
Start of the [SAO] Anime Production

Tokyo Animation Studio, Elffire City.

Gail Hart had just exited the creative meeting of the [SAO] Anime.

It was his first time participating in a meeting like that, and even with his rich experience in the industry, the meeting was an eye-opener for him.

He was able to see with his eyes the process of the creation of an anime.

He was so surprised by the number of talented people working in this studio.

Even though Gail did know much knowledge outside of In-Between animation, he still was able to see that his coworkers were very talented.

Everyone was very knowledgeable in their own areas.

But the thing that surprised him more was the level that his bosses were at.

Boss Gray and Boss Riverdale could answer any doubt that the animators had in their tasks.

And the way they answered was as if they knew everything.

That was especially the case for Boss Gray, he was always so calm in his answer.
