
Chapter 59 (R-18)

In the halls of the 9th Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, two women were walking, but… they did not know what to do. Shalltear and Albedo especially, had finished their duties.

Shalltear literally had nothing to do, but checked her domain from time to time, and spent some moment with Vrakulina in the Night City, which was located in the north of the Azerlisia Mountains, and near the Valley of the Shadows.

The city was ordered to be built by Queen Vrakulina as a paradise for the Vampires of this world. A good thing was that the sky at day was always dark grey and the temperature was cold just as the vampires love it.

Albedo on the other hand has been dealing with some diplomats from the City State Alliance. That nation was having a hard time with the Troll Kingdom and needed help from the Nazarick Kingdom. The Guardian Overseer has read the program and knows how to deal with this matter.

If they wanted to be saved, the only thing they had to do was submission. There was nothing special about this nation, and it merely stood together because some cities had more demihuman population and some not. Minorities had less right than the majority, and that made the crime rate rise.

In other words, it was just a shit-hole nation that needed the hammer of the Sorcerer King to fall upon them. But this time, it won't be the Immortal Army that will march there, but the Nazar Army. It will be like a test how the mortal army will deal with the Trolls and perhaps Apemen, Minotaurs, Ogres and Orcs.

But now the two Floor Guardians were in deep thoughts and were not talking to each other. They don't even understand why they were walking together.

"I can't stand anymore!" shouted Albedo with a desperate voice.

"Me neither!" followed Shalltear with the same expression as the demoness.

The two maidens were about to go crazy. They wanted Ainz so bad and they wanted him NOW.

"When I see them talking with him so freely, touching him, hugging him, kissing and making lo-love with him, it makes me want to… Ahhhhh Lord Ainz, please call me to your bed, please!"

"I want to be with Lord Ainz too. I get so jealous while hearing Vrakulina talking about what she has done in bed with Lord Ainz!"

They hate it! They hate it so much the unknown reason why they weren't with their master from the beginning. A decade was enough for some lower life form bitches to cling on him and become his wives. This almost made the two floor guardians go on a rampage.

"Lord Ainz is always busy, and I have been busy too. What about you Shalltear?"

"Not very much, but when Lord Ainz is free, he gets surrounded by them… Lupusregina has told me something."


"Last night, she was passing near Lord Ainz's room, and she heard the Zesshi, Alea and Keno moaning."

Shalltear wanted to continue, sure it hurted her that she was not in bed with her master, but she was not shy to speak what Lupus had told her. She noticed Albedo's hair floating and her powerful aura showing up.

The demon goddess couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to have his seed inside her, that was the nature of the succubus. Those women had told her that they will help but they were doing nothing, but having her beloved master all for themselves.

Albedo grabbed Shalltear's shoulders. "Sha-Shalltear we need to do something right now! Waiting to get Lord Ainz's attention for working hard is useless, we need to act now!"

She shook her shoulders nonstop while she was in despair. "Get off me!" Shalltear managed to free herself from the frustrated demoness.

She felt really bad seeing her like that, with tears in her eyes, and snot running down from her nose, but Shalltear was not better either, Artoria too must be feeling desperate. The three of them were on the same train of sadness.

The true vampire thought, and thought, and thought, till something showed up in her mind. It was not a good idea but it was the best she could think of.

"Albedo listen." the succubus approached her ear near Shalltear to be sure no one that might be near would hear the plan.

"So we will go to… Shalltear explained to her the plan.

"Eh, isn't that a bit dangerous and how do you know that Lord Ainz will come there?"

"We will just have to wait… So what do you say? If you don't accept, I'll do it myself, I've made up my mind."

Albedo thought for a minute. She couldn't imagine how their master would react, but this has to be a great opportunity.

"Alright, I'll come with you."

"Mhm let's go then."

Also, as an Overseer Guardian, it felt weird that she was following Shalltear's plan, but she was hoping this to be a bright plan.

