
I shall make a gun out of you 1/2

[ 6 years old ]


Damn it, why are guns so loud?! How annoying.

"What do you think young master? It is a new sniper model designed and manufactured by Sweden."

"Hmmm, it is pretty good. I like the range, but I still think Soviet snipers win in that aspect."

"Well, that was the last one left to try from this month new arrivals."

"I see... well it was useful set of guns even if there was none on this month's collection that was actually worthy of focusing on."

"Bring back up the ones I usually use. I will continue here for a while so bring some apple juice as well."

"Understood, young master. I will be back right away."

Sigh, it has been taking me longer than I wanted to figure out what I am missing to complete this alchemy. I already know many gun designs in an out, yet the circle is messing things up for me, especially since there are letters in the circle.

The incomplete part is a piece of the letters as well as the actual reason why there are many letters in the circle. How am I supposed to figure something like that out!

Well let's calm down... while I said it took me longer than I wanted, it hasn't taken longer than I expected. In fact it is pretty normal for it to take a long time to learn something incomplete without a teacher and without being a master on the subject.

A few months later.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*


"Good job young master, should I get you some apple juice to celebrate?"

"Good idea."

"Do you wish for me to inform the master and mistress about it?"

"No, not yet. I have finally made it, but I only succeeded in making one, I want to actually be able to make any gun first, then make several of them. I will inform them once I have truly done it well."

Well it was quite messy to learn but I eventually figured it out. Some of the letters are responsible for the transformation into different materials, such as making gunpowder out of the floor.

The rest of the letters are mainly either to select the number of guns or their characteristics, basically depending on how much or in what way you input the mana through certain letters, the process of making the guns will be much simpler. Quite similar to programming actually.



[ 7 years old ]

Twenty cannons, all pointing in the direction of a hut, opened fire at the same time.


In an instance, the hut's location was covered in smoke and ashes.

"What do you think?" I asked, turning back and looking at the wide eyes of my dad.

However, it was my mom who spoke first. "You will be coming with me to Atlas."

"Atlas?" I asked, a bit surprised. I though she worked on the clocktower with dad

"Atlas is basically the counterpart of the clocktower but instead of focusing on magic it studies alchemy."

"Huh, really? Then how come I haven't heard of it?" I have vague memories about it, but I thought they were very seclusive so I kind of stopped giving it any thought at all, besides they didn't mention it at all.

"I work there." she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You don't work in the clocktower?!" I exclaimed surprised.

"No I don't, sigh, okey look, in Atlas there are six Sources, they are basically the equivalent of lords on the clocktower. I am the daughter of the one who currently holds the position of fourth Source." well this is unexpected.


Well then why didn't you tell me before woman?! You could have taught me alchemy stuff instead of giving me books so that I figured out everything myself!

"My family focuses on bio-alchemy, so I went to the clocktower hen I was young to study from what the Einzberns had there as well as the basics of magic from their perspective. I met your father there.

Anyway, all that is besides the point, what matters is that the second Source, to whom your transmutation circle that creates a spike was shown to, said that if you created something else soon which surpassed that circle, you should come to Atlas to present it. It is an opportunity to improve the relationships between our families since his family is focused on the transmutation side of alchemy you are dwelling into." she explained.

"Hmm, I see." well this is unexpected, but not bad. I barely know anything about Atlas so they might not be as messed up in the head as the guys of the clocktower... who am I kidding, mom comes from there and she is pretty messed up so I have extremely low hopes.

Still, if I were to impress them perhaps I could sell them the new circle I created in exchange for some materials that I am starting to need... yeah, that seems like a solid plan.

If you are thinking something like if it would be a good idea to give messed up people the ability to create cannons with a symbol, the answer is I don't care. First of all they wouldn't re-sell it since they would loose their advantage of having something no-one else knows about, second... it is not like not having the ability to make cannons will stop their experiments or whatever.

"Well I for one think that it would be well sold to enforcers of the church." huh, that is a great idea dad! I could make a solid exchange, like give me knowledge on purification arts, that way I could find a way to deal with Angra Mainyu. Okey this is going pretty well.

Am I scared it will fall into the hands of a certain sadistic priest? Well the answer is no. Right now he is nothing more than an empty man, by the time he becomes a threat in like ten years or so, I should have enough strength to dal with him, as well as a philosopher's stone to prevent me from dying.

"Hmm, we'll see about that, for now go and tell... what was your butler's name again? Ugh never mind, I don't care, just go and tell him to get your things ready, we will leave to Atlas in three days." huh, a bit sad that she doesn't know my butler's name but whatever, honestly I would have been more surprised if she did know him.

"Okey." I replied.

By the time we stopped talking, the smoke generated by the impact of the cannons on the hut had long disappeared, along with the hut itself.
