
Chapter 7 - You again

"Do you want to continue?"

"Yes." I say breathlessly the word sliding from my lips like a sigh.

I look up at Orion as he smiles affectionately at me. Like in trance I just watch as he crouched down to kiss me sweetly. But soon I can't think straight anymore as he deepens the kiss. I feel happy as he kisses me passionately. His hand roams to my neck and when his mouth leaves mine he starts sucking on the skin of my shoulder. I moan and when I open my eyes I see Orion looking at me lovingly. He leans on to kiss me again and I answer the kiss as lovingly. It's as if I was in a trance-like state not able to think anything too long. When Orion went down my body I can feel how he traces kisses as he goes. To my neck, to my chest, to my stomach. When he was going even down there something shadowy and black appeared behind him. I scream as I can see the thing grin at me it's eyes boring into mine. Terrified I cry out for Orion. He was instantly next to me trying to calm me down and asking what's wrong. I just cried to Orion's chest eyes closed mumbling incoherent words.

I wake up hugging Orion like my life depends on it. I must have passed out.

"Are you alright?" Orion asks worry in his voice.

"Y-Yeah. Th-the shadowy thing-?"

"Don't worry. I'm here and keep you safe. The thing you saw vanished already. There is nothing to worry about. You can sleep if you want to."

"Okay. I'm just glad it vanished. I must sound crazy to you. Seeing and hearing weird things." I say my voice small.

"Don't think like that. You're not crazy. I believe you." He says hugging me and patting my hair. "What ever it is I'll protect you."

"Thank you Orion." I say smiling.

I'm in a white space, all I can see is nothing but white as long as I can see. Is this another dream? Then I hear it.

Enjoying your stay here?

You again. What do you want?

You haven't been able to continue forward at all. I'm here to help.

What? Why would I believe you?!

Remember this. If you can't go forward you are stuck here for the rest of your life.

... You can't be...?!

"Serious"? But dear this is a really serious matter. You should already realize this much. Since if you don't you're never going to get out.


Let me tell you what. I'll help you. You just need to go to school again starting tomorrow.

But, isn't the killer on the loose? Is that really safe?

You are still safe. For now at least.

Okay. I guess that's good enough.



Don't lose yourself on the way there.

I wake up next to Orion. Can I really trust that voice? But do I really have any other choice? He seemed to be serious about going to school. And how am I going to do that now that my legs are like this? Annoyed I kick the mattresses only to realize that my legs are working again and aren't hurting anymore too. Is this his doing?! That's awesome! I hop out of the bed and see that I can finally walk. Orion wakes up and when I see him I smile down at him.

"Orion look! I can walk again!" I say excitement in my voice. Orion looks at me smiling from the mattress and says yawning: "That's good. I think I need to lay down for a while though."

"Hey, can we go to school today?" I ask him.

"What about the killer on the loose though?" He asks a little frown on his face.

"If we are together I think it'll be fine."

"Yeah, maybe you are right. But you can't be alone. There are those bullies and the killer so promise me you won't go off alone?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I won't so don't worry." I say smiling.

We left after eating breakfast and went to school together holding hands. Finally at the school we went to class which was staring in 10 minutes. On our first period we have art lessons. We were painting fruits. As I looked how Orion was doing my jaw opened at his painting.

"Orion that's really good! It really looks like those fruits. You are really talented at this! Can you teach me? Please?" I ask amazement on my voice.

"Sure." He says smiling a shy smile. Orion showed what kind of colors he used and different kinds of techniques to use. I actually learned from his teaching and got myself a pretty good painting as well. When it was lunch break we ate together and chatted. On our way to the next class I saw something very interesting. In front of us was Sean and Hunter and some random students. We were behind them so they didn't see us when Hunter slapped Seans ass. No one else didn't see that. Just us. I whisper to Orion: "Did you see that too?"

"Yeah." He says with a low voice.

"Maybe they are together too?" I ask smiling. I got an idea as I watched them interact.

"Maybe." Orion says answering my question. This can get interesting. I smirk and decide to get my plan in action tomorrow. First I need to convince Orion.
