
Chapter 260 - My Dad Wants to Meet You_1

Ye Xingguang thought about the time. Ye Junqi would be fast asleep by now. If she called him and he did not answer, it would only disappoint her father. So, she opted not to take out her phone and said, "Dad, I'll call him tomorrow. He's asleep now."

"Call him." Song Chuanqi insisted.

Ye Xingguang was helpless. Her father probably thought that Ye Junqi completely adored her. She blamed herself for painting a false picture for her parents due to her acting skills when she called them. Now, if she calls and Ye Junqi doesn't respond, wouldn't it be a slap to her face?

She hesitated for a while, trying to dodge the situation. But her father kept urging her to call. With no option left, she dialed his number, hoping that he would be supportive. She didn't want to be embarrassed.

In fact, at this time, she wished he was by her side. The call he made to her earlier gave her support and a sense of security.
