
Chapitre 28

Chapter 28

That was… an interesting experience.

Griffons hunted using bow and arrow. Which made sense, they could use them with their hands, they didn't need crossbows like ponies.

Of course, ponies could also use bow and arrow, but crossbows was way easier.

The animals turned out to be somewhat small deer like creatures with ram horns. Never seen anything like it.

But they were clearly stupid animals. There was no comprehension on their eyes, they seemed more interested in eating grass than anything else. Which in this world was a really worry really, not that I thought the griffons ate people.

Now meat was cooking on the fire, the scent filling the air of the camp. I had not really felt like killing some deer thing, and it did seem like the griffons had no expectation that I would.

I was not the only pony there either actually. Sunset had declined, but the ambassador was here, as well as a couple of my guards.

"Do this often?" I asked as I settled close to him, a goblet of wine floating in my magic, "Doesn't seem to bother you."

"…Stay enough with griffons and you get used to things," Ivory Rock admitted, "At times, it helps not to look. But I can't help but notice that you seem quite comfortable as well."

"Been to plenty of dinners at their embassy, they serve fish. I figure those Saldian is basically big fish," I said, shifting my wings, "Besides, one of my best friend is a changeling."

"Princess Skitter?"

"Indeed," I agreed and relaxed, sipping my wine as I looked around, "This is turning from a camp into a party."

"Hunts usually does in my experience."

Nodding I watched the fireplace as a couple of griffons started to play a couple of instruments I didn't recognize alongside of some drums.

The tune was not one I knew, but it was interesting and kind of catchy.

It didn't take long before the party were at full speed. Laughing, dancing and more drink than you could shake a goblet at.

Thank Luna for earth pony resilience.

By the time a wooden plate with slices of sizzling meat arrived, I actually felt a bit of a buzz from the wine. For not tasting like alcohol at all, it had one hell of a kick.

"Lord Page," Silverlining said as she held the plate out, "Would you care to try some?"

I had not had any meat other than fish since I arrived in Equestria. The one I ate on Earth didn't count.

The griffons were lucky I didn't eat the entire thing straight of the fire place, clinging to the toasting deer thing like a changeling on a box of chocolates.

"Please," I said and picked a piece up in my magic before giving it a nibble.

Oh my Luna.

Marry me.

That was the most amazing thing in existence. I ate the piece of meat as slowly as I could, I still had some dignity.

"That is quite good," I said with a smile, "Better than expected, I have to admit."

She smiled and handed the plate over to my magic before moving to get a plate of her own, "What did you think of the hunt?" she asked when she returned.

"It was interesting. Firing a bow while flying like that can't be easy."

To say the least, even casting accurately when flying was tricky and that was mental as much as physical movement.

I haven't tried a crossbow but it had to be a lot trickier than using a spell and a bow have to be almost impossible. Not even sure a pony could do it. Hands were a lot more nimble than hooves.

"It's not. Take years of practice to be accurate."


Nodding, I tried another piece of the barbeque and sipped my wine, "Would be interesting to try sometime."

"I'll arrange that you get a bow before you depart," Silverlining said and dug into her own meal, "I'm not sure trying it while having wine is a good idea."

"I'm not sure me trying it at all is a good idea," I admitted with a grin, "I'm fairly sure the safest place to stand would be in front of my target."

That got a laugh from her, "Same as when I started!"

I glanced to the side. Ambassador Rock had retreated a bit away to talk with one of the hunt masters.

"What's Equestria like?"

I poked the grass with my hoof, "Different from Griffona. More magic, less… no, not less competition. Different. The construction is different, your capital is… amazing. Never seen anything else like it. Nothing else in Equestria compare."

Silverlining nodded a bit and ripped another piece of meat from her larger piece, "Would like to see it sometime."

"I'm sure there's to be a diplomatic meeting at some point. I'll show you around if you do. If your father agree with our suggested deal, trade would pick up between our nation, and so would travel."

"Sounds like it would be fun, I have always wanted to see Canterlot. Is it true it sit on the side of a mountain?"

I grinned, "It is actually, it's a sight to see at night, especially from a distance."

It's when you got close that you realized it was mostly full of stupid nobles.