She really couldn't resist the urge for pleasure.

9th Floor

The lord of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and the Sorcerer King of the Sorcerer Kingdom approached his office on the 9th floor. Behind him was the battle maid Narberal Gamma of the Pleiades.

The battle maid went forward, passing her master to open the door for him. "I can just open that myself, but man they really do want to work so hard for me."

This made Ainz a bit sad. I mean, everywhere he goes, he will find servants especially outside doing their proper duties. Telling the NPCs to do what they want, would make them think that they are not needed or useless. But they had just arrived in this world, and Ainz wanted to protect them like they were his own children.

Ainz went inside and reached the office table, he sat on the chair and started to flip some papers. Narberal approached Ainz's table, and waited for whatever her master wished her to do.

"Hand me the map that is over there Narberal?"

"Yes, my Lord."

The map was upon another small table and Nerberal took it to hand to her master. Ainz opened the map and then saw the paper on his left hand.

"Hmm, it's not discovered yet."

"What my Lord?" asked Narberal with curiosity.

"The Frozen Lands, they are located far in the north beyond the Dead Sea. General Kastriot requested an approval from me, so he can lead the flotte to the north to see what's up there. I heard some rumors that a Demonic Kingdom lies there."

"Shall we march there and destroy it, my Lord?"

Ainz turned his gaze and saw that she was totally serious. Sure, a demon nation was an alarming thing, it was obvious to react like that. But these are new lands, so he should have to be careful what he encounters there.

"I can do that, but let's not be hasty, Narberal. We need to be cautious first and gather information."

"Understood, my Lord."

Ainz wrote his signature on the paper and put the seal of the Nazarick KIngdom. Then he handed it to the battle maid.

"Narberal, take this and give it to Kastriot. You will find him at the barracks in the City of Carne."

"Understood Lord Ainz, I will inform one of my sisters to be at your side while I-

"It's alright Narberal, I have some important work to do so I need to be alone."

Narberal bowed and went to the door. When she opened it, she saw a blonde girl that was about to knock at the door. "Who are you, bug face? How did you get here?"


"What is it, Narberal?" asked Ainz.

Narberal moved a bit from the door to let her master see who the person was. "Oh, I was expecting her. Come inside Renner."

The former princess entered the room, Narberal gave her a cold look and went outside, closing the door.

"I apologize about her behavior, she is really protective."

No problem at all, your Majesty, I understand." said Renner.

"Thank you, so how are you doing Renner? Do you like my home?"

It was a stupid question to ask right at the beginning. He just wanted to know what the people of this world think about the place that he and his comrades built.

"Marvelous, your Majesty. My eyes have never seen such paradise before."

She was telling the truth. This place was breathtaking, it was like gods themselves had unleashed their supreme magic to make the most beautiful home in the universe.

"Haha, thank you Renner, that makes me very happy." Ainz thanked her from his non existing heart.

Renner smiled like an angel while blushing. She looked so pure and Ainz couldn't believe that this sweet girl had another side. "So how is your husband Renner? I believe you two must be the happiest couple in the world right?"

"He is very good, your Majesty, but he keeps training too much with the Death Warrior and comes late and tired at home." Ainz saw that she was not happy with that.

He remembers that the boy did not have any talent, so training non stop wont help him reach a level like Gazef. Persistence to not give up is not a bad thing, but the girl in front of him was not happy with this. "What a fool, he have such a cute ex princess as a wife, but he waste time in some stupid sword training."

"What can I say Renner… Next time put some iron fist ruling in your house."

"I'll try, your Majesty."

Renner approached near his table like Narberal a few moments ago, and handed Ainz some dossiers. Ainz opened the first one and read it. He got shocked a bit by it because it said that 260,000 emigrants from the eastern continent had reached the cities of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick.

"It is a great number, your Majesty." said Renner.

"Indeed it is, but why tho?"

