
~Sex toy~                                      

Chapter 225 

~Sex toy~ 

It was late hour when Mrs. Fanny was woken up by deep throated moaning that sounded not too far from the bedroom. Once she opened her eyes from slumber, she only could recall that Ken had left angrily and went to the balcony where he smoked into the night all alone. She threw her stare on the wall clock and it was past two. She wondered who could be moaning at such high tone. It was a sensual moan of one hitting orgasm repeatedly…

When she drifted to the balcony, Ken wasn't any where around. She only could see ashes of the cigar he had smocked and a few butt of the cigar he couldn't smoke till finish. She tried to trace the moaning but then the moaning had stopped abruptly, only to start again but this time louder and deeper, and it stopped finally.

When she checked up on him at the toilet, he wasn't anywhere around. She looked puzzled.
