
Chapter 14 - Let's get em all

It's been two months since the meeting with the big boss of DSC and Muzan. They have agreed with my plan to have humans and demons living together but they must not know it yet as it brings disaster if they know there's a man eating demon lurking together, they also gave a condition that the demons must sign a contract that stated they will not kill innocent humans which some demons doesn't agreed which I killed those demons and eat them.

" Father, can you call all the twelve Kizuki. I want to meet them for something" Yes, I started calling Muzan father since I was reborn into a demon because of him and mix with my blood. Hanabi became the official daughter of the Former Demon King and the Brother of the Current Demon King. I also gave my blood to my Family, making them a demon.

Anyway, stop with that and continue to the story. I already have a plan about the Twelve Kizuki and that is getting their demon arts while I will kill Muzan to get his Biokinesis, then revive them again.

" Sure, I still haven't introduce you to them as the next Demon King who shall lead the demons" Muzan smiled while playing with his so called Grandkids and daughter around.

Muzan telepathically calls the Twelve Kizuki and got immediately transported at the Infinity Castle. Yes, we are living at the Infinity Castle since it has a big space around and no one seems to like living here except for Nakime, the demon who created this Infinity Castle with her BDA.

Infront of us are the Twelve Kizuki looking at Muzan in fear and respect for being the strongest out of all the demons while still having that elegance and charm of a leader. While, confused who's next to him and the kids playing around with Muzan. This also shocked them when Muzan suddenly chuckle a little when Asaraki trip over.

Asaraki who trip immediately punch the floor super hard that it seems to threaten to break the Infinity Castle. This action alone cause Nakime to cough blood. Fortunately, I save her in time using Healing Blood Mist. If I didn't do that, we would be exposed to the sun and got the Twelve Kizuki killed and I don't want to waste my Time Reversal for something as easy to prevent.

"Sorry about my brother, Aunty. Do you want to play together with us" Kayama, the quiet and mostly the mature of the three said. While wiping the blood with his face towel. Smiling gently while swiping the blood that seeps in her eyes and mouth.

"Asaraki, you meanie. Look what you did to Aunty, she's injured because of you. Fortunately, Father is here to save her from death" Akara, the youngest of the sibling said while pouting. Mind you, they are kids that's almost 2 years old.

"Heh, who the cares. She dies because she's weak, that's all. Right Dad?" Asaraki said with contempt for Nakime for being weak.

" Right, but don't do it if you don't want to die too. You hear me" I said, threatening him. Must be my influence of being a bad guy. While I am proud of this kid for being strong, he's also a headache because he doesn't know compassion, unlike his sister who has one while Yakama, well... He is neutral most of the time and only intervene if it concern our families.

While the family is talking and reprimanding Asaraki, the twelve Kazuki become shocked upon the prowess, Asaraki displayed by injuring Nakime. A demon who's close to Muzan and even though she is not a fighter type, she is still strong.

" Let's stop this now and continue what we were suppose to do. Twelve Kazuki, I am here to announce you that I am retiring and make my son your new King of Demons, Akuma. While he may not look like a strong individual that's radiating in his body. Don't be fooled as he is stronger than me and through all these years, He is the first demon I turned to who conquer the sun at his first day of becoming a demon. If you are not satisfied with this, you can fight in a death battle to try and see his prowess for yourself" Muzan said while letting me know to step up by moving his eyes at me.

I nodded and walk while looking down at them.

" I don't have time to play with you all, so come at me all at once to finish this." I said as I looked at them, provoking by attacking first in a slow way to make them think I am not that strong.

Upon seeing how slow I am, the lower moons attack me, thinking that if they kill me they will be the new demon king and be praised by Muzan himself.

Smirking, My attack suddenly accelerated and spread widely as tendrils shoot out. Piercing them one by one in no time at all. Surprising by the sudden speed of my attack makes the upper moon cautious towards me as they see me how I consume the lower moons into a skinny demons that in a one tap, I can turn them to ash.

My eyes rotate as Eiegan was revealed. Using time reversal, The dead Lower Moons come back with confusion and the feeling of being stab helplessly.

This again cause another wave of surprise but I didn't let them think of attacking me by immediately killing them and absorb in a flash, then revive them again.

[ Twelve Kazuki statuses

Lower Moons BDA( lower moon 1 and 5): Sleep Inducement, Dream Manipulation, Thread Manipulation.