"Maybe because our forces have conquered the Kotorr Alps, and it has made the path more secure, I guess."

Ainz glanced at Renner for a second, then turned at the paper. "That might be the truth."

"The undead race is almost unknown in the other continent, and are not freaked out like the people of this continent, that might be the reason why they are not afraid to migrate here."

"Your Majesty, can you give me the permission to build a few orphans. Those that come from the Underdark Empire, were not in good condition and many children do not have their parents."

"Sure, that is a splendid idea. While most of the orphan that we have built are filled with elf, half-elf former slaves and demihumen, we have to make more of them at the eastern part of our Kingdom. Mhm that's it, we can't let those poor souls in the streets.

"Thank you, your Majesty, I'm grateful. I'll give the order right away."

The former princess bowed deeply. Ainz opened a gate so she left for the Supreme City. "Such a nice girl." He hoped for her to fix that husband.

Nobody was here now, so Ainz took off his divine gear, and put with magic just his pants and boots. "Ah, I kinda feel fresh now." He even activated his invisible skin so he could feel the softness of the chair better.

"Good, now let's see what races have migrated in my Kingdom." He checked the list and read it. "Hmm, dark elves, wild elves, hobgoblins." he stopped at the hobgoblin part.

"I heard they live on an island, how did the existence of my kingdom even reach their ears?"

Maybe a group of them had been traveling without direction and ended up in his kingdom, so they sent information back to their island about some promised land. This must be the only theory, because there is no other way to be another one.

"Weird." Ainz passed to the other races. "Cat-People, Amazoness… oh, so they exist in this world too.

Amazoness were a race of dark skinned tattooed women that live in the south of the eastern continent. How they increased the numbers of their race was still unknown to this day, but they had a very long life span.

"Hope to see them one day, now the last one are… Warrior Bunnies… huh, why call them like that? Aren't they just Rabbit Man from Karnassus, albeit those right here, have migrated from the Underdark Empire... Hmm, maybe it must have been a quick mistake."

There were no more reports in this dossier, so Ainz opened the second one and this seemed a bit different. "Okay uhh, last night in the Supreme City, the Vampire Patrol rescued a wood elf male from a rapist... Huh?"

Ainz read that line one more time and still was the same. "What?! Do I see rape in my realm?!" the crimson points glowed because of his anger.

Something like this has never occured under his rule. If someone is caught raping or atemting to rape an innocent female or male, the punishment of that person will be very harsh. It looked this time, the rapist was a female individ.

"The culprit is a Warrior Bunny emigrant from the Underdark Empire. She followed the elf couple in a dark alley and attacked the elf female, leaving her unconscious, then continued to rape the male for two hours."

"Gosh, this gives a new meaning of "Fuck like rabbits". So these Warriors Bunnies must be a subspecies of the Rabbit Man race, or maybe not.

Now Ainz reached the strange part of the report. It said that Warrior Bunnies did not have males to procreate, but are able to breed with other races. Their colony was located in the Lamentation Mountain on the Empire side.

This large mountain divides three nations like the Underdark Empire in the south west, the Minotaur Kingdom in the north west, the Egrond Kingdom in the south east, and the Mythen Iska Empire of the Snow Elves in the north east.

They gave the Underdark Empire a lot of problems. The imperial army went there to conquer the mountain many times, but the Warrior Bunnies defeated them all the time. One Warrior Bunny could take care of five dark elf warriors at the same time, It was a nightmare dealing with thousands of them.

Ainz grabbed again the previous dossier. "6,000 of them have migrated in the Nazarick Kingdom! How big is that mountain, did they bring their entire colony here? Oh no, what if they do the same thing like that Warrior Bunny did? Or, or what if that is their purpose to come here?"

As he was panicked a bit, that was the moment when emotion suppression hit him and he was normal again. "Let's hope they just find a partner. I don't want to believe they are all like that one. But if they are, I will have to clean that mess." He can not tolerate something like rape. And on top of that, the victim was an elf, those who have suffered the most.

