
~Virgen betrays Lucy~                                                  

Chapters 284

~Virgen betrays Lucy~

Trust and loyalty? Two key words that Virgen lacked and that was it; deficiency of such virtue was enough to trap Lucy and thus it happened…

On the evening of the same day the oldie died, Virgen linked up with Lucy at the night club and she pretended all through that all was well. He never, mentioned a thing to Lucy neither did she bring her in the know that she might be in trouble since her favorite customer was dead. Rather Virgen kept mute just to establish the jealousy she had nursed against Lucy all this while. She couldn't wait to see Lucy  behind bars.

Ever since Lucy acquired her new car and home, Virgen had marked her for destruction and now the oldie  had died, she knew police would be after her now, and because she wouldn't want Lucy to escape into a hiding place that would amount to the law not trapping her down, she kept the death of the oldie from her and pretended nothing had happened.
