
Chapter 17: Two Halves Make One Whole

There are a lot of stories factual and fictional that Naruto and Ruka tell their children. Ruka tells them legends of the Osorubeki and Uzumaki Clans, Naruto tells them stories of his adventures and missions. There is, however, one story Naruto will never be able or willing to tell his children. How he met and fell for their darling mother, Ruka. The reasons are not because of any lack of information or love, neither is it due to lack of interest or adventure. No, the reason Naruto will never tell his children is; selfishness and an unwillingness to lie. Neither Naruto or his wife gloss-over details when telling any true story, if they need to edit the story then the kids aren't ready to hear it, it's that simple. However, the how, why and when of Naruto and Ruka's love story is not something Naruto ever wants to tell his children. He never wishes his children to know of how weak and darkened he had been. How their loving and bright father almost ceased to exist due to the shattering of his heart and the tatters of his dreams. So yes, Naruto decided to be selfish rather than tell his children that their father had almost given up, something he had always taught and pressed into his children to never do. In any case, it is not so surprising that if Naruto was unwilling to tell his children the story, why would he tell Tsunade anything other than what he had.

It had been six months after his banishment and Naruto had been living on the streets. He had been unable to find work to afford things like shelter, food and clothing. It is not unsurprising since all he knew how to do was be a ninja and lacked any skills in reading or writing. Lack of food is something Naruto was sadly used to, how could he not be when the villagers tried to starve him by giving him rotting food and overcharging him for it. However, the elements were wearing him down with nowhere to stay. Huddled between boxes as he was, he knew he looked pathetic. Originally Naruto was determined to survive and force Konoha to see what they had lost. But Naruto couldn't join another village because of hid burden. Even he knew they'd just extract the fox and place him into someone from their village. So he was left to wander. The problem with such a thing is that he had no type of income and barely any money. Which led to his current situation, nearly a month with no food and even longer without any kind of accommodation, has led his body into a deteriorating state. The only reason he has lasted this long is the Kyuubi, it has been using its chakra to prevent his body from wearing down as quickly as a normal person. Using its chakra as nutrients to prevent him from deteriorating quickly, giving him more time to save himself. Unfortunately, his body could not hold out much longer and his muscles were slightly atrophied from lack of movement. Naruto knew that he would not hold out for longer than another six weeks at best and for once he didn't mind giving up.

It was sunset when she found him, his bright blue flower. She had simply stumped across him after seeing his faded orange pant leg sticking out from the corner of her eye. How could she not go over and make sure that his person was okay? Her mistake was believing that his physical state would be her concern. Her heart broke when she saw his broken gaze and she was furious that such potential was wasting away. She had been trained in everything she could be since she could walk by her father and teachers, but the most important lesson her father had taught his daughter was spotting potential and to never waste it. Ruka could tell his shadowed eyes had once been bright and his dulled hair vibrant. His mouth had no place being in a frown and his body should not have been so thin and small. She could see where muscle had once been and how he watched her movements ever so minuscule without being obvious. So Ruka did the one thing she could, smiled and reached out a hand.

It had taken nearly another six months before Naruto was up to par and another year before he asked Ruka on a date. Naruto had improved leaps and bounds since found by Ruka. Naruto had been personally cared for by Ruka until he could travel and bit by bit during that time she gained his trust. Barely two weeks of travelling together Ruka realised Naruto could read or write correctly and promptly started to teach him. Ruka luckily had an endless amount of patience when it came to teaching, mostly due to being used to it by helping at the Tsukigakure orphanage. It also helped that Ruka usually found Naruto's odd antics funny thus allowing her to maintain her calm rather than become frustrated. She also helped Naruto with his chakra control and thus helping his energetic and impatient manner. He had never known that his large chakra reserves could create such things. Ruka simply taught him to reign in his wild free-flowing chakra which turned it into a steading flowing river rather than the whirlpool tsunami it had been. Doing so improved his calm and patience and allowed him to concentrate on what she was teaching him. Turns out Naruto's chakra reserves meant that he should have been taught in reverse, or at least learn either the water-walking or tree walking exercise first and/or various others before learning at the leaf balancing exercise at the very end. While learning they travelled and took odd jobs, they also took the time to learn about each other. Ruka also managed to get Naruto to eat vegetables and fruit and other foods by not only cooking them but showing them they were supposed to taste. Since he never had anything other than rotten vegetables and fruits sold to him, it made him dislike them since he didn't know any better and no one ever made him home-cooked meals for him. so he never actually ate them made correctly to see or taste the difference. Over time Naruto began to fall for the woman who not only saved his life but taught him how to live it once more.