"Also, why the hell is this Empire so fucked up? First we have a crazy feminazi empress, lesbian females, discriminated males, and now an all female race... Damn I sware in my world item, that It makes me wanna go to her palace and slap the fuck out of that bitch."

Ainz picked up the dossier again and read what the Warrior Bunny had said to the interrogator. It all talked about increasing their numbers so their race would not perish. "But y'all must be more than 6,000 for fuck sake, how is the race going to go extinct like that, unless they are attacked none stop by the enemy every day and night."

Ainz flipped another page. "How did their race even come to exist anyway?"

"The Warrior Bunnies are not natives in the Underdark Empire. They appeared four hundreds years ago in the Lamentation Mountain through a Gate-

"Huh, what's that? A Ga-" Ainz was about to reread it again, but the door was suddenly opened by someone. While his NPCs would never enter his room without knocking at the door, this time was not an NPC, but one of his wives.


"Oh Zesshi what's good bea?"

"Nothing, I just came to see you. Ehh~ you have taken off your gear~"

Zesshi looked like she was hungry when she saw her husband without his divine gear. She walked around the table and sat upon Ainz lap. The master of the Great Tomb of Nazarick was interested to read what that "Gate" thing was, but his wife had blocked the view.

"Ze-Zesshi, I was working on something-"

"Tehe~ leave that, and have all your attention at me~ it's a wife's duty to take all the stress of the husband with her body~"

Zesshi had approached her chest at Ainz face and was caressing his skull like a mother. He had forgotten this feeling, Zesshi's hand was so soft like she was not a warrior at all. Ainz sniffed her a bit, his wife had a very nice aroma.

"You smell good."

"Yes, the perfumes here are very special. You and your comrades have done an amazing job to build this heaven."

Again, Ainz 'emotions were raised when he heard his wife praising his friends. That's what he needed, he dropped the document and hugged his wife. "Thank you sweetheart."

They kissed for a moment, but Ainz did not like where this was going. "My love, shall we go to your bedroom, or do you want to do it right here~ I have no problem having sex here~"

"Um, no Zesshi, someone might knock at the door at any moment." he said worried.

"I don't care~ Let's do it here~"

The horny god-kin was not satisfied with just kissing and was trying to kiss Ainz's skeletal chest. He had his invisible skin activated so that it felt great for Zesshi. On the other hand, Ainz was worried if Narberal would be back from her deuty and might find him doing it with Zesshi.

He had no other choice, so he grabbed Zesshi's booty with his skeletal hand. "Haaaah~" Zesshi screamed but in pleasure.

"Heh, I got your weak spot, didn't I?"

"Do it harder daddy~"

"Wait no, I was not expecting that response."

The eyes of Zesshi were full of lust as she clinged on Ainz's body like a snake. Her desire was to be violated in a sexual way by her husband. She wanted her ass to be spanked by Ainz, or grabbed on the neck to a point that she would not be able to breathe.

Zesshi took off her gear and tried to take off Ainz pants. "Zesshi not here please-

"Knock, knock."

Ainz quickly turned his eyes at the door, someone was behind the door waiting for his order to enter. But Zesshi was looking at him smiling while rubbing his dick.

"S-Sto-Stop Zesshi-

"Come in!"

It was Zesshi who said that. Ainz was captured by the panic when the door began to open.

"Noooo!" he screamed in despair inside his skull.

"Sorry to disturb you Lord..."

Artoria arrived inside the office of her master, but she froze at the moment when she saw the scene in front of her eyes. "Ainz…"

Ainz was not moving either, he did not know how to explain what was happening here. "I fucked up…"

The body of Artoria was shivering as the documents she was holding on her hands fell on the floor. Her heart had started to race faster, because of the reason her eyes were witnessing.

"Wha-What-What are you two doing?!"

