
Chapter 46: Sword and Anvil

“That’s impossible,” Gwynfor says, “How would a rock from your mountain become our clan’s most priceless possession? We’re on completely opposite sides of the Crescent. Our people have no relation to each other.”

“Maybe we don’t anymore,” Elyhandros says, “But I’ve been working with the stone in Mordyn my entire life. I can tell.”

Gwynfor doesn’t look convinced, and frankly, Selmas isn’t either, though his worries lie more in the Stone’s ownership than if Elyhandros is telling the truth. If the Bloodstone really is from Mordyn, then they have a claim over it, one that the Alyrisin can’t really contest without turning the argument into a battle.

“Are you saying that you want to keep the Stone?” Byrin asks. “Because, sorry, I don’t think we can let that happen.” He looks uneasily at Selmas and Gwynfor. “Can we?”
