
Chapter 3: To Tsukigakure

A figure was hidden in a tree squatting on the balls of hid feet. The figure though crouched could easily be considered tall. It was definitely the form of a male and he had spiky blonde hair that reached the bottom of his shoulders. The man's eyes were a stunning sapphire blue that could easily out shine the very gem they were coloured after. He also wore an ANBU mask and on his right ear a dangly silver earring shined in the light. This figure was The Kōshoku no kage (Crimson shadow). The man ran a hand through is sun blonde hair and sighed.

"Damn. I'm running late." His voice slightly deep and smooth. Without another word or sound the man disappeared from the tree branch.

The group containing the rookie 12 and their senseis were traveling through the trees. They had been traveling for almost a day and were about to stop and make camp.

"Kakashi-Sensei, how long will it take to reach Tsukigakure? And could you tell us more about the village?" Asked a curious Ino. Kakashi paused in his reading and decided to answer Ino's questions.

"Lets stop and make camp then i'll tell you more. But, the trip could take anywhere between four days to a week at the most it depends on how fast we go." Answered Kakashi going back to his beloved orange book.

After traveling quite a bit of distance one of the other jounin spoke up, since this was a good camping spot.

"Kakashi, lets stop and make camp here. We can continue early tomorrow morning." Stated Asuma fully aware that Kakashi is the mission leader.

"Sounds good." Kakashi replied and stopped running.

It didn't take long to set up camp and before they knew it they were all sitting around the fire. They all knew now was the time to get their questions answered.

"Kakashi-sensei, can you please tell us more about Tsukigakure?" Asked Ten-Ten who was leaning against Neji.

"I suppose I can. Tsukigakure is a village well known for their goods and scenery, but what its famous for is the fact it's what we used to call a clan village. As you know a Ninja Village is a village made up of several clans and other ninja. A Clan Village however, is a village which technically doesn't have any ninja, but is full protected and ran by a single ninja clan. The ninja clan in Tsukigakure is the Osorubeki (Grim) clan. They are famous for assassinations-including hidden weapons, Kenjutsu, tracking, black smithery and being weapons experts. However the one other thing their famous for is their bloodline, their bloodline is known as Akuma no honō (Devil Flames). The Akuma no honō can create any type of flame, meaning they can create flames that freeze into ice or dissolve whatever they touch like acid. Although there is now only one member remaining that can use this bloodline. The Osorubeki clan merged other smaller surrounding clans with their own, making the original Osorubeki clan the main family." Stated Kakashi smoothly.

"Will they be okay with us being there?" Asked Choji quietly.

"Yes, despite being very dangerous they are usually peace lovers and Lady Tsunade sent a letter a yesterday to inform them that we are coming." Informed Kakashi without his eyes leaving his book. Hinata poked her fingers together, which was an old habit that she never got rid of and spoke

"What exactly is the festival that will be at Tsukigakure." She asked in a soft, gentle voice. Kakashi eye-smiled

"The festival is called The Ai, kazoku, heiwa no saiten (Love, Family and Peace Festival). It is used to celebrate the end of a war that occurred over forty years ago and to remember what they fought for; love, family and peace." Said Kakashi finally taking his eyes off his book to look at the group. "Awesome, how often is the festival held?" Asked Kiba rather loudly. This time it was Kurenai who answered "Once every two to three years but, they hold other festivals as well during this time." She informed calmly. The questioning continued for several hours, everyone was buzzing with excitement. Asuma finally spoke up realising the time.

"Come on everyone, lets get some shut eye. We have to leave early tomorrow, i'll take first watch.

Later on...

Our rookie 12 and senseis are running through the trees. True to Asuma's words they left early, at dawn actually. The senseis apparently decided the trip was going to be done in four days. They woke up at dawn and ran until dark, taking very few brakes in order to make it there faster and the process continued for another two days. Then finally on the fourth day everyone noticed something.

"The forest is thinning out." Said TenTen surprised considering Konoha is surrounded by nothing but thick forest. Kakashi looks over to Neji and nods. Causing Neji to activate his byakugan and search the surrounding area.

"There's a path up ahead and it leads to a village gate." Neji informed stoically. Everyone subconsciously picked up their pace, excited to see the new village.

"Troublesome…it must be Tsukigakure." Said Shikamaru in a lazy drawl. They all stopped on the edge of the trees and started walking down the path. When they were close to the village everyone was forced to stop because Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai stopped in front of them.

"Now everyone I shouldn't have to remind you but, be on your best behaviour. You are ninja of Konoha and you are representing our village." Said Kurenai. Asuma then stepped forward lighting a smoke with his lighter.

"Now I know you're all excited to see Tsukigakure however, remember this is a mission and to keep your eyes peeled for our target. Got it?" He waited for everyone to nod their agreement before stepping back. Then Kakashi took his place.

"Finally, I have one final thing to say to you before we head into the village. Because of the festival there will be ninja and people form other villages, DO NOT start or cause any fights. We are guests in this village and they will throw you out or arrest you for breaking their rules." Kakashi said in a serious and borderline dark tone. "Also don't forget to enjoy the festival and have fun." Kakashi returned to his normal cheerful tone. They headed up to the gate and the rookies gasped in awe of what lay before them.