"This is bad! Ah we were just-"

Ainz wanted to explain the situation but Zesshi interrupted him. "We are doing what a wife and husband do, Artoria~"

Zesshi turned her head at Artoria, from her mouth was dripping saliva from kissing Ainz. That face of Zesshi was telling dominance. Artoria has declared that she was the ultimate wife, but here they are.

"What?!" she still couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her master and this woman were nacked doing that thing.

"Don't you understand? Me and my love~ were having s-e-x, hmhm~

Her eyes widened, the face had turned red because she could see her master's long dick while this woman was rubbing it.

"Aright, that's enough, Artoria i'm really sorry for all this. Zesshi, can you get off me, we have work."

"Eh~ how can I get up when you are still groping my ass, hehe~

"Why is this happening?!"

I was all a mistake from the beginning leaving Zesshi to dominate him from the time she came inside the room, and now he was stuck in this situation. He can't imagine how Artoria will see him after all this.

"Come on my love, let's do it. What do you say Artoria? Wanna join us?" Zesshi blinked her black eye at Artoria.


Was this her best chance to be with her master in a different way? She remembers that Zesshi and the others will help her to be Ainz's wife. Artoria slowly began to walk toward the chair.

Shock fell upon Ainz as he saw the floor guardian approaching. This was wrong, totally wrong. She was a creation of his friend, he should not lewd her body.

"Lo-Lord Ainz, I-I want to do it too!" her face fully red.

At that moment, Ainz traveled in the past…

"Hey Guildmaster, what are you doing?"

"Ah, Blue Planet you arrived? I was just checking some of my items so we can be ready to gang on them humanoid players."

"Hell yeah."

Suddenly Momonga saw someone following his friend. "Um, Blue Planet who is she? A new NPC?"

"Correct guildmaster. She is a gift for you, eh, happy birthday my friend!" a smiley appeared near Blue Planet

"Wha… you… for me… really?!"

"Yes guildmaster, the ultimate waifu Artoria Pendragon is forever yours."

"Haha, thank you very much Blue Planet! This is the best birthday gift I have ever received." also a smiley appeared near Momonga, but he did not pay attention very much to that "Ultimate Waifu" thing.

"She is very cute though." said Momonga.

"Yeah, those characters from the Fate series look cool and hot."

"Fate series… what is that?"

"Huh, guildmaster have you been living under a rock? Fate series anime has been around from the 21th century."

"Oh damn, I didn't know that, I'll check it later, thank you Blue Planet.

"Think nothing of it guildmaster."

At that moment, Peroroncino logged in, when he saw Artoria he shouted.

"NOOOOOICE! For me?"

"Not even in hell you dumb bird man!" shouted Blue Planet.


"The ultimate waifu… she is… mine…"

The master of the Great Tomb of Nazarick came to an understanding that Artoria Pendragon was created for him. It's like her father Blue Planet had married his daughter to Momonga. So in the end she belonged to the great Supreme Overlord Ainz Ooal Gown.

[Greater Teleportation] !

The three of them appeared in Ainz's bedroom. Artoria had never visited this room before, she was near Ainz and the bed was behind her.

"Artoria, are you okay with this?"

"My greatest desire is to be Lord Ainz's wife, please love me Lord Ainz."

The Overlord and the demon goddess approached their faces and started to kiss, it surprised him that she knew how to kiss, her soft lips were delicious and also smelled good. Ainz noticed that Artoria was touching his dick, the girl has really been waiting for this moment.

"Hey you two, lay on the bed, it's getting boring here."

From excitement, Artoria exposed her boobs. "She is a NPC! The devs would have never allowed something like this, I would have been kicked out from the server! How many players dreamed to have sex with their NPCs?!

But this is not a game anymore, the NPC is a living being that could think and speak. In other words, Ainz was one lucky motherfucker to be in this position.


"Ahhn~, Lord Ainz is sucking my nipples so hard~"

Ainz was sucking like he was a baby, she had a massive bosom and his hand couldn't stop squeezing it. It felt like his hand was sinking on her soft boobs.

