
Chapter 74: The Phantom Menace Episode IX

(Van: POV)

Breaking our lightsaber clash Maul and I took a few steps back from each other.

Immediately after we did do he charged at me.

Spinning his dual blade from side to side in a windmill motion.

Relying on all the training I had recieved I countered each and every one of his attacks.

Over and over again our blades clashed.

Then when I saw a chance I lashed out with a kick from my right leg, striking Maul in the chest.

The Sith stumbling back for a second I pressed my advantage.

Empowering myself with the Force I used Battewill and started raining down blows against Maul.

Despite this the Zabrak didn't make things easy.

Quickly closing his guard he countered my blows.

But he had an irritated expression on his face as he did.

The confident and cocky smirk from a few moments ago having disappeared.


He underestimated me and now will suffer the consequences of having done so.

"Hey Sith, what's with that look? Where'd all thst confidence I sensed earlier go? Don't tell me you're scared of little old me?" I asked.

Taunting Maul.

"Rarghh!" Maul snarled.

Increasing the intensity of his attacks.

But it mattered not.

Using my lightsabers and Makashi I held my own against Maul's onslaught and began slowly pushing him back.

(A/N: To be clear Van still has his gold lightsaber, he just crafted a second one, which has a white blade)

Realizing this Maul tried to take the fight elsewhere, and head into the power generator room like he did in the films.

But I was not about to let that happen.

Showing Maul I was in control of the battlefield, and not him, I used telekinesis to move several pieces of equipment and several crates in front of the door leading to the power generator room.

Cutting off Maul from his plans to change scenery.

His anger at me spiked in the Force when I did.

"Rargghhh!" Unleashing a more primal snarl than before Maul extended his free hand in my direction, and I could feel a Force Push heading towards me.

Quickly raising both my hands I countered Maul Force Push with one of my own, our two attacks clashing for several seconds.

Until mine won out.

My Force Push breaking Maul's own the Zabrak Sith was hit by my attack and thrown threw the air.

Slamming into one of the walls of the hangar.

Though he quickly picked himself up.

'His resilience is quite impressive.' I thought.

Then again Maul did survive getting chopped in two, so it makes sense he's tough.

Still, that won't help him defeat me.

Using a Force Jump I landed closer to Maul, just as he stood to his feet.

Then before he could act I raised my left hand in his direction, which I am using to hold my white bladed lightsaber, and used Electro Judgement. Sending out several golden arcs of electricity from my hand, which struck Maul.

Causing him to cry out in pain.

"Ahhh!!!!" Maul shouted. His body convulsing.

Ignoring his cries I used telekinesis with my other hand and moved Mauls' lightsaber away from him.

Once I did so I stopped using Electro Judgement.

I then closed the distance again, placing my lightsabers in an X formation around Maul's neck.

Then before he could even blink I moved my sabers, and using them like a pair of scissors I cut Maul's head off his body.

Right after I did so I stabbed him straight through the heart using my golden lightsaber.

Because with Sith you can never be too careful.

Since those bastards have a knack for coming back from the dead.

That's why I'm making sure Maul is dead.

Since I don't want to deal with a villain revenge arc like Kenobi did in the Clone Wars.

Removing my lightsaber from Mauls' heart I then proceeded to chop off his arms and legs.

That saying my desire to make sure the Zabrak Sith was truly dead.

Once I finished with that I collected Maul's body parts, and took his lightsaber for those things are too dangerous to be left lying around, all together and put them in a storage crate I cleared out.

Wrapping up a nice present for the Jedi High Council for when they come to Naboo to see with their own eyes the Sith were not as extinct as they thought.

Just as I completed this task my commlink started beeping.

So I answered it.

"Van here." I said.

"Statement: Master this is HK-47 reporting in. I have accomplished the mission you assigned me and destroyed the Trade Federation ship in space. So now all those inferior droids will be at our mercy and we can dismantle there bodies and melt them down for parts without having to suffer any futile resistance." HK-47 explained.

"Right. Good work HK. Now return to the ground quickly. There is still work to be done." I told him.

After all, there is no way I'm simply leaving Maul's ship the Scimitar just sitting where he parked it.

It would be criminal to do so.

"Statement: Yes master." HK-47 replied.

We then cut our communication.

The second after we did Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon rushed into their hangar, their lightsabers at the ready.

Only to pause when they saw me casually standing in front of them alone.

"Oh hey you two, what's up?" I asked.

"We came to assist you against the Sith." Obi-Wan explained.

"Ah jeez, thanks you two but your assistance will not be needed, for the Sith has been dealt with. Permanently. Here have a look for yourselves." I spoke.

I then opened the storage crate containing Maul's body and showed it to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

The latter looking ready to vomit.

I means it's like he's never seen a dismembered corpse before or something.

"Why, just why would you do such a thing Van?" Obi-Wan asked me.

"History." I replied. "From my review of the Jedi Temple archives on Sith it seems they have a nasty habit of not dying, even after being given a fatal wound. So based on that I didn't want to take any chances with this Sith. Thus me chopping up his body." I explained.

Closing the storage crate.

I then slid it over to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. "Well I'll let you two handle the rest from here, I've got some things to do." I told them.

"Like what?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Searching for any remnant of Trade Federation forces." I replied. "We have no idea if every single droid was deactivated when the control ship was blown up, and I would rather be safe than sorry, so a hunting I will go." I said.

Spewing bullshit our of my mouth that would make the dao of bullshit cough up blood.

Leaving the royal hangar before Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan could say anything else to me I began searching for the Scimitar. Eventually locating it.

Once I did so I went to meet up with HK-47.

Then after handing off Anakin's party, which included my two favorite droids 3PO and R2, to Padme and the Naboo the two of us headed back to the Scimitar and began quickly but carefully working to gain control of it.

Since there was no way Maul's shio didn't have failsafe's in place.

I was proven right less than five minutes into HK-47 and I trying to gain control of the Scimitar when the assassin droid detected a program that would completely destroy the Scimitars internal computer systems.

But once HK caught it he took care of it.

He then took care of all the other booby traps on the ship as well, which took two hours, but it was time worth spent.

For when all was said and done the Scimitar was ours.

Once it was I had HK-47 fly it to a pre-planned location we had discussed.

Then eventually the two of us re-joined the others.

After we did things moved along quickly.

Then before I knew it three days had passed since the occupation ended.

And on that third day we got a message the new Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine, and the Jedi High Council were making there way to Naboo.

Which told me it was time to start practicing my exit speech from the Jedi Order.

For the time for it to take place has finally come.