Upper Moons BDA (1 to 6, in order): Crescent Moon Blades, Cryokinesis, Destructive Death, Emotion Manifestation, Lightning Generation (this is from upper moon 4 Emotion Manifestation), Aerokinesis, Spear Projection, Avian Physiology, Sonic Scream, Wood Manipulation, Ability Combination (upper moon 4 emotion Manifestation ends here), Porcelain Vases, Obi Sash Manipulation.

Abilities acquired: Demon Slayer Mark, Transparent World, Indomitable Will, Extrasensory Perception, Flesh Sword Manipulation, Immense Durability, Immense Regeneration, Immense Speed & Reflexes, Immense Strength, Monstrous Transformation, Apathy, Keen Intellect, Fighting Spirit, Tactical Intelligence, Enhanced Stealth, Size alteration, Molting Transformation, Talented Artist, Hair Manipulation, Restricted Flight, Shared Biology, Skilled Courtesan.

Breathing Style acquired: Moon Breathing Style ]

That's how many I've got and many more like their fighting style or techniques that I didn't bother reading at all.

Now, I time stopped the place. Affecting all of them and walked towards Nakime and absorbing her, then revive. Next is Muzan, I did the same. Absorb him and revive. I cancel the Time Stop as they feel a painful feeling they didn't know why.

[ Muzan and Nakime status

Acquired Abilities: Combat Form, Demonic Blood, Demon Manipulation, Possession, Telepathy, Genius Intellect, Nigh-Absolute Regeneration, Eye Detachment, Talented Biwa Player.

Acquired BDA: Biokinesis, Infinity Castle.]

Seeing that it's hard to keep up and has many abilities, I combine most abilities I've got today.

[Name: Akuma Otsutsuki (Kibutsuji)

Species: Deviant Progenitor, Demon Progenitor, Otsutsuki Progenitor

Bloodline: Otsutsuki Progenitor, Demon Progenitor, Human

Str: SSS+

Agi: SSS+

Sta: Inf

Demon Slayer Sheets: Supernatural Senses, Instantaneous Regeneration, Eight Lives, Absorption, Transformation, Unlimited Stamina and Endurance, Sunlight immunity, Absolute Flesh Manipulation, Demon Creation, Accelerated Growth Rate, Disease Immunity, Absolute Biological Absorption, Hyper Awareness, Immortality, Information Sharing, Menacing Demonic Aura, Shape Shifting, Supernatural Blood, Enhanced Self Evolving, Species Curse Immunity, TCB, WBS, BMBS, Desired Self Transformation, Observation Ability, Godly Hacker, Godly Basketball Skill, Perfect Model Body, Deadpool's All Abilities and Powers( Read it at Deadpool's Fandom), Supernatural Intelligence, Mental Resilience, Craftsmanship, Adaptive Mind, Eidetic Memory, Charisma, Linguistic Proficiency, MBS, Combat Form, Demonic Blood, Demon Manipulation, Possession, Telepathy, Eye Detachment, Talented Biwa Player, Demon Slayer Mark, Transparent World, Indomitable Will, Extrasensory Perception, Flesh Sword Manipulation, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Speed & Reflexes, Supernatural Strength, Monstrous Transformation, Apathy, Fighting Spirit, Enhanced Stealth, Size alteration, Molting Transformation, Talented Artist, Hair Manipulation, Restricted Flight, Shared Biology, Skilled Courtesan.

Original Blood Demon Art: Blood Mist Parasite, Blood Mist Explosion, Healing Blood Mist, Blood Mist Creation,???,???.

Acquired BDA: Swamp Domain, Self Replication, Biokinesis, Infinity Castle, Crescent Moon Blades, Cryokinesis, Destructive Death, Emotion Manifestation, Lightning Generation, Aerokinesis, Spear Projection, Avian Physiology, Sonic Scream, Wood Manipulation, Ability Combination, Porcelain Vases, Obi Sash Manipulation, Sleep Inducement, Dream Manipulation, Thread Manipulation.

Naruto Sheets -/+]

I then use my observation to the abilities I combined

[ Hyper Awareness - Combination from Enhanced Extrasensory.

Perception The user has an increased sense of awareness far above those of the user's species, often to the extent that few, if any, little details miss their notice.

Supernatural Speed & Reflexes - Combination of Immense Speed & Reflexes.

Users can move at speeds drastically beyond what is naturally possible over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed far beyond the natural level, making them immensely faster than regular beings as they can travel anywhere from supersonic to hypersonic speed or even lightspeed and infinitely beyond.

Users have glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior reaction speeds over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, making them able to react faster than regular beings

Supernatural Durability - Combination from Immense Durability.

