
Sleeping Together

Yuki and Yumie then went to bed and snuggled together. While they were hugging each other to sleep, Yumie asked Yuki, "Are you still awake big sis Yuki? Yumie said softly, afraid that Yuki was already asleep and might wake up.

"Yes. Why Yumie? Yuki said while turning her body towards Yumie and continued, "Also can you not call me big sis anymore? I feel weird when you call me that." Yuki said because she doesn't want to be called big sis since Yumie is the older one but she just keeps it a secret for now.

Since Yuki still doesn't want to tell Yuki her secret of being reincarnated here. It does not mean that Yuki doesn't trust Yumie but she wants to wait for the egg to hatch and talk to both of them to talk about her past.

"Why?" Yumie asked. Yumie is confused since she believed that Yuki was older and stronger than her that's why she wants to respect Yuki by calling her big sis.

Yuki was about to lie to Yuki but when she saw Yumie's cute and confused gaze she stopped and decided to tell the truth.

"No, it's just that... Fine, I'll tell you. I'm younger than you." Yuki said then continued, "I'm just a few days old actually. Yuki then lowered in embarrassment.

"Wha... What!?" Yumie stuttered asking Yuki. Yumie then got up from her laying position and looked at Yuki with wide eyes.

"Hahaha..." Yuki's laugh was dry. She was scared right now that Yumie has learned the truth about her real age. Yuki was scared of Yumie leaving her after realizing that she was older than Yuki.

"Are you serious? You're not joking with me right big sis Yuki?" Yumie asked. Yumie still did not believe Yuki.

"Yes, I'm serious. Sorry for now I can't explain the reason, for now, you just need to believe me Yumie." Yuki said with pleading eyes at Yumie.

Yumie looked at Yuki in disbelief that Yuki could make a face like that. So she didn't ask Yuki further since she has complete trust in Yuki.

"Ok then. But what should I call you then?" Yumie asked.

"You can just call me Yuki you know. Since I treat you as my blood sister and I just see you as my little sister even though you are older than me." Yuki said with a shy smile at Yumie.

"Ok, then Yuki!" Yumie then said with a bright smile. "Let's lay down now big... Yuki, I'm tired and so are you. I want to be in good shape for my last test."

"Sure!" Yuki then snuggled in Yumie's arms. This scene looks cute, especially Yuki who was being hugged tightly by a pink lizard that is twice the size of her.

The morning then came by.

When Yuki finally woke up she saw that Yumie was already gone and was outside the cave. Yuki then got out of the cave to see what Yumie was doing. When Yuki saw Yumie who was fighting a group of No Rank demon hound Beast.

Yuki then smiled at this and said in the subconscious, 'Nice she is a hard worker I like these.' She then walked over to Yumie to greet her.

Yumie was startled by the sudden appearance of Yuki since she didn't feel the presence of Yuki who walked toward her. Yumie then was hit because she was distracted by Yuki and was sent flying from the attack by a hound.

"You scared me, Yuki! Please don't conceal your presence like that!" Yuki shouted at Yuki in an aggrieved voice.

"Hehehe I'm sorry." Yuki just chuckled and rubs Yumie's head and added, "Don't worry I'll not do it again." Yuki then smiled evilly which caused Yumie to shiver.

When Yumie saw that evil and sadistic smile she wanted to run far away from her since that smile is what scares her the most after training under Yuki's guidance. That smile was her worst nightmare ever since she started her training because when she wanted to rest Yuki will show that smile and give her a harder task for her to do which when she remembers it cold sweat started to form on her forehead.

She didn't want to remember all the suffering that she experienced again in her life but she knew that she cannot escape it since it is one of the ways for her to become stronger.

"Are you ready now Yumie because if you are then we'll start right now so that it is early so you can have a good nap later at night?"

She then raised her paws to create Ice Swords in the air and killed the remaining 12 demon hounds. The demon hound's head flew into the air and their body then flopped to the ground.

Yumie still cannot help but turn her head away at the bloody scene where blood and heads were scattered everywhere. "D.. Do you have to ki.. kill them like that Yuki?" Yumie asked while stuttering since she felt disgusted at the scene.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry." Yuki said with a grin and continued, "Anyway since that is done we should get started now."

She then patted Yumie's back and walked towards the deeper parts of the forest into a clear small field and created a 10/10 meter Ice Pillar. Yuki then bit her paws for the blood to ooze out and strengthen the Ice Pillar with her blood and since her blood is naturally stronger she decided to use it. Yuki was confused about this why her blood was stronger than other beasts but she just put this thought into the back of her head since it didn't matter.

When Yumie saw the giant Ice Pillar her eyes went wide at this and thought to herself, "Do I have to destroy this? No, that's impossible.' Yumie then decided to ask Yuki about it.

"Ummm... Yuki, do I have to destroy this? I mean this is massive I don't think I have the power to destroy this." Yumie asked Yuki whether she would have to destroy this in one hit or not.

Yuki chuckled and said "Fufufu... Silly of course not. I decided to change your test and what you will have to do is you have to punch a hole in these Ice Pillars, for a perfect score here you have to attack it once to make a hole or just use ten moves to pass. You can also just practice your attacks by using this Ice Pillar as a punching bag so you can sharpen your moves even though they are just basic.

"Ok, then that's all I'll leave you now." Yuki said and added, "And if you think of cheating by luring other Beast to attack this I'll give you a punishment that you will not forget." Yuki licked her lips and walked away after that.

Yumie's knee went weak after seeing Yuki because she did have the thought of using another Beast to help her but she quickly put an end to that after seeing Yuki. She then walked towards the Ice Pillar and shouted.

"I can do this!"