"You are so beautiful Artoria."

Ahh~, Lord Ainz I love you so much~

Artoria managed to turn Ainz and she took the lead. Now her eyes were on his dick. That long thick juicy cock, she wanted to suck it. She put it between her boobs, then she licked the tip.

"Mmh~, ish shho delicious my Lord~"

"A titfuck and a blowjob at the same time, she is doing it like Alea, damn"

Slurp~ Slurp~ Slurp~ The dick was going deep inside her throat. Ainz was reaching his climax because of her tongue wrapping around his dick.

"Artoria your mouth feels so good, I'm gonna-"

The mouth of Artoria was filled with cum all of sudden. But Artoria was releasing his dick, she was drinking his cum to the last drop.

"Puah~ she took it out of her mouth and cum could be seen up on her tongue. "Mmmh~ mmh~" she caressed his dick with her cheek. "This is the best thing I have ever tasted. Lord Ainz white cum is so tasty."


The three of them looked around the room because they heard a voice. Zesshi has been licking his chest, Artoria was still sucking.

"Sorry Artoria, but I think I heard something."

"What is my Lord? What can interrupt this blessed moment? Tell me and I will eliminate it."

"No, I think there is somebody else here with us."

Ainz turned his gaze at the wardrobe and started to approach slowly. He had a feeling that someone was watching them and it was inside that wardrobe. He reached his hand to open it, but he felt that his feet were wet.

"Water… no."

He opened the door and his feet became even more wet because the "water" was falling like a waterfall from the wardrobe. He lifted his eyes and…


Shock was all over Ainz when he saw two naked women inside his wardrobe. Their faces had turned red from embarrassment. "Al-Albedo… Shalltear… what are you two doing here?!" surprised spoke Artoria.

Unbelievable, today was a totally unbelievable day. How things turned out like this was absolutely unbelievable. These two had been mastrubating while watching Artoria sucking his dick and now his wardrobe smelled weird.

"What do you have to say for yourself, you two?"

It was time to get serious, these women had become weird over the days.

"Lord Ainz, we beg you, we want to make love with you please! My heart can't stand anymore. I'm so jealous when you do it with your wives! I want it to, to feel you, my Lord!"

"Yes Lord Ainz it is as Albedo says, we want to be your wives forever."

Ainz heard them beging in desperation.

"What am I hearing?!" Now listen to me, you two, I can't do that. What if your creators show up one day, and see you two with me? I won't be able to see my friends in the eyes of shame- What?!"

Zesshi hugged Ainz from the back and rubbed his dick. "Come on, my love, stop being like that. Look at their faces, would you want to let your precious floor guardians suffer like that?"

"N-No Zesshi, I just don't want to… ah, why are you giving me a handjob all of sudden in a moment like this."

"Tehe~ come on girls, this thick juicy dick isn't going to suck itself~

Like a hungry wolf, Albedo rushed and put Ainz dick straight inside her mouth. I can't believe it… I allowed myself to fall like this… It's not like they are horny… no, It's because... I am a horny sick fuck too! Forgive me Tabula and especially you Peroroncino! I'm being raped by your creations!"

They managed to bring Ainz upon the bed again. Albedo was sucking his dick like there was no tomorrow and Artoria was licking the balls while Shalltear was kissing him. She was even better than Artoria, her long tongue was erotic.

"Albedo let me suck Lord Ainz cock too." said Artoria.

"Slurp~ slurp~ slurp~"

"No you traitor, you wanted Lord Ainsh for yourshelf~ slurp~ slurp~ slurp~ Ah~ I want it inshide me sho bad!"

Albedo raised and approached her clean hairless pussy. "Take my first time Lord Ainz!" slow Albedo went down and put his dick inside her." Ahhhhh Lord Ainz's dick is so Mhm~" Finally, this was the moment she had desired the most, to have sex with her beloved master.

