
Chapter 80 : Unbreakable

The battle started back up again, but this time, Kin and her soldiers had the upper hand. Everyone on Duri's side was getting beaten badly, blood sprawling all over the place with grunts and screams.

The giants in the Giant clan were still stepping on enemy soldiers, but they were getting their legs and ankles chopped off, making them fall to the ground.

Duri was bashed across the face with a giant Minotaur fist over 20 times, then he was hit in the stomach.

Duri flew across the ground, rolling everywhere. Duri's eyes were puffy because of how wounded they were.

'They're..trying to keep me from taking my headband off, but forgot that I could make shadow hands.'

Duri made shadow hands come out of him to take off his headband, but Kin came out of nowhere and grabbed those shadow hands, destroying them.

Duri gasped, and Kin grabbed Duri's face, and slammed him into the ground, causing the ground to split four ways and made an explosion like a nuke going off. Then, Kin started flying forward with Duri in her grasp.

Kin said, "Oh, I'm gonna have fun with you! You must think you're good..trying to ruin my first day as a queen..you're crazy."

Seven was getting cut all over the place with swords, and a red orb blasted in front of her, blasting her to the ground.

Seven sat up with a purple glow around her body, and she sat up screaming loudly, and the purple energy blasted from her body, dissolving the energy soldiers around her. But then she was attacked again by the enemy soldiers, and they were knocking her around brutally with their fists and powers.

Zaiyen and Hinata, her parents, saw this, yelling, "Seven!"

They ran over to her, but they were attacked too.

Tek was being choked on the ground, as the soldiers were constantly stabbing Tek's armor over and over, trying to break through it. And Butler was floating above them, holding his umbrella with power leaking from the front.

Tek used his chain to knock enemies back, but they came back to apply more beatings. Tek had to cover his face with his chains, while the armored soldiers kept trying to stab through it.

Tek spun around back to his feet, using his chains to knock enemies away. Butler shot a yellow beam at Tek, but Tek jumped out of the way, letting the beam break the ground beside him.

Once Tek stood up all the way with blood dripping from his face, he was kicked in the cheek hard by a golden armored soldier's boot, and it sent him flying 200 feet back.

Kazuma, wounded and battered also, saw Kin and Duri in the air, and he went up to them.

Kazuma yelled, "Duri!! I got you! Don't worry!"

Kazuma threw fire dragons at Kin, and Kin reached her hand out to them, destroying them.

Kazuma kept throwing them, but Kin kept destroying them.

Kin said, "Why do you proceed to attack when it is hopeless?"

Nine came from out of nowhere, and she almost hit Kin with her speed. Kin gasped, leaning backwards to dodge, thinking, 'She almost hit me? In my Titan stage? I should kill her now.'

Kin teleported over to Nine, and grabbed her head, making Nine yell.

Kin laughed as she slammed Duri's head and Nine's head together really hard, causing a sonic boom to burst out. Nine screamed as she flew backwards with her hands out.

Kin thought, 'I can understand the Titan boy, but that girl's head should've exploded from that attack. No..that flash of light when I made contact, the Judges kept her head intact. They're still lurking. They're still as fast as light, I can barely see them still. They're teleporting all around the area, creating a dome made out of themselves. They're protecting these brats from giant blows. Smart. But..it's not enough. I wanna talk to Duri..if I go full power on his friends..I would not get what I want from him. He'll be belligerent.'

Nine was falling back to the ground as she gritted her teeth, sticking her hands out with electricity coming out.

Nine almost cried in pain, but Seven came flying up behind her, catching her.

Nine said, "S-Seven?!"

Seven responded, "Don't go dizzy on me..we're gonna..kill this bitch!"

Seven held Nine from behind, they both stuck their hands out towards Kin. They both had their eyes whiter than ever, with blood all over their faces and body; they both had sparks and bright lights coming from their hands, and they allowed their other hands to share their power energy.

Seven said, "Ready..Nine?"

Nine answered, "Let's..fucking go..!"

Seven and Nine let out a loud yell as they released a giant blast of green, white, and purple energy, and it headed towards Kin.

Kin stuck her hand out to the power, but Duri raised his foot to the power, and tried to merge with it.

Kin gasped, and she moved Duri out of the way, and she started to crunch down on Duri's head. Duri immediately went into full shadow form, making his head tougher than usual.

Kin stopped Seven and Nine's attack, and absorbed it in her hand. She threw the attack back at Nine and Seven, but Kazuma flew in front of them, and created a giant fire wall. Kin's attack hit the fire wall, but it created a large blast on impact, making Seven, Nine, and Kazuma fall down to the ground, slamming against it as the enemy soldiers started to attack and beat them brutally.

Kin said, "Now then..the Judges."

Coming from below, it was Jiyu and Espen on a shadow dragon, coming up at Kin, shooting at her with rifles.

The bullets stopped in front of her, and they burned up.

