
Chapter 92: Family Reunion Episode II

Sitting in the pilots seat of the Milano I looked at the blue of hyperspace out of the cockpit window.

Serra sitting right beside me in the co-pilot seat.

An awkward tension in the air.

This continued for another minute before Serra broke it.

"Want to talk about it?" She asked me.

Referring to my mother, who we are currently on our way to go save from death.

"Not really." I replied.

For this truly is a complicated matter for me.

I knew Vima and Neema-Da-Boda were alive all this time, and I knew being the only other Sunrider descendants alive in the galaxy, that I know of, that one of them was likely my mother.

But now after those visions it's confirmed.

For I sensed it.

Neema-Da-Boda is my mother.

A mother who gave me up and allowed me to be raised by the Jedi order.

For what reason I still don't know, but I'm about to find out.

I just can't stop thinking about the answer she'll give me.

What if she gave me up because she wanted nothing at all to do with me? What if she resents me? I just can't stop thinking about all the 'what if' scenarios.

As if reading my mind, which she really wasn't since I would know if she was, Serra leaned over and gently hugged me. "Hey, it will be alright. We'll save your mother, and then you two can talk." She said.

"Yeah." I replied.

I'm so looking forward to that conversation.



[Halthor Sector, Ottethan System]

Coming out of hyperspace in the Ottethan System Van immediately activated the Milanos' cloaking.

Yes, cloaking.

For Van's allies, namely Arisha, managed some time ago to reverse-engineer the cloaking technology of the Scimitar.

Then once they did Van applied it to the Milano and had it done to many other ships as well.

Once the ships cloaking was activated Van activated the ships sensors to full range.

Since he remembered Ottethan was the capital of the Ottethan Empire, ruled by a warlord who was Neemas' husband, and the cause of her death.

'That bastard is also likely my father.' Van thought.

His emotions all over the place due to the thoughts racing through his mind.

Despite this Van wasn't completely out of it.

Which is why he was scanning the Ottethan system for any ships or defenses.

For it was the center of a small empire after all, and he didn't think the warlord who ruled said empire would leave the seat of his power undefended.

Van was proven wrong a few moments later when the results of the Milano's sensor scans revealed no ships stationed in orbit around Ottethan, nor any orbital defenses in the slightest.

'Wow, either this warlord is stupid, or he's just that much of an arrogant bastard.' Van thought.

Either way this made it easier to accomplish the objective.

Van got ready to accelerate the Milano toward Ottethan.

But halted his actions when the ships' sensors picked up a ship exiting hyperspace and entering the system.

This put Van and Serra on high alert, but they immediately calmed down a few seconds later for the ship that entered the Ottethan system was the Scimitar.

Now the personal ship of HK-47.

Which Van had given to the assassin droid.

Namely because the sociopathic machine kept asking him for a ship.

But also because Van felt HK-47 and the Scimitar were a perfect fit for each other.

A few seconds after he arrived in system HK-47 contacted the Milano.

"Statement: Greetings master and female Jedaii meatbag Serra. I have arrived to aid you as you requested." HK spoke.

For Van had contacted him after his visions and asked him to come on the mission.

For Serra and Van had no idea what they were walking into, and there was no better back up than a literal killing machine who could literally take down a small army by himself.

"Right on time HK." Serra spoke. "We were just to head down to the planet."

"Statement: Then let us proceed. There are meatbags down there we need to slaughter after all." HK-47 spoke.

Van and Serra ignoring his violent speech like they usually did.

Agreeing with the assassin droid the Milano and the Scimitar began flying towards Ottethan.

Van wondering exactly what the group would find on the planet.


[Ottethan System, Ottethan]

"Huff Huff Huff"

Out of breathe, yet knowing she could not stop running, Neema-Da-Boda continued pushing onward.

[Image Here]

Running through the forests of Ottethan, she ignored the footsteps right behind her.


As well as the screams released by her pursuers.


Let loose on her by her own husband.

The ruler of the Ottethan Empire and a warlord.

His name, Leoste Truyork.

A man who Neema thought she loves, and who she thought loved her back.

But she realized too late that was all a lie.

Leoste loves no one but himself.

It's why he slept with Neema's friends, why he imprisoned her in a status pod, and now why he has released Rancor to chase and kill her.

'How? How could I have been so stupid?' Neena thought.

But in the back of her mind she already knew the answer.

It was all her choice.

And now that it had bit her in the was she couldn't face the consequences.

It's why she called out telepathically through the Force to her mother for help.

But considering how Neema treated her mother the last time they were face to face she didn't really have much hope she would come and save her.

After all, she ended up being a horrible daughter.

As well as a horrible mother.

Remembering her son, Neema couldn't help but feel a longing to see him well up inside of her.

But that longing was immediately overshadowed by guilt and self-loathing.

"No. I have no right to see him. I gave him up and chose not to be his mother." Neema muttered to herself.

Right after she did so she tripped on a tree root and fell flat on her face.

The moment after Neena did so the Rancor surrounded her.

[Insert Image of Rancor Here]

Looking at the beasts Neema knew what was about to happen.

Yet she wasn't ready to die.

"Someone, please help me." Neema softly spoke.

Then immediately after she did the Rancor surrounded her were blown away by cannon fire from above.

Seeing this Neema directed her gaze upward snd saw two ships she had never laid eyes on before.

A black one and a white one.

While the former descended toward her, the latter moved to intercept the fighters coming towards then from her husband's castle.

Which it did so easily.

Flying circles around the starfighters under her husband's command the white ship blew them apart without any mercy or hesitation.

While watching this Neema also noted the black ship reaching her, and its bay doors opening.

After the bay doors fully opened a ramp descended and a lone figure, dressed in armor, walked down it and approached her.

Looking at the armored individual Neema could sense they were strong in the Force. She could also sense they had touched both the light and the dark side of the Force.

Reaching Neema the armored individual reached down to her and offered their hand.

"Come with me if you want to live." Neema heard a male voice speak.

She didn't say a word and simply took the inviduals hand.

For the Force was telling her it was safe to do so.

The moment after Neena took the armored individuals hand he pulled her up to her feet, and quickly carried her back inside of his ship.

The ramp ascending and cargo bay doors closing seconds after he did.

Once this happened the armored individual quickly took Neema to the ships med-bay and laid her down in one of the beds.

"Thank you." Neema said. "Whoever you are." She spoke.

After Neema did the armored individual paused for a second.

They then reached up, pulled down their hood, and took off their helmet.

Seeing the armored individuals face Neema was left speechless.

For she recognized it.

After all, mothers don't forget the face of their sons.

"V-Van." Neema muttered.

"Yeah. It's me. Hey mom." Van replied.

Initiating the first steps of the mother-son reunion.