The demon goddess was being more rough, she now was feeling like her true self, a succubus. "I'm having sex Lord Ainz! I'm having sex Lord Ainz! I'm having sex Lord Ainz! Ah~ I can't stooooooop shaking my hips!

Suddenly Ainz raised his upper body and stared Albedo in the eyes. "Are you perhaps using your succubus skill to suck my life energy? You know that I am an undead, right?"

"Ah~ I apologize, my lord. I can't control myself, your long thick cock feels so good! Please, Lord Ainz, please punish me for using my skill at you."

"Is that so, then I will fuck your brains out."

Ainz grabbed her hips and thrust his dick inside the deepest part of Albedo.

"Haaaaah! Ahhhhh! Ah! Ah! Ah! It's so biiiiiig!"

The succubus kissed her master wildly. "Mmmm! Lord Ainsh sho good mmh~ how does my pussy feel, my lord!"

"Really good, it feels like it's melting my dick."

I'm honored ah~ ngh~ are you about to cum? Mmh~ please I want it inside, my lord, I want Lord Ainz seed inside. Ah~"

"As you wish Albedo."


The sperm was poured deep inside Albedo's womb. After that, the succubus was hardly breathing. "It's hot, so hot~ no~ don't take out your dick Lord Ainz~ nooooooo~"

Ainz won't listen to her and dropped Albedo on the bed, the cum that was inside her, was coming out from her pussy making her body shiver in pleasure.

"Lord Ainz do me too~" begged Artoria.

Ainz grabbed Artoria and put her upon Albedo like a sandwich. "This, this is a bit embarrassing." she had Albedo's face before her, she had her tongue out because of pleasure.


Artoria felt something entering inside her. Ainz was squeezing her thick booty nice and good and had inserted the tip of his dick inside Artoria. "Ah~ my first time with Lord Ainz… Haaaaaaaaah~"

As he did with Albedo, the Supreme Overlord went deep inside Artoria Pendragon driving the demon goddess crazy.

Aaaaah~ my lord this is the best~ ahhhh~ this is the best feeling ever~ deep~ deep~ Lord Ainz is hitting so deep inside me~ It's reaching a spot that I never knew it existed~ ahhh~ahhh~ahhh~

"Holy hell, she wont stop talking dirty."

Albedo came to her senses and saw Artoria's face so close to her, their boobs were rubbing with each other and it felt weird.

"Lord Ainz is fucking me so hard! aaaah~"

"Get off me you traitor."

Albedo was trying to escape from her, but… "Stop with that you two." Ainz pushed Artoria's face down and suddenly she kissed Albedo mouth to mouth. Both of them were shocked by this.

"Mhhhm~why is-mmmhh~"

This scene was so erotic for Ainz. He did not want these two to be enemies so he made her kiss each other. He did the same thing a time when he was heaving sex with Kuro and Seraph, those two were not stoping hating each other so Ainz did this position to them.

"Take it inside Artoria."

Ainz released the load inside her while kissing Albedo. "Mmmmhmhmhm~ I'm going crazy~ mhmmm~It's so hot~ your mouth feels good too Albedo~hammmh~"


"Here some for you again Albedo."


Again fresh hot cum was poured inside her and she was moaning together with Artoria while kissing non stop, because Ainz hand did not let Artoria to raise her head.

Ainz's body dropped on the bed like he was tired, but this was Shalltear's moment. She went to his dick and started to lick the tip around and clean it from the cum. Of course as a true vampire she did not need to breathe, so she took it deep down her throat.

Ainz raised again and lay the vampire goddess on the bed. "Ah, Lord Ainz~" he noticed that she covered her chest. He didn't know why she did that, but he grabbed both her hands and removed them from her chest. Then he started to suck on her small nipples.

"Ahhh~ Lord Ainz is sucking my flat chest~"

"Is that why you are embarrassed, Shalltear?