"This is the best you children can do? You attempt to ruin my chances of being a queen, and this is how you attack?"

Jiyu and Espen answered, "No…this is!"

Just then…Shiryu jumped over Espen and Jiyu, holding a staff like Espen has.

Kin said, "I hate domains."

Shiryu, Kin, Duri, and the Judges were in a domain, a domain that looked like the Harvest realm. And they were outside of a house that looked like Kin's old house when she was little.

Kin looked at it, still holding Duri by the hair, saying, "This..this..I know this place.."

Kin started to walk into the old and dirty house, stepping inside of it. She took her shoes off out of habit, and walked all throughout there.

She walked slowly, rubbing her hands on the dirty walls, her bare feet stepping quietly on the creaking floors.

She said to Duri, "The kid with the staff created a replica of this place. And yet..it feels so real. He must've read my mind to get a good picture of this place. The memories..I used to sit outside of the house, wanting to play kingdom with the other children. They either said, 'Women can't rule over men', or, 'She's too poor and dirty, she doesn't even look like a noble.' I hated them."

Duri responded, "And THAT..triggered all of this?"

"Unfortunately, yes. My parents told me I was a queen, told me that I was important. I just wanted to feel..loved. Loved by someone. My parents showed me love..until they didn't..they died."

Kin started walking up a set of old creaky wooden stairs, continuing, "And then..Reborn showed up. He showed love to me genuinely..stood up for me multiple times."

Kin walked into her old room, and she saw she had sets of toys that resembled kings, queens, knights, horses, and villagers.

Kin let go of Duri, walking towards the toys, sitting down on the floor near them.

Duri looked confused, he wanted to attack or make a move to his headband, but Kin said, "Do not reach for your headband, and do not attack. You won't have enough time before I attack. The Judges are outside of this house, I bet they're trying to use their speed to take your headband off. They can't do that either. Even though they're fast..it's not like I can't react to their movements. If those Judges attack, I will kill your friend Shiryu who is standing at the top of the mountain. Just..let me have this moment."

Kin pointed at the floor, commanding Duri, "Sit down."

Duri hesitated, then he started to limp over in front of Kin, sitting down on the floor.

Kin started playing with the toys, and she said to Duri, "Here. You take this toy, and you play the villager. I'll be the villager too.

The bondages in Duri's wrists had snapped, and he reached for the boy villager toy figure.

Duri thought, 'What the hell..is going on? Better yet..her hostility is going away. Can I attack now? No..I wanna do something..but there is truth in her words..I don't want her killing Shiryu. I gotta do what she says.'

Kin started to grab some toy knights, and she put them on toy horses, galloping over to Duri's toy and Kim's villager girl toy.

Kin made the knights stop in front of Duri, and she made them say, "Halt! What's your business for being on this road to the castle?"

Kin switched to her girl villager toy, responding with a high voice, "Oh-Oh nothing, knights. We're just wanting to see what it looks like from up close. We heard so many stories about it we couldn't help ourselves! Right Duri?"

Duri rolled his eyes, and he said with his toy, "Yeah. Move aside or fucking die."

Kin looked at Duri, "That's too violent. We're only children in this story. Do it again."

Duri sighed, using his toy to say to the toy knights, "We just want to see what the castle looks like up close."

Kin grinned, and she made the toy knights say, "No can do, brats. This area is off limits to commoners."

Kin used her girl toy to respond, "But sir! There's gotta be something you can do!"

Kin switched to the knights, saying, "Sorry. But maybe if your parents had just a tiny bit more money, maybe you could see the castle. The poor don't get privileges. People like you."

Duri thought, 'I should step in and say something. Maybe that will make Kin calm down..I wanna be on her good side. In this situation, and considering what the stakes are, I'm gonna need to be.'

Duri made his boy villager respond to the knights, "Oi, you don't talk to her like that. Or even the poor in general. They may not have privileges like you rich bastards..but they're blessed still. They are still alive, they still have hope because they are still alive, and they aren't alone. Even when they think they're alone, they aren't. Talking down on the those who didn't grow up with fucking gold made for a house…will bring you down eventually."

It was silent in Kin's room, and Kin's lips were trembling, and she shed a tear.

"That..was beautiful, Duri. I thought, you'd be like Reborn. Reborn was ashamed of me when we were in front of higher ups, AND he didn't stand up for me around soldiers that looked like knights either. Saying I wasn't worthy of anything. I thought at least one person liked me..but I was wrong. I just wanna be loved, Duri. That's all I ever really wanted. And I have to be a queen to have more love than anyone."

"People are obligated to love you if you're a queen. They'll show love because they're afraid of what might happen if they show hatred. You murdered..tons of people. And you kidnapped..my mother and the Hosts. There's a lot of people who hate you for what you did, just so you can try and gain acceptance and love."

"You're wrong. I've met my townspeople, and they love me."

"And if they tell you they hate you, what are you going to do? Fucking kill them?"

