
[Soul Aid]

In Dyon's view, Titus knew next to nothing about the him now. But, Titus believed he had gleaned something. At least, he believed he knew enough to extrapolate the outer limits of Dyon's strength. As a result, he had, of course, come prepared.

"You're a fool." Dyon sneered. "You did all of this believing that I would be in a rush, that I would be worried. This isn't the reality of the matter. It isn't my strength you've underestimated, but that of my wife's. Do you believe that a Sacharro woman would be so weak?!"

Dyon's roar seemed to shake Titus out of his fantasy land. Dyon never had any intention to rush his way with the middle tier to save a damsel in distress, because Madeleine was the furthest thing from a damsel. Not only did Dyon not believe that Titus knew the true limits of his own strength, he was certain that he had underestimated Madeleine even more.
