
Chapter 25: First Mission Episode VI

A/N: Merry Christmas to all my readers. Well those who celebrate it at least. To the rest simply happy holidays.

May the Force be with you.


Nebula Front.

An organization that some call freedom fighters and others call terrorists.

Their overall goal and mission centered toward fighting the megacorporations and the local governments that bow down to them in the Outer Rim Territories.

They are also not a fan of the Republic either.

Recalling what I knew of them from my memories from my previous life I couldn't help but wonder if Dooku and I had just stumbled into one of the first missions of the Fronts' militant faction.

Well considering its leader is from Eriadu that is a high possibility.

But again I can't be sure since the founding of the Fronts' militant faction was never given a clear start date in the timeline.

Though the group's ending sure was.

Which has me thinking...

But more on that later.

After getting the information I wanted out of Vincal I stopped using the Force on him.

Just as I did so Dooku, and the personnel from the ORSF who accompanied him to secure Vincal's apartment, returned.

While members of the ORSF secured Vincal I explained what I had learned from him to Dooku.

"Nebula Front." He mused. "Well I have heard of them, but I was under the impression they were non-violent."

"Looks like they've changed their ways master." I said.

"Yes, it seems they have. Regardless, good work on apprehending the suspect." Dooku spoke.

"Much thanks." I replied.

The two of us then loaded up back into the armored vehicle we used to get her.

Vincal having been secured in a different one.

Once everyone was ready we returned to the ORSF base here on Eriadu.

The moment we did Dooku and I went to explain the situation to admiral Maarisa and CEO Wevis.

To say neither took the news lightly would be an understatement.

"Nebula Front." Wevis mused.

"To think they would be able to execute such well-organized operations so fast " Maarisa said. "Excuse me gentleman, I need to go inform governer Tarkin of this new development." She spoke.

Maarisa then walked off.

As she did I wondered how all of this was going to play out.


"Good work. With this your mission is complete, so return to Coruscant." Mace Windu spoke to me and Dooku as a hologram of him stood before us.

Along with the holograms of two other high council members.

Even Piell and Yoda.

Currently the two of us are on our T-6 shuttle.

It's been two days since we uncovered Nebula Front has been behind the attacks on the vessels of 'Valorum Shipping and Transport'.

During that time the ORSF has been mobilizing and running operations all over the Seswanna sector to apprehend members of the Front and put a stop to their plans, as well as planning a large-scale operation to address them.

Dooku and I helped out where we could, and we were both certainly ready to do much more.

But before we could we received a message the high council would be contacting us and now here we are.

Being told to stand down.

Even though Nebula Front is still very much a threat.

I resisted the urge to click my tongue and give the high council members standing in front of me a piece of my mind.

This is yet another thing I don't like about the Jedi of this era.

They are way too passive and non-confrontational at the worst times.

Instead of telling us to stand down they should let us continue our work as we have been, or maybe offer help.

But have they done that? No.

Similar to me Dooku also didn't like the decision the high council made.

I can feel his displeasure through the Force.

Then there is also the visible frown on his face. Which he can afford due to his status within the order.

Unlike me.

But soon a day will come when that won't be a problem.

And it can't get here fast enough.

"Master's you wish my apprentice and I yo stand down when the threat of this Nebula Front organization is still very much real." Dooku stated.

It wasn't a question.

"Calm yourself Dooku." Windu spoke. "You and your Padawan have completed the mission. There is no need for either of you to take further action. We've read your preliminary reports and from what we can see this Nebula Front, as they call themselves, can surely be handled by the ORSF."

"Yes, I agree." Master Piell added.

"Uncovered the attackers on the vessels you have. Proud you should be." Yoda spoke. "Now the matter leave to the locals you must. The Jedi involvement in this matter, no longer required it is."

'Oh master Yoda if only you knew how wrong you are right now.' I thought.

"This decision is final Dooku. Furthermore the governer of the sector said he no longer requires your assistance either." Windu explained.

'I see. So Tarkin is partially to blame for this as well.' I thought.

I can't help but wonder if it is on Sidious orders, or a decision he made himself.

The high council members having said their piece their holograms vanished and the holo-call ended.

Dooku and I then sat in silence for several minutes.

Until finally I decided to speak once more.

"Master, are we really just going to leave?" I asked him.

Even though I already knew his answer.

"The council has made its decision my apprentice." Dooku replied. But he was choking out his words as he did. "Furthermore it seems governer Tarkin has requested we no longer aid his people in combating the Nebula Front. Thus there is nothing more we can do here. No matter how much we may dislike that fact."

"Yes master Dooku." I replied.

Once I did Dooku and I decided to do some meditating.

For we both needed to get our feelings under control.

Once we did we started preparing to leave.

Only to stop when we sensed a familiar presence outside the shuttle.

Heading outside Dooku and I found admiral Maarisa and several of her people waiting for us.

"I just heard. You've been recalled to Coruscant by your order." The admiral spoke.

"Yes. We have." Dooku replied.

"I see." Maarisa mused. "Well good luck. And also, thank you for all your assistance in this matter master Jedi. The same goes for your apprentice." She said.

Giving us a genuine smile after she did.

Making me realize she's probably not so bad.

She just ended up looking up to the wrong man.

Makes me wonder how a couple of the Empires top officials would've turned off if given a different choice.

And maybe I can be that choice.

"You're welcome." I told the admiral.

"Yes, what my apprentice said are the same sentiments I have as well." Dooku added. "Take care admiral." He spoke.

Dooku and I then boarded the T-6 shuttle and headed for the cockpit.

We then turned on all the ships systems and began ascending into the air.

Pretty soon we were in hyperspace, an route back to Coruscant.

Me having just successfully completed my first mission.

At least by the current orders standards.

But by my own, not in the slightest.
