
Chapter 004: New Journey.

The Libyan Desert.

Towards the middle of the desert locate the Abraxas mansion. Where the Demon Lord - Aries Abraxas lived with his family.

A loud laughed could be heard throughout the mansion, it was coming from Ladros room. Ladros was the son of the Demon Lord - Aries Abraxas of the inferno-demons clan, and he was also best friend with Black Naberius.

The laugh came from a young girl who cross her long pale skin legs sitting on Ladros bed. She was the daughter of the Demon King - Merlin Surgat, her name was Sonia. She was hyper active and full of spirit.

She had short sliver blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a blue top and short jean skirt.

She casually rubbed her leg on top of Ladros bed. She had smooth long legs having pale skin. She had beautiful that could live any man mad from glaring at her, almost like a goddess.

"Guy, have you heard?" Sonia muttered softly looking towards Black and Ladros. Both Black and Ladros stared towards her with puzzled faces.

"Heard what?" Black asked with a curious about what she was talking about.

"I heard two of the Seven Fallen-kings will be arriving here for the Flame Amber festival." Sonia looked flushed after saying that.

Ladros shifted his eyes on the side, he was not bother or surprised by Sonia news. "Yeah, I've already heard about from my father he told me thy were coming. But it's nothing to be too excited about," He said with a blank look. He did not care who were the Seven Fallen-kings, he only view his father as the strongest.

"Sonia, why do you talk like you've never met them before?" Black asked with a blank stare at Sonia.

Sonia slightly laughed, saying, "You're right. I've never met them before, but I'm sure I'll see them at the festival," She gave a side smirk towards Black and Ladros.

"You really haven't met them before?!" Black asked looking shocked. It was impossible for him to believe that Sonia had never met the Seven Fallen-kings, she was the Demon King's daughter.

"That can't be truth. Your father is the Demon King that's impossible to believe," Ladros said. He had a irritated look on his face. He was not buy that Sonia had never met the Seven Fallen-kings before. "The Seven Fallen-kings always visit the demon king castle's when having private discussion with the Demon King himself. You're tell us that his never taken you to one of his meets, huh, that's sad for you."

Sonia frowned noticing that Ladros was trying to mock her, but due to her use of being mock a lot she casually calmed herself down.

Black gave a hard look at Ladros, that shout him up then and there, "Sonia don't mind Ladros sad behaviour, it's alright that you haven't met them yet, we can all see them together at the festival." Sonia laughed hearing his words, she nodded her head agreeing to Black. Ladros frowned his face looking away.

"It doesn't matter if I haven't met them before Ladros,, but it's not like their are more important than my father being the Demon King. And I haven't met them because my family doesn't stay at the Demon King castle, and I'm still the Demon King's daughter I'm eventually going to meet them, especially Paimon."

Sonia cheeks flushed red, blushing from the excitement of meet one of the Seven Fallen-kings, Paimon. She began picturing his face. A spark of jealous shoot through the room as Black and Ladros faces sulk. She and Ladros don't have any friendly relations, the only relationship that bonds them together its their friendship towards Black, because of the dispute between their two families Sonia and Ladros have never seen eye to eye or liked each other. Ladros father Aries Abraxas wanted to be the Demon King, but Sonia father Merlin was the one chosen to be the Demon King, in spite Merlin was an hybrid of a demon and human, and Ladros the both of them pretend to be friendly in front of Black. Because both still considered Black to be a dearest friend, for Black sake they keep there differences between themselves.

"Only one person I need to see and that's, Paimon. I even heard that he'll be coming as well, he's the most handsome of all of the seven of them." Sonia cheeks blushed red, she grabbed Ladros pillow scream inside of it.

"Wow, I even forgotten that you're still a girl, haha," Black laughed sarcastic.

"It's none of your businesses if I like him, and yeah, I'm still a girl, okay!" Sonia faintly smiled aside.

"Oh my, here it start now. His going to talk." Black quietly murmured.

"Your business, who cares about that. If me and Black reallg cared about that, we would have said something, but please don't put words in our mouths, we don't care." Ladros said. He felt like Sonia was annoying him on purpose, but he wasn't going to let her do that to him.

"How dare you speak to me like that, you insolent fool!" Sonia voice got loud up.

"What! Who are you to call me a fool like that, you ugly girls," Ladros said frustrated.

Sonia and Ladros kept throwing insults at each other. Although that, Black sat near the corner listening to the throwing insults. He then quietly murmured, "Yesterday I learned how to use hellfire."