The user's body tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. are extremely resilient, allowing them to withstand harmful forces on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, changes in temperature, etc.

Also, users usually possess drastically enhanced levels of strength and stamina, due to how durable their body has become, allowing them to resist tearing muscles and/or breaking their bones.

Supernatural Strength - Combination from Immense Strength.

Users are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally stronger than their race because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level and superior to most supernatural beings in their verse; making them immensely stronger than normal members of their species can be achieved by any method of training.

Depending on the users, they are capable of lifting from large tanks to large airplanes and able to lift massive boulders and locomotives with ease.

Their high-level immense strength enables them to easily overpower users with Peak Human Strength and Enhanced Strength.

Users are capable of tearing the strongest metals like a piece of paper with their bare hands.

Offensively, depending on the users' strength, they can send opponents flying several miles away, create cracks in the lithosphere, or release a force of energy equivalent to nuclear weapons upon an entire city. ( Why is Absolute Strength Broken. I make it into Supernatural since this verse is a low level than Naruto)

Adaptive Mind - Combination from Tactical Intellect.

The user can adapt mentally to any situation/condition/event/environment, never being caught off guard in sudden changes, and instantly reacting to new situations.

They instantly and automatically analyze and understand any environment or situation, and deduce the most optimal course of action, allowing them to make the right decision in all situations.

Supernatural Intelligence - Combination from Genius Intelligence. Users are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more intelligent than other beings in their universe because their mental capabilities and applications are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely smarter than regular beings

Supernatural Senses - Combination from Enhanced Senses and the Heightened Five Senses. Users' sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe.

They can see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely far away places even in deep space, smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground and water.

In some cases, the user can develop a sixth sense and various ESP abilities, allowing them to perceive/sense things no ordinary senses can detect. ( I would make this an Absolute senses but upon seeing the capabilities, I stop myself) ]

Now, that's what I call OP. Well, I'm already OP before I came here but Beggar can't be chooser.

Giving my bloods to the Twelve Kazuki, gave them a massive boost and can finally transform into a human looking than an abomination. They can also walked out of the sun.

Night arrive and I immediately call all the demons through Telepathy and since I am the new Demon Progenitor and King to them, I know every location and can easily access their mission and read their memories. Even Tamayo and her assistant was called, making her surprise and cautious towards me.

The total demons population are around 900 plus. A small sum if I say so myself, but this should do. Also, the previous 20 subordinates I have was given two blodd drop each. Making them even stronger than the Twelve Kazuki and also, they are living with me all the time. Helping taking care of the kids.

" You! You are Tamayo right? I'm Akuma by the way and the New Demon King. I want you to kept on researching and making a better solution to kept our thirst for flesh humans. So that we can consume human food soon, I will help you in this project to finish it as soon as possible." I said while looking at Tamayo who seems to be in trance when she looked at me. What can I say, I am handsome with a perfect body and face.

" Ah! Ah yes! I am Tamayo and this is my assistant Yushiro. Demon King" Tamayo said happily. What the fuck is wrong with this woman. Is she braindead or something.

" Let's go and finish our research fast. Just order one of my 20 trusted subordinates if you need anything for your research and they will get it for you. Kazu, get a human and bring it here for research purposes. Also, don't eat the human" I said to one of my subordinate who nodded and dissapear in a flash.

Walking with Tamayo and Yushiro following me. We arrived at the research room where the necessary tools are. Since I got the Transparent World, Supernatural Intelligence and having my senses enhanced makes this easier as I see how the demon blood reacts to human food and destroying it into nothingness. Making it bland, and also how different the digestive organs of a demon and humans are. Even the taste buds are different as us demons likes raw while humans taste buds reacts to foods differently.

We continued this project for weeks while taking a break time to time since it's exhausting for Tamayo in mental state and I can finish it in one go but I don't want to. I still want to taste human flesh one last time.

Soon, two weeks has passed since then and the medicine of having our taste bud, blood reacting to food and digestive organs accepting human food was finally completed and we mass produce it by making multiple clones and self replication produces more of those medicine.

Now, our next project is making humans ageless or atleast immune to all disease which we did and finish it in ten years of hard work. I even create multiple clones for this project to finish it faster. We completed ageless medicine and Immunity to diseases.

For through out those ten years, many demons and human alike have kids and produces some new cells we called RC cells. It seems that the combination of Human and Demon cell produces a new type of cell which give you a skill of producing a tail, wings, armored arm or whole body armor, a piercer arm etc. and it will sprout on your back.