"…No. I'll do whatever it takes to make them eventually love me. What's the point of living just to give up in the end? I don't care how long it takes, someone will love me."

Duri gasped, thinking, 'She's..not lying. She's telling the truth about wanting to be loved, and about Reborn being ashamed of her. Why..am I sympathizing with her?'

Duri said, "Back when I was a child, I used to be jealous of other kids because they could control and use their shadow powers well. I trained hard every day and night, breaking my body just to get to where my classmates were. Yeah, I wanted to be accepted by the classmates, but not just them, but by the guardians of the shadow realm, and my best friend..Jae. I didn't stop working hard, I kept going and going. And then eventually, billions of people are accepting me for who I am, people who love me because of the good I did. And a mother that loves me because of how hard I worked to get to where I am now."

"What are you saying..?"

"I'm saying I didn't need to do evil shit to be loved. I didn't force anyone to love me. And to be honest, I forgot all about it when I arrived on earth. I just wanted to be the strongest being to ever live, and kill Zabel."


Kin stood up, and turned her back to Duri.

Kin said, "You wanted to be accepted. Like me. You have shown me a different perspective of you. You are not a bad kid. I can't force myself to kill someone who wanted what I want, who understands me. No one after Reborn has understood me. I know about you Duri, but I just wanted to see if you and I were really alike, I wanted to see how you were in person. I'll let you and your friends live, if you all leave immediately. I'll stop my forces from fighting, even though they may have slaughtered all of your friends now."



"You still have my mother and the Hosts..and you've killed people."

"I did what it took to be loved. And now that I'm here…now that I've gotten what I've always wanted..sitting in that void prison like a caged animal..I'm never going back to that state. I hate being lonely."

"I hate being lonely too, but you have to release the Hosts. We didn't fight this hard..we didn't get our asses beaten this bad..just to turn around and fucking leave. Why would we come this far..just to give up in the end?"

Kin shed another tear, and she said, "I'm sorry, Duri."

Immediately, the entire domain shattered, and they were back in the Diamond realm.

Shiryu gasped, "Impossible!"

All the Judges that were around got blasted by Kin's force of wind, blasting them backwards and breaking the bones in their body.

Akio and Hanna fell on the ground grunting in agonizing pain.

Kin grabbed Duri by the neck, floating in the sky and she shed more tears, saying, "Forgive me."

Duri replied, "…."

Kin headbutted Duri, causing a sonic boom to go off, and Duri flew downwards, with his back hitting the ground, causing the ground to crack by a bunch, causing a massive explosion and hole in the ground.

Kin raised her hand, and giant red swords came from the ground, and they pierced everything.

Duri was hit by one of them, and the swords blasted Duri like an explosion; everytime he hit the giant blades by accident. It was like pinball, The swords kept blasting Duri around, and Duri was getting bashed each time.

Kin came out of nowhere, and she punched Duri in the back, and Duri spit out blood, and some of his shadows on his shadow form was going away.

Duri yelled as he flew upward, Kin was punching Duri in all spots, teleporting around the area, each hit had the pressure of a nuke, and Duri's shadows on his shadow form were disappearing.

Kin hit Duri in the chest, and Duri started flying back while blood spilled out of his body tremendously.

Duri was floating in the air, Kin stood between all of her swords, and she pointed at Duri.

The swords all began to dash past Duri while cutting him, knocking him around like a rag doll.

Duri was falling to the ground, with barely a few shadows left on his body.

Kin thought, 'Those shadows are tough to break..and I am hitting him with Titan power. He is truly..amazing.'

Kin got behind Duri, and she started flying backwards, and there was another castle in sight.

Kin put her hand on Duri's birthmark, feeling that half of his face was still a shadow, and she ripped the skin off of the birthmark.

Duri's face started bleeding more, and he screamed loudly with tears. The string sound waves from Duri's horrific scream sent Duri and Kin backwards far, and they had crashed through the nearby castle, rolling and smashing through the armory room.

As they rolled, Duri grabbed a nearby sword, and tried to stab Kin with it. He stabbed her on the head, but the sword shattered.

They both bashed through the castle wall, and they were back outside. Kin had Duri by the head, and she said, "Me and you have our similarities. It really sucks that this has to happen. If anything, more than anything, I would've wanted you to accompany me. But I see that you are overthrown by being a hero…"

Duri replied, "I may save people…but I…I'm not a hero..I'm just a guy..who's gonna fuck you up…"

"Sayonara, Duri."

In the blink of an eye, Duri was snatched up by someone else, and was placed on the ground.

Kin blinked, and she said, "What..? Z..Zabel?!"

Zabel was standing in front of Duri, looking up at Kin.

Duri looked up and saw Zabel, and Zabel turned to look at Duri.

Duri gritted his teeth, and he tried to stand up, yelling, "Zabel!!!"

Duri was immediately forced to the ground by Zabels gravity attack, and Duri tried his hardest to get up, but he looked at Zabel with a menacing look.