For moment that, Ladros and Sonia stood shocked.

"What! Huh?!" They both yelled out surprised.

"Huh! You're lying," Ladros refusing to believe Black saying.

"Okay, I did not," Black spoke with a sarcastically voice.

"Wow yess!! That's great news, man. That means you're the strongest here!" Sonia said faintly smiled.

"What are you saying, stronger that who?!" asked Ladros.

"We don't have time for your tantrums now. Black, now with your new power, we should go to the mortal realm, all right!" said Sonia.

Black face frowned while asking with confusion, "Why should we go there?"

"To go see the world beside seeinv our realm all time. I'm tired of traveling to the same places all times, and seeing the same faces too, I really need to set myself free for this cage I'm in now,"

"Cage?" Black was surprised by Sonia expression and feelings.

"Yeah! The demon realm has become a cage for me now, guys we need to go somewhere." Sonia said. He expression towards saying it changed into seriousness, firmly stating that she had grown bored of the demon realm.

"I have to agree with her on that, we've spent mostly do the same things every single day, we have never travel outside the demon realm's ever." said Ladros siding with Sonia.

"But we have gone outside of the demon realm before."

"When has that happened?" Ladros sarcastically asked Black.

"Remember...the trip we had at our mid-school, that took us to Seirim inside of Tartarus, wasn't that alot of fun!?" Black said excitedly.

"It was fun for that time, what about now? The place was filled with tortured souls of mortals who are sent there to be tortured, so that is called fun, we need a different view and approach on life now, like the Demon King Merlin who also travelled to the mortal real then became the Demon King in the end. " Sonia said those things to rile Black up. know that Black dream of becoming the Demon King some day, he will have to take the same steps Merlin take to be the Demon King.

Ladros frustratingly said, "If you say you want to train some more, I'll have to punch your face right now, because I'm so tiredof hearing that all the time, come on Black, we need you broh to come with us, also I'm not sure I'll go with her." He winked at Black. He then faintly laughed.

'Because I'll have to go with her, and I don't want to do that.' Ladros felt if Black doesn't want to along, he won't go too.

Sonia nodded her head also agreed with Ladros, she was also thinking the same thing, she doesnt want tk go if Black doesn't prideful come along. She had a prideful and arrogant expression on her face, not liking if she had to go with Ladros. She pleaded with Black to come along with them.

"But...But I have to train some more to again more grasp of using hellfire. My father told about this, It'll take me months to do that right now, until it becomes second stage for me I'll go anywhere you want me to go okay you two use it, I have to be strong you know." Black slightly smiled at them both.

"Nah! Don't worry yourself with that. When we get there we'll join up with a guild and we'll go on crazy missions that would make you gain more control of it," Ladros slightly tap Black shoulder with his fist. He and Sonia gone on questioning Black other reason for not coming along, they saw no problem with every explanation he told them but he was going be a fool to miss out on this change of freedom. They both of them started to convince him to come along giving him reason not to deny them.

"Okay I'm coming alright then! You're both are made from each other," Black said faintly smiled saying, "So when are we going you both?" He asked, looking at both Ladros and Sonia.

"We'll go after the festival in four day time, we will all meet up at the southgate entrance, in the fifth day alright you two. Will meet up at dawn alright then, and lease don't say this to no one I beg of you guys, if our families come to know about this we'll not be allow to leave the demon realm." Both Black and Ladros nodded they understood her.

The four days came. Waiting outside the southgate entrance Black and Ladros were waiting frustrated for Sonia arrival. It had been a hours since the two got there, the light from the dawn was starting to appear from the sky. Ladros thought about leaving her behind but Black rejected in leaving one of his friend behind, they were all going together to the mortal realm.

"Where is she now? She better make it," Black muttered quietly underneath his breathe.

"I thought you we should leave her behind," said Ladros.

"I thought you before we're not leaving her behind, don't bring it up again. Have you heard from her this couple of days, I last saw her at the festival."

"Why do you think I know something about it? I don't know where she is." Ladros said.

"I was just asking nice, you didn't have to be so rude about it. The last person I saw talking to her was at the festival, she quickly left the festival without saying goodbye. What happened to make her go like that?" Black asked looking at Ladros. But Ladros looked away frowning his face. Black realized something happened between the two, but what? The two have never had the best relationship as friends but still their were his friends.

"I'm beginning to get worry now, she never this late. She's usually the one to arrive first at everything," Black murmured with a worried expression. Sonia was not the type to come last at anything, even at their school she was the outstanding student with better grades.

