
Chapter 026: Rankings

The Demon Slayer guild backyard. 

Black gently place his hand at Ladros shoulder. He looked down towards his sadden expression. He realized that Ladros was not just angry but also heartbroken inside; Ladros actions were hard on him because he did not want to be his father, he also did want to treat Sonia the same way his father treat his mother. As his mother was treated like a slave than his father wife. He swear he would never be like him, but when he forcefully grabbed Sonia arm he was like his father. 

"Ladros. Sonia does not hate, or not like you in anyway. But she is kinder angry that you wanted to murder her little brother even I be mad at that also, but she still have feelings for you for sure," Black stated with a soft voice. Ladros soften his face as he sat down on the grass. 

"I think you miss understand her expression then, maybe she was not angry or refused your words, but she was nervous to reply you. Sonia is a tough girl, oh sorry, a tough woman." Black and Ladros laughed with lighten up expression.

"You are right, but she should be mad at me I forcefully grabbed her arm. I can be that man with her, I am sorry Black," Ladros replied. 

"You really think Sonia would get angry over something so foolish. She probably hesitated to answer you right there. She has always had feelings for you."

"What makes you think that?"

"I remember asking my mother for help about you two. She told me people who fight the most like you two usually mean you like each other. So I took her words and never tried to involve myself in your problems." Black gently smiled looking up towards the sky, his eyes were gazing at the sun. "How does it feel to have feelings?"

Ladros widened his eyes at Black question. He stammered at first trying to answer, but he quickly retrack his words and saying, "To tell you the true I do not know how to explain the feel I have when seeing her. Sometimes it feels like a slight warmth inside my chest and sometimes it like a sharp knife has been stick inside his heart. Even him did not understand the feelings he had for Sonia. 

Black slightly laughed. "What do you think being inn love feels like? I heard it feels any other feeling. I want to feel it one day." 

Afternoon inside the guild hall. 

Vera was preparing drinks and food left and right. Black was busy delivering the drinks and food to their order table. He place down a order at Ladros table, he order four drinks full. 

Standing next in front of the mission board. Sonia was searching across the board for mission. Riley loomed behind asking, "What are you for sis?"

"I am looking for a real mission here, but I don't see one that suit me. Al of this missions are too easy I need something more dangerous to excite me." said Sonia. Riley snorted her expression as she did not see any problem with the missions right in front of her face. She recognized that their team was still at the E-class adventurers being at the lowest class; E-class was not just consider the lowest class but the the weakest class, and their adventurers were also consider weak as well.

The E-class adventurers usually go on less dangerous missions that are less profitable than of classes. There were five classes being E, D, C, B, A and S. The S and A adventurers were at the highest level being the most strongest classes. The S-class adventurers were even more powerful than A-class adventurers reaching level of power that placed them in godly level.

The S-class adventurers usually can take on a armies and armies of monsters. Some of them have powers and skills that put them on another class of their own. Only a few S-class adventurers exist in the world as no one else could reach that level of power. The S and A-class adventurers missions can take months or even years some to finish. The B, C and D-class adventurers their missions usually take weeks or a months to finish. The F and E-class were combined together into one class, they were consider the same class.

Looking the board in front herself Riley pulled out hand grabbing a mission from the board. She casually looked at the paper and a smile swept across her face. "Sister, here is a mission you will like."

She place the paper in front of Sonia face. Sonia frowned her brows looking at the paper, wondering what had Riley so excited about a mission. Her eyes widened with surprised. "Good job Riley. This mission is something alright," Sonia spoken with a happy voice. She grabbed the mission paper off Riley hand.

Riley looked with fascination at Sonia, wondering why she was happy with getting a mission when there were full on the board; The E-class adventurers missions were less profitable than S, A, B and C-class adventurers, those four classes made the highest profit especially S and A-class adventurers, due to their missions being lot more dangerous and took years to finish them. The S-class adventurers make more profit than all of the other classes combined. 

Sonia casually walked up at Vera, slamming the paper on the counter. "Sign me up. I am taking this mission right now," She said with a excited expression. Vera swept down on the paper she then approved the mission by stamping the paper. She faintly smiled after stamping the paper, looking at Sonia back as she walked out the in front door. 

Vera was the mission director giving authorization to allow weather a person is accepted for the mission or not. Due to her high status as one of the strongest adventurers at the guild. She was consider the third strongest adventurer at the Demon Slayer guild's. She was a S-class adventurer's very known throughout the world. Her powers and skills was consider to rival the Eight Star Pillars, who's powers and skills make them appear as gods of the world. 

Riley casually sat beside Vera, saying, "I do not get what she is excited about, it only just a simple mission. Even a weak person can do." 

Vera approached her side cleaning a cup in hands. "It might be a simple mission's but it will raise her class" She said. Riley frowned her brows wondering what was important with this classes of theirs. To her they did not seem as important. 

"If I should ask, what is the importance of your classes?" Riley asked. Vera eyes widened with seeming to be surprised.

She casually laughed while holding her stomach. She then composed her expression looking at Riley. "I am sorry. It just that its my first having to explain the classes again."

Riley frowned with a confused look. She asked, "What are you talking about? You nervous explain anything to me." 

"You got to be lying to me I remember explaining everything to you guys before you joined up with us," Vera replied. 

"What, did that really happen, I don't remember? " Riley question herself if such a meeting had happened before, but nothing came to mind. 

"Was the meeting day we first came inn her or the next day, cause I don't remember any meetings the day we first came her. And the day after I slept the whole day I do not remember doing any there too."

"It was the morning after when you first came here. I guess you were not there as you were sleeping nicely." Vera said slightly smiled at Riley. Riley faintly smiled back as she enjoyed the nap that day. 

Vera began explaining everything to Riley about the classes and their standing, she also explained how to raise her class up. Riley with a fast mind took notes of everything she said and she to mind as the information was too much and long. Riley and her group were still in E-class the lowest class. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Emndeni_Emndenicreators' thoughts