

"Kernick Caedes." Dyon suddenly said. "Come forward."

A tall young man with soft features stepped forward. His hair was the very same magenta hair that was the staple of the Caedes family, but it didn't seem to give him the same murderous intent.

This young man was none other than only Duke of the quadrant and former key wielder and Legatee of Soul Rending Peak.

It was a shame. Although he was well liked, he had his key stripped of him by Lilith. Then, just now, he had his Legatee responsibilities stripped by Dyon. It felt like everything he had worked toward his entire life was taken from him to be worn by someone else, and these people also happened to be his betters, making him feel incredibly stifled. No matter how much of a good soul he was, how could he not feel anger?

Seeing the young man, Dyon looked him in the eye. "How do you feel about my arrangements? My giving your younger cousin your key? My stripping you of Legatee responsibilities?"