Zabel started to remember Duri as a child, remembering the menacing looks they gave each other.

Zabel said, "Duri."

Duri responded, "Don't worry..I'm gonna kill you too! Right after that woman up there!"

"You're weak in this state now. I'm buying you time. Take off the headband as soon as you get a clear distance."

"Why don't you just take me right here right now?! Huh?!"

"I'm not foolish like Kin. If I take you, the Titans and the Hosts and your puny friends will come after me in the Arcane realm, and we are not ready to fight them yet. You've grown quite a bit, not gonna lie. Seeing you as a puny kid, and then seeing you now as a bruised up warrior. But believe me, I'll get you one day. My plan is still intact. But if Kin kills you here..all my hard work would be wasted. Can't let that shitty shit happen."

"Damn you-!"

Kin said, "He's not leaving!"

Kin teleported to Zabel, but Zabel was already behind her, and he stabbed Kin through the back of the head with a karambit, lifted her up and slung her away, making her crash on the ground, but she was getting back up.

Zabel grabbed Duri by the back of his pants, and threw him out pretty far, thinking, 'When he takes his headband off, I don't want him near me. He'll instantly go for Kin if I'm not around. I'll be able to tell if Duri is in his Titan state too, since his mind is basically my playground. But..he hasn't reached for his headband while around me..how come? Even though he had the time..he didn't..'

Kin said to Zabel, "Don't interfere!"

Zabel answered, "Aren't you my brother's ex-girlfriend or whatever?"

"No..he betrayed me when I needed him most. A friend I thought was a friend. But look at you..invading another realm just to stop me from being a queen also."

"Um, actually no. I'm buying Duri time."

"A man helping his prey..how pathetic! I know about you..everyone knows about you."

"You could say I'm pretty popular."

Kin dashed forward, but Zabels gravity weighed Kin down to the ground fast. Zabel was already running past her holding two karambits, and he sliced her head off.

Kin's head grew back instantly, and she turned around and started throwing fast punches and kicks, and she was launching them as fast as light with the strength and pressure of 1 million bombs going off. Zabel was blocking and attacking with karambits at the same speed, none of them got a hit on each other. Their clashing was super fast, and the ground around them was breaking and cracking each hit, wind circulated around them quickly, it caused earthquakes to form around them.

Zabel and Kin let off a hit on each other, and they both blasted backwards in the midst of the chaos around them.

Kin raised her finger, and the ground began to rise and crumble around Zabel.

The pieces of the ground glowed red, and they blew up in red energy.

Zabel dashed past it all, cutting it all down with his karambits; he slashed the air with his blades, and a black and gold slash shot out at Kin.

Kin destroyed the slash with a punch, but a slash hit her in the back, making her fly forward.

Kin thought, 'I need to stop Duri before he takes off his headband, but Zabel is reading my movements perfectly, and he's on par with me!'

Zabel slammed his karambits down on Kin's head, slicing her in half vertically, making her half body hit the ground in a large boom and destruction.

Kin started to regenerate, and Zabel said, "I hate you very much. Regeneration is a dick power. That's just my opinion."

Kin punched Zabel in the chest, sending him flying in the air. Kin dashed up to him, and started punching giant holes in Zabels body.

Then she palmed Zabel's chest, and a bright red light shined in Zabel, and it exploded. Zabel was blasted back farther in the air, and he started to regenerate almost instantly.

Zabel raised his hand and stuck it towards Kin, and 100 foot long black and gold staff's started to come diagonally from the sky, shooting towards Kin.

Kin raised her hands as the ground rumbled, and 100 foot long red swords came from the ground, and they shot out at Zabel. The swords and the staff's collided, making another explosion.

Miles and miles away, Duri was holding his gut as he ran forward, thinking, 'Please be alive..please be alive..please be alive…'

Duri had immediately forgotten about Zabel, seeing that he was near Kim's castle, he began to think about his friends. Thinking this was the perfect time to check on them since Kin was distracted.

Duri was near the front of Kin's castle, worried if his friends were still alive.

Duri kept going and going, until he came to a stop.

Duri took heavy breaths, and he released a sigh, saying, "Guys…"

Kim's soldiers were all cut in bloody pieces, laying around the ground slowly regenerating. Standing on top of the bodies, was members of the clans, some of the Hosts, Voel, Tek, Seven, Nine, Espen, Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, and Shiryu.

They all were covered in blood, breathing heavily with the fists clenched.

Seven whined, "Duri.."

Tek asked, "How did you get away from Kin?"

Duri replied, "Zabel is here..he's distracting her for me. I..wanted to go full Titan mode on him…but I thought of something."


"I always depended on my Titan form in tough situations. I'm gonna beat Kin without it."

Everyone gasped, "What?"

Kazuma says, "But we need that to really win.."