"You, you are right, my lord. Do you hate flat chest girls?"

"Not at all Shalltear. Your chest is cute and erotic."

"Thank you, my lord, I'm so happy."

"Also, how can I hate you, when you have this fine ass." Ainz groped her ass tight. "Remember Shalltear, a girl with a small chest and a fine ass, is better than a girl with big boobs and a flat as a board ass."

"Ahhh~ Lord Ainz, your loyal floor guardian will remember this blessed line for eternity."

The overlord and the vampire kissed each other. When Ainz was about to insert his dick inside Shalltear, he asked her…

"Say Shalltear… if your creator shows up one day… and he orders you to leave me, to follow with him... would you obey that order?"

"I…" that was a hard question for someone like her, but the Supreme Overlord in front of her had shown her mercy, love, and respect. What does she wish more? Her creator had abandoned her even before YGGDRASIL ended, and the only one who showed up to see her, was this merciful master.

"I will forever respect my creator, but... I won't obey, I want to be with Lord Ainz forever."

"Very well then."

"I'm really sorry Peroroncino. Shalltear made her choice."

Ainz thrust his dick inside Shalltear. Pleasure and happiness could be seen in her eyes. She saw as her stomach bulged when the dick went inside and out.

Ahh~ aah~ I'm having sex with Lord Ainz~ I'm so happy~

Shalltear wrapped her legs around Ainz. He grabbed her and got on his feet. "I love you much~ mhmmmh~ The true vampire was hugging her master tight and kissed him. This felt way, way, way better than her vampire brides. This is what she always wanted, to be on her master arms.

"Mhh~Ahh~ So good~"

"Where do you want it Shalltear?"

"Inside me please, I want it all~"

"Here my bride, take it all."

"Nghhhhh~ Ahhhhhh~ I can feel it~ this… is… the best!"

Ainz released Shalltear near Artoria and Albedo who still were not able to move. Then he turned his gaze at Zesshi that was at the head of the bed. She was there smiling enjoying the sex scene.

"It's my turn finally."

He stared at her for a moment, then Ainz grabbed Zesshi by her hair. "This was your plan, wasn't it?" her face was near his

"Hehe~ I felt bad seeing them like that, my love. They almost were about to cry because they weren't your wives. So I decided to help them, but seriously, I didn't know that those two were hidden inside your wardrobe."

Ainz pinned her head down on the bed. "Haha, are you mad at me?"

"No I'm not, you will always be my favorite wife, because I love you so damn much."

"That truly makes me happy even more, my love"

The bond between the overlord and the half-elf godkin was very strong from the day they fought each other.

He spanked her ass and Zesshi screamed. "You like this, don't you?" asked Ainz.

"Like it? I fucking love it! This is the best! Do it more, my love! Release all your anger upon me. I'll take it all, my love."

Ainz began to fuck his wife very rough. She loved the hell out of it. After waiting for those three to finish, now she had her husband all for herself.

"Oh my god it's so big! Aahhhhh~ harder~ please harder~ aaaaaahhh~"

"After all these years, this pussy is damn tight like a virgin."

"Hehe~ is tight for you to destroy it, my love"

"Why are you so damn cute?!"

Ainz couldn't resist anymore and grabbed Zesshi by her throat. "AAAhhhhAAAAA~ this… is the best!"

It gave a feeling like she was dying but no, that was pure pleasure and she has been waiting for that. She loved how her husband violated her. Her ass was burning like fire, because he had been spanking it non stop. Her inside was filled with cum, because she had been fucked for hours by now, and she never asked to rest.

In the morning it felt kinda like he had been sleeping, but that was not true. Ainz had been laying upon his bed looking at the scene in front of him.

Zesshi, Albedo, Shalltear and Artoria were licking it. He let them do whatever they want to do with it. Ainz saw the floor guardians…

"Well… if this is what makes them happy… I don't mind. In the end, I will always love and protect them."
