
Feel Free

Dyon sat silently, watching as Ri and Madeleine proudly stepped onto the stages.

Suddenly, a piercing and rumbling voice entered his ears. "Watch carefully. Let your anger stew. I want to defeat you at your peak so I'll be sure to tell my juniors to slowly tear your wives apart."

Dyon didn't need to look to figure out who this rumbling voice was from. It was clearly Femi Geb.

But, he kept his emotions locked within himself. How often had he tried to allow Ri and Madeleine to grow on their own? He had trusted them during his first campaign. It was time to do so again.

That said, this Femi character would die. And he would die a horrible death.

Almost immediately, their plan was put into motion. There in no time, there was a line of eager challengers waiting – and it was no secret to anyone that most stood before Ri and Madeleine.