Duri responded, "No we don't. After I talked with Kin, and shared a piece of my life with her, I started to go back and think about how hard I trained for moments like these. I started to appreciate the strength my hard work has given me. And the reason why I didn't turn back to fight Zabel, was to see if you dumbasses were alive. And because I know I would lose if I fought him in this state, I wouldn't even have time to reach for my headband. The old me would've done everything to attack Zabel without thinking. But we have no time to talk, we have to go with our original plan now..we're gonna bring the sun down on Kin. The Judges are knocked out because of Kin, but we can still do this."

Tek responded, "I don't know if my chains can even reach up to this sun's realm.."

Makumen, leader of the Giant clan, walked up to them, saying, "It can. I know your family of chain users, those chains can go as far as the user's mind will take it."

"But what if the sun..destroys half the realm..?"

"It won't. Each realm's sun is smaller than the realm itself."

Garda, leader of the sword clan added, "It's true. If we manage to slam this down on Kin, her soul would perish due to the sun having power within it, and the heat from the sun would evaporate her and her own soul as well. A realm sun is literally made of power. She wouldn't survive if it was slammed into her. That being said, we'd have to move out of the way as soon as it falls, for it will destroy a good portion of this area."

Terra, leader of the sword clan, asked, "We need Kin to be still in one area for this plan to work. We can't directly hit her if she's constantly moving."

Nashu, leader of the shield clan, added, "And these soldiers are regenerating slowly now because of their body parts scattered all over the place, but we need to kill Kin before they fully recover. So until we can fully get Kin to be still and kill her, we have to keep destroying the body parts of the soldiers so they can regenerate even slower."

Espen says, "That's pretty smart.."

Ren-Ren asked, "Any idea on how to hold Kin still?"

Seven asks, "Where..did Duri go?"

Duri wasn't around them, no one noticed that he had left.

Kazuma says, "Whyyy does he keep leaving?"

Tek replied, "We've known Duri long enough to know that he's planning something. We just have to trust each other. As soon as I attach these chains to the sun, we're going to need a lot of us to pull the sun down. Just like the exams when we all worked together to pull back and slow down the train so Duri could destroy it..this is the same concept."

Everyone nodded, even the friends and Voel.

Voel sat back, thinking, 'These kids have definitely grown a lot..ever since the exams..they've proven themselves.'

Tek looked up at the bright realm sun, and he took deep breaths.

'Can I actually do this..?'

Kazuma walked up beside Tek, and said, "You got his, buddy."

"Don't call me that. We're acquaintances."

"Right. Acquaintances. Gotcha."

Tek stuck his hands out towards the sun, and he shot chains out. They were dashing up there pretty far, but then Tek grunted, and the chains fell to the ground.

Nine asked Tek, "What's the matter?"

Tek answered, "It hurts when I try to expand my chains longer than I ever have been able to do before."

Ren-Ren replied, "Surpass your limits like a shounen protagonist. Or..are you gonna keep letting Duri take all of the credit?"

Tek gasped, and he blasted his chains upward, saying, "Hell..no."

Over a couple miles out, Zabel and Kin were still battling, with loud banging, explosions, and lights flickering in the clouds in the sky.

Kin was punching holes in and out of Zabel's stomach and chest, and she blasted him with red beams from her fingers.

Zabel crashed to the ground, but he regenerated and got back up, vanishing in plain sight, then dashed behind Kin.

She turned around to Zabel, and they started to collide again with the fists and karambits.

Zabel grinned, "Looks like my time is done here."

Zabel disappeared, and Kin stood there, "Huh?!"

Immediately, a bunch of insanely large shadow snakes came at Kin from below.

Hundreds of giant shadow snakes were surrounding her and trying to attack her. Kin blasted them all away with the wind from her hands, and more shadow snakes kept coming.

'Shadows..Duri is back. But without his Titan form?'

Kin stretched both arms fast, knocking all the snakes away and making them evaporate.

As soon as they were clearing, Duri was on Kim's arm, biting into it, with shadows coming off of his teeth.

Kin grunted, ready to attack Duri, focused on the pain sleeping on her arm.

Above them, more giant shadow snakes arrived with hundreds upon hundreds of shadow weapons in their mouths and bodies.

Duri thought, 'They should be tougher that way!'

Kin reached up to touch the shadow snake, but it vanished, as shadow bears with shadow wings came from Duri's back.

Kin grabbed Duri's head to crush it, but Duri spun around fast over 10 times as Kin was crushing down on him.

A hundred shadow bears formed from Duri, and they all leaped at Kin, and even more shadow bears appeared.

They were swarming Kin like bees, and Kin kept teleporting away while still trying to crush Duri's head.

Kin kept teleporting, and shadow weapons were shooting out of all the shadow bears stomachs.

Kin kept destroying them easily, and she looked down, and saw that she was holding a shadow sword now.

Duri was riding on a shadow bear, thinking, 'Switched places with my shadow weapons..I can only do that with the weapons, but not the figures I create. It's useless fighting her with my shadow figures, she'll just destroy them all. But they're useful for other things.'