While Naruto grew, so did Ruka's feelings towards him. Naruto was an idiot from circumstances rather than by choice this led to his natural intelligence to shine once he was away from Konoha and had the proper tools to do so. The cruel reality that had shattered his hope made him more mature, while Naruto already had plenty of things occur throughout the years to make him so, it was his hope and dream that prevented the cynicism to come through hence he didn't allow himself to mature. However, without those things and with his now allowed intelligence Naruto began to turn into a man. He slowly gained back his happy personality without losing his maturity and with his newfound sense of calm and patience, mixed with his intellect he started to become someone great. These traits mixed with his old happy self made Ruka begin her descent into love. So a full year and six months after his banishment he asked her out on a date, she quickly accepted. Then when he asked her to be his girlfriend she didn't even hesitate before she said yes.

As they travelled they both learned from different people and masters of their fields. It was a full three years since he was banished and Naruto had never been better. He trained, he fought, he spared and he enjoyed. His life was fantastic and he'd never been in love before Ruka. After two months of being with Ruka, he had figured out that his crush on Sakura had been a lie. He'd not ever felt so warm than when Ruka had gotten angry over how Sakura had treated him when he offered her a date or gift, or even just a compliment. He knew that he would never find another girl like Ruka. She was angry at the village for how he was treated, didn't give a wit about the Kyuubi, and was completely apocalyptic over what happened with Sasuke and his resulting banishment. Yes, no one would ever compare to Ruka Osorubeki. That's why a year after their first date, a whole three years after being banished, Naruto proposed to the only woman he would ever love with everything he was. He never thought anything could compare to his joy and fulfilment when she said yes.

One thing he learned about while travelling was his clan and their specialities, Fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu or Sealing and Swordsmanship. He discovered not only that their sealing made them famous or that their swordsmanship made them truely deadly, but that all Uzumaki's had massive charka reserves and as a result made some amazing Ninjutsu techniques that would potentially kill a normal person by attempt it alone. He not only learnt these things, however, he also improved his relation his the Kyuubi better known as Kurama, who also approved of Ruka funnily enough. He also was overjoyed once more when six months after his proposal he was told that he was going to become a father. That then led to a freak out when discovering family traits. While Uzumaki's usually only have one child or more spaced out, Ruka's family the Osorubeki was known for having twins rather frequently. So after a minor freakout that he may be a father to two new children than one he was happy. After finding out all his clan history and finishing their learnings from their teachers they decided to travel to Ruka's home Tsukigakure.

During their travel home, Ruka decided that she wished to marry before giving birth and it was already six months into her pregnancy even though she looked closer to nine. It was Kurama that told Naruto to expect four babies instead of the one or two they'd expected, as it turns out Naruto had more kitsune traits than just whiskers. Due to Kurama being not only in-tune with Naruto but with Naruto's internal anatomy having been constantly exposed to the nine-tails chakra it altered him a bit. Kurama decided to not reverse the changes he accidentally made for laughs and so Ruka was now expecting a litter. It was rather obviously made clear, that neither Ruka or Naruto agreed that it was funny and had Kurama fix it, however, nothing could change the current amount only future ones. Since Naruto didn't want to risk travelling through Fire Country or anywhere remotely close to Konoha, Ruka and Naruto travelled through Spring Country and it was there that the held their wedding. A full three and a half years after his banishment he was married having Koyuki performing and organising the ceremony, including invites allowing them all to see their friends.

Ruka and Naruto stayed in Spring until their little ones were born. A full fourth year into his banishment and Naruto Uzumaki became a full-fledged father to two healthy boys and two tiny girls perfect mixes of both parents. They named their children Ryuu their dragon, Atsuko their warm child, Hikaru their light and Miyu their beautiful moon. He had once believed nothing could ever make him feel like the day he proposed to his magnificent wife, he now knows that he was wrong. The birth of his children was even more joyous and he felt the added weight of pride in both of them for creating such beautiful beings. It was with a dozy smile that his wife told him they were not having another for at least five years, while he had his hand healed by Kurama form when she shattered the bones in it.

They waited until their children where a month old before continuing to travel their home. They arrived in Tsukigakure where they were all created with warm smiles and congratulations. Naruto continued to expand his skills and knowledge, along with raising his children alongside his wife. It was on the fifth year of his banishment that Naruto mastered control with Kurama and the nine-tails chakra along with his chakra chains. And it was on his sixth year he was added in the bingo book as an S-rank and gained the fox summoning contract. Naruto loves his life and it was on the day he walked into Tsukigakure that Naruto Uzumaki said his final farewell to Konoha.
