-four minutes since it spawned. Cypher and I close in for a final confrontation.

it sees me approach. I'm not as fast as I normally am, getting knocked around a few times is apparently bad for your health. Who knew? In the process my armour has been damaged. The vambrace guns are fucked. I can now see why they're a stupid idea. If they're damaged or jammed, they're just dead weight.

Cypher is doing better than me, but not by much. A few cuts are visible. Others smaller cuts are indicated by the bloodied fur. The juggernaut hurt my boy. He dies! Painfully.

A few stone lances at it's head keep it focused on me. It punches out with it's right hand. I use my shield to deflect the punch to my left.

'How is it still so strong?!'

I immediately thrust with my spear. I got another stab in it's stomach. I have to stay dangerously close to the thing. Like the Goliath, it does not kick, it stomps down.

Now that I'm in it's space, I let loose. Slashes, stabs, stone spikes from the surrounding rubble, I unleashed everything I'd learned on the Zombie world.

It roars in indignation. I see Cypher biting down on the back of it's neck. Seeing a perfect opportunity I fire of a fire lance into it's mouth.


The Juggernaut slams down dead next to my beaten and battered body. As it disperses, I can see Cypher limping over to where I am. We're both pretty fucked up. I'm not mad that I over estimated my abilities. I am downright apoplectic with rage at the fact my hubris almost cost me the life of my first friend in this world.

I keep forgetting that in the dungeon, actions have consequences. I have suffered mine, now the dungeon will suffer for it's transgressions. Of which there are many.

First, healing potions. I take out the Panacea form my belt and drink it. My wounds visibly start to heal, causing me more pain. Gritting my teeth, I stand up and pour some into Cypher's mouth.

We will need to move out, but that's for later. The drones are recollected into my INVENTORY.

We both sat/lay down and caught our breaths. Feeling a deep sense of accomplishment and relief from the cluster-fuck we survived.