Kin said to herself, "He's not here anymore..?"

Duri yelled, "Kin!"

Duri was floating behind a shadow knight figure that he created that looked just like Kin's toys she had.

Kin instantly zipped over to Duri and hit him with a glowing red fist.

Duri used both hands to connect with the fist, and Duri was sent back far, smashing on the ground with dust covering him.

Kin said, "That felt..odd."

Kin looked down at her arm, and saw she had a red and white shadow snake on her, wrapping around her right.

Kin gasped, thinking, 'He merged with my power?! I was careless! I knew he could merge with seen powers, so I was careful not to fight him with anything that glowed or could be seen. Hiding behind a shadow knight that looked like my toys when I was a kid..it just triggered something in me. I thought he was mocking me..I thought he was mocking my insecurities! My past!'

Kin looked down at Duri, and saw that Duri had white and red hair, white and red lines on his face, and his eyes were red.

Duri thought, 'I can't stay in this merged form for too long, I'd give it two minutes. Since I'm already damn tired, I only got a little boost of adrenaline after the merge. I just need to hold Kin long enough for them to hit her with the sun.'

Kin clenched her fists hard, getting angrier, saying, "I..won't let you beat me! Not when I am queen! I won't let you ruin this for me! I just wanted to be loved!"

Duri responds, "Don't we all?!"

Duri and Kin zapped to each other at light speed, and Duri created red and white shadow weapons, and started throwing them all over the place, switching places with all of them simultaneously.

Duri kicked Kin on the side of the head, kicking her head off of her neck.

Kin grew her head back, grabbed Duri's leg, and slammed him into the ground, breaking the ground into a million pieces.

Duri twisted upward and hit Kin in the face with a red fist, punching her over and over blowing holes in her face, stomach and chest.

Kin was punching holes in Duri's face and body, but Duri was regenerating as fast as Kin was. And Duri's birthmark grew back along with a chunk of his cheek.

Kin thought, 'He even gained my regeneration!'

Kin yelled, "It doesn't matter! I'm immortal! I can regenerate! None of you can take me down! I am a queen!"

Duri screamed, "Shut up!"

Duri hit Kin hard again, separating them by a few feet.

Kin immediately made giant 100 foot red swords come from the clouds diagonally, and Duri made 150 giant red swords come into existence from the shadows on his arms, and he shot them at Kin, and Kim's swords were coming at him.

Duri was running on the swords, and Kin was too. All the swords exploded in red smoke and energy when they collided, but Duri and Kin continued to fight.

Duri kicked Kin in the chest, blasting a hole in her.

Kin punched Duri in the face, blasting half of his face off. They both regenerated, and they kept going with the blows. Duri was giving it his all, while Kin yelled, "You should've used your Titan! You'll lose this without it!"

Duri answered, "Depended on my Titan self too many times, let me feel good about this fight..dumbass.."

Duri grabbed the top of Kin's hair, and pulled her head off easily. Duri spun around and hit Kin in the chest with her own head, blasting Kin a few miles back.

Duri started flying towards her, and he was losing his merged power.

'Shit! I gotta catch up!'

Duri zipped over to Kin, and while his merged power was going away, he formed over 200 red and white shadow dragon snakes, and they wrapped around Kin, choking her. Duri lost all of his merged power, while the shadow snakes were turning back to a black color.

Kin was regenerating, and she tried to break out of the snakes with ease like usual, but Duri put Kin in a chokehold, and a shadow snake head slithered up in front of them, with its color changing eyes, and it was performing the same cursed move he did earlier.

The snake stared at them, and Kin was bleeding tremendously from the inside, and she was paralyzed. Duri was bleeding from the inside as well. They both were grunting in pain, Kin kept regenerating, but Duri wasn't regenerating anymore.

Duri was bleeding out of his mouth, eyes, ears, head, and fingernails. He cried because of the pain, thinking, 'Hurry up..'

Kin thought, 'I can't move! This is a cursed attack…seems like only the shadows can perform this..I can't budge at all! Even with my Titan powers..I still can't move!'

They stood there enduring more pain for a few more seconds, and Duri's friends and over half of the ally army arrived but they were swinging on chains, and those chains were connected to the sun.

Kin thought, 'What are they planning? How are they moving the sun?!'

Duri thinks, 'Drop it! Drop the damn sun please!'

On the chains, Seven said, "Duri's holding her! We-We can't drop it on them


Tek answered, "We have no choice!"

"You're willing to let him die?!"

"It's not that…I think he knows what he's doing.."

"It's suicide!"

Nine yelled, "It's now or never!"

Kazuma said, "We gotta do this! Duri will be okay like always!"

Ren-Ren said, "We have no choice.."

Espen and Jiyu and Shiryu nodded at Seven, and Seven sighed, "He better be okay.."

There were thousands of people on the chains, including the giants and clan leaders and members and Hosts, ready to pull it down.