Ladros casually pretended to look on the sides. "Maybe she's might be mad about last night, maybe."

"What happened last night?"

"Nothing. Never mind it."

"No, I want to know what happen last night, what did you do?"

"I said nothing man."

"Okay, I won't bother you that much about her today,"

"Huh? You must be out off your mind Black to thinking that I have feelings for Sonia, even if she was the last person in existence, I won't have feelings for her."

"Keep on denying it I know how you really feel about her," Black faintly laughed silently. On the far right of his hand Sonia came rushing towards them both, but she was not alone, three shadows were following her from behind. As there three figures came close towards them, there names were Derek Surgat the younger brother of Sonia, also Riley was the younger sister of Sonia, and Asrael the son of the Demon Lord, if the Shadow-demon clan, Amon Mephistopheles.

"Huh!! What's happening, why has she brought those three?"

"I don't know." Black said, looking confused.

Sonia arrived in front of them gasping for air, then said, "Sorry Black, this three found out about us leaving for the mortal realm, and they wanted to come along."

"So you brought them along." Ladros said. Sonia smirk aside, and rolled back his eyes.

Riley greets Black while she giggled at Black. Also Derek and Asrael greet standing beside Black.

'Wow, she's here. Out of all the girls in the demon realm Sonia had to bring her along. Riley! She just annoying sometimes. Oh my, Derek, this guy loves starting fights, that so great. Maybe I should just prepare myself for hard times I'm surely there be lot of fights along the way. And him, Asrael, this always thinks his so cool by acting like a bad-ass in front of people'

"Black, Black! I'm not going anymore," said Ladros.

"No, were all going. Ladros don't start now, we should go now through the portal." Black, Ladros and Sonia and the other three went inside tower, they saw a large gateway portal with frame made up of two snakes entwine on the top. Inside the gateway a blue force cover it, when you enter it could send you or anyone everywhere and anywhere.

First to jump inside gateway was Sonia then, Black, Ladros, and the other trio at last. Black was the first to come out falling outside the gateway in the mortal realm, he heard bird sounds, water waves, water crushing on rocks, and the smell of sea salt. Derek came after him followed by Riley and Asrael, Asrael on his landed on his legs kn the ground same as Black, while Riley fell on Black both arms. Ladros fell after her landing on his legs, with Sonia falling on top his backside.

"Aah! Get off my back, now!!" Ladros said, yelling for Sonia to get off him.

"Just wait a moment I'm getting off you now, please don't think that was on purpose, it wasn't." Sonia slowly got off Ladros back. She puffed aside her sweet pink lips. She grabbed the sand from the beach that surrounds them.

Walking out the forest, Riley accidently trip on the tree root, but was quickly court by Black from falling down. "You should watch your step, don't fall down please."

"Thank you," Riley flushed her face turned red. She had always had feelings fir Black since there were still small kid, she had picture herself as his life partner. She know that yet that Black does see her but she feels one day she'll have him.

"You're welcome," Black slightly looking at Riley face. In his heart Black only consider Riley to be a sister, because of him a Sonia bond. He wasn't a focused on having feelings at all. The only interest for him was becoming the next Demon King candidate.

"Wow, so cute! You guy make the cutest couple," Sonia made cute face towards both Black and Riley, saying, "I heard that the mortal realm had some guilds hunt demons. So we have to keep a low profile, okay! And people who join up to those guild get to go on crazy dangerous missions that's the only cool thing about us joining up with them. They even fight powerful monsters more stronger than the demon beasts we have at home."

"I just want to know, how powerful are there." Derek slightly murmured. His face filled with excitement.

Black frowned his face, he sarcastically rolled back his eyes saying, "I can see that, but we're not here to peak fights with monsters or anyone that matter, alright. If you do peak fights Derek, you're going back home alone."

"Who made you the leader here?" Derek asking looking at Black. Feeling that Black wasn't leadership material. Looking at Black he doesnt see any leadership collects.

"I did!" Sonia said at the back raising her hand up, "I chose him! The decision of choosing the one to leader us on this tour of the mortal realm. I chose Black to lead this mission, so what you have a problem with that, I don't care, if anyone has a problem with that, they should say it at my face."

Everyone else casually glance at each other, they did not have much faith in Black leadership skills. Sonia and Ladros were much fitter to lead the group, but the two were not interested in taking leadership, even when their leadership skills far surpassed Black. Sonia and Ladros placed their whole faith in Black leading the trip.
