
~When Teddy visits~                                   

Chapter 302

~When Teddy visits~

Blueeeyes came at the edge of the wall, lurked at the wall, perched like a mouse once he beheld Teddy look around before joining Mrs. Fanny in the bedroom. Blueeyes wondered what they were up to, bit the lower lips and smacked his lips as he tiptoed to the edge of the door to listen to their conversation and peep through.

One of the twins, started off with a sob and Mrs. Fanny pressed him to her bust and petted her till he slept off again, before she raised her gaze upon her eternal tormentor who had stood at the door since he walked in, scowled his face at her with his hands pocketed.

"You put to bed of my twin babies and you never bothered to inform me, uh?" he groaned and said yet further,  Or you think I wouldn't be aware you put to bed of twins?"