Tek yelled, "Pull in three..two…one! Pull!!!!"

Everyone on the chains heaved, and they started blasting downard. The realm sun started to descend fast, making a large wind howling sound.

Tek and the others used all of their strength to pull, their eyes watered because of the speed, and the sun was getting closer to the ground.

Tek exclaimed, "Keep going!"

Seven replied, "Go!!!"

Everyone yelled at the same time, "Pulll!"

Nine exclaimed, "God..speed!"

The sun was coming down faster, and Kin thought, 'No..no! They can't be! No!'

At that moment, the Judges came in and helped with the chains, including Akio and Hanna.

Duri thought, 'Fuck!'

The sun was getting closer and closer, with the area turning brighter and brighter.

It got too close now, and Duri released the cursed snake ability, jumped in front of Kin and stuck his left hand up.

The sun slammed on his left hand, but Duri began to merge with it.

Duri was glowing yellow with his eyes glowing white and his hair glowing yellow, all while he was still merging with the sun, and his other hand was choking Kin, and Kin couldn't escape or teleport away. Even if she could teleport away, Duri would still be holding her wherever she goes, and Kin knew that, so she tried to use brute force to escape, but it was no use.

Kin said, "Let me go! I'm a queen! People love me now! Why are you ruining this for me?! I thought you understood!"

Duri responded, "Yeah..I fucking do."

Duri merged with the entire sun, and he slammed his hand on Kin's face. Kin leaned her head back, and her whole entire body glowed white, and her body was evaporating loudly.

Duri held his hand there for a few more seconds, and Kin said, "I'm..I'm sorry..seems like being loved..really is a privilege..a privilege that I can't have.."

Kin fully disappeared, without a trace of her left.

Duri's friends and Allie's dropped to the ground, and they ran over to Duri, asking:


"Are you alright?!"

"Say something!"

Duri just stood there, and he looked up at the sky. Yellow and white energy flowed from his eyes and nose, ascending back into the sky like smoke, and it was forming the sun again in the sky.

Everyone watched in awe, and this went on for a few more seconds. The realm sun was fully back in the sky, and Duri said, "It's over…"

Tek added, "About time.."

Duri said to Tek, "Good job, asshole.."

Tek replied, "You did well, foolish birthmark boy."

Seven stepped up to Duri, and they stared at each other, Seven looked annoyed.

Duri said, "Seven.."

Seven instantly hugged Duri, and Duri paused. Seven said, "You're annoying as hell, dude."

Duri used one arm to hug her back since his other arm was more sore than the other, and he answered, "I know."

Duri, Tek, Ren-Ren, Kazuma, Jiyu, Nine, Seven, Shiryu, and Espen stood together, talking to each other. With Seven and Nine inspecting Duri's wounds.

Voel said, "I am truly surprised you all made it this far..this day has been..a journey. But we did what we came to do, and we got it done.."

Duri replied, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Where are they?"

"Right there."

Duri and his friends turned around, and they saw Marshy, Xenon, Kedarah, Sith, Hanako, Chaos, and Tetsuya walking towards them.

Everyone looked over at them, and Duri started limping and walking over to Marshy.

Marshy said, "Durriiiiii!"

Marshy and Duri collided with a hug, holding each other tight. Marshy and the other Hosts inspected the blood on Duri and the blood and bruises on everyone else.

Tetsuya said, "You all came for us….fought for us? You all went this far, having near death experiences..to save us? I am pleased. You are all brave warriors, survivors, and great fighters. I thank all of you."

Hanako walked up to Duri, patted him on his head, and moved on to talk to Ren-Ren.

They stood in front of each other, and Hanako said, "Hello."

Ren-Ren answered, "Sup."

"You've finally met your clan again I see."

"You knew about me.."

"Yes. I'm going to train you too. So be ready."

"Uh, I don't let people train me. Especially people under me. I can train myself."

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

Garda, leader of the sword clan, walked over to them, talking to them.

"It's good to see you, Hanako."

"It always is. Thank you all for coming."

Everyone was talking amongst one another, with Jiyu hugging her parents, Kazuma talking to Host Chaos, Tek standing away from everyone, Espen and Shiryu talking with Host Tetsuya, and Nine talking to the giants.

Nine asked, "I thought you were all fake."

One giant responded, "We're clearly real."

"Kinda looks like CGI."


"Just saying what's on my mind."

Xenon was shaking hands with his dad Voel, and Xenon said, "How were they..?"

Voel responds, "The kids were great..worked together to achieve the seemingly impossible. And Duri..he's something else. But he's strong. And not just for himself, but for others.."

Xenon looked at Duri, and watched as Kedarah was trying to spoil him as Marshy was pushing her away. And he saw Zaiyen and Hinata all in Marshy's face, bragging about how they came to save her. All Marshy did was give them the finger.

Duri said to Voel, "Yeah he is. He's not bad. Still a brat, but not bad. But..are you okay? Why the hell are you fighting, old man? If it was up to me, I would've told you to stay back. And did you bring any cigs for me?"

"I did." Voel handed Xenon a cigarette and a lighter. "There's no way I would've stayed back knowing my son was taken by an Ex-Host. Your mother was worried sick, she begged me to go after you even though I already made up my mind about going to save you. I went to the clans for help, and they easily accepted it."

"You are something else, old man. But I uh..don't like saying thank you a lot. So I appreciate it fully."

"It's no problem at all. Do you want to go talk to Terra?"

"Nah, I'm goo-."

Terra, leader of the ax clan , came up behind Xenon and put him in a headlock.

Terra said, "Well, what do ya know? It's Xenon! You dumbass! Why'd you let yourself get taken?!"

Xenon answered, "Ehhh, don't feel like answering."

"Don't feel like answering? I changed your stupid diapers, I need an answer."

"I appreciate you and everyone else coming for us."

"…Xenon..it's nothing to thank us for. If one of our people is in trouble, we instantly go out to them."

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

Sith was walking around, saying, "Mannnn I misssssed the fighting! I wanted to chop people up…keh…keh..kehhh..keh.."

Chaos said to Sifh, "You know, it would really help you if you walked around and talked to people, instead of carrying this sinister-."

"I'll slice you up."

"I'm sorry, king Sith."

"Don't be sarcastic with me, I'll kill you!"

"Sorry, your highness."


Marshy asked Duri, "So..how did you guys manage to kill Kin?"

"It's a long ass story. Super long. For a moment, I felt sorry for Kin. I sympathized with her. She just wanted to be loved, Reborn betrayed her, she thought being a queen would make everyone love her. I genuinely felt bad for that crazy bitch."

"I've been in the same boat. But then I'm reminded of what they did to achieve the happiness they were looking for. I just learned to move on, even though it was hard forgetting about the enemies I've felt pity for."

"Yeah..you're right."

Standing far away watching them, was the 5 Centurions of Harvest. One of them was holding a small spiraling glowing white orb, saying, "We've collected Kin's soul and the souls from her fallen soldiers. This should be enough to raise Reborn.."

(2 days later)

[Duri and Marshy's house]

[Saitama, Japan]

Duri was sitting at the table, eating while watching the news on the TV.

The broadcast said: "The cities and other cities around the world are still being rebuilt by users with fixer-like abilities, with a man named Kei leading a cleaning team in Saitama. He says school will start back up in about a week. In other news.."

Marshy walked through the door slowly, and she said, "Duri.."

Duri looked at Marshy, "Yeah?"

"Don't freak out."

"What? You found a boyfriend? Where is he? I'll murderize him."

"No! No! No! No! Listen, they've found someone.."

"Found who?"

"Someone with..shadow powers, like you."

Duri gasped quietly, slowly standing up.

"Could it be my dad? Does he have a birthmark?"



"It's a girl…"

[Unknown location]

[Inside of a large cave]

The 5 centurions stood around in a circle, with a rotten body laying on the floor in the middle of them. It was Reborn's body.

A glowing white orb was twisting above Reborn's body, and the Centurions chanted something weird in a different and unknown language. Reborn's body started to twitch a little, and the white orb was shaking side to side.

The Centurions kept chanting, and white smoke was flowing into Reborn's body.

Reborn's body began to be restored, and the Centurions smiled under their hoodies.

This kept going for a few more seconds, white streaks started to flow inside of the room, and it was windy. Reborn's body was still twitching over and over, and then after, there was a loud spark like a lightning bolt above Reborn's body.

Reborn was blasted straight on his feet, with his body fully restored. The Centurions stopped chanting, and they fell to their knees, choking up blood.

Reborn watched them, and said, "You all have a deadly disease inside of you. That was the price you all paid for using a resurrection ritual."

One of the Centurions answered, "It..it's worth it, Reborn! Welcome back!"

Reborn started to walk forward, saying, "Smells terrible in here."

"Sorry, we'll make it smell better immediately."

"No need. The souls you've gathered were turned into soul energy, destroying the existence of Kin and the others you used for this ritual. Some of you were confused. I do not like confused subordinates. Makes me want to kill them. But I myself am no killer unless attacked."

Reborn stood outside the cave with his Centurions, and he said, "Now then..I hope you are all ready. I will enjoy the earth for a while while undergoing a disguise. Though I am filled with more power, I cannot fight just yet until my powers all come back at once, which is slowly happening. Dealing with my brother Zabel and his witch friend is a priority as well. We will carry out these plans once we are ready. Be ready."

This is the end of part two “Unbreakable”! What was your favorite moments in part two? What did you like most about part two? What characters stood out the most to you in part two?! Leave your comments down below! And thank you all for your support!

Part three, “Immortal” will be posted tomorrow night! Stay tuned!

JOSH_ONEcreators' thoughts