
Have Fun With Oppa

"He grumbled at first, because he was tired of having to pose like that. Who asked him to pose like that. He's had enough of sitting relaxed. He'll still look handsome. Why make it difficult for yourself, right?"

I chuckled softly at my mother's story. Uncle Niko seems to have a goofy nature too.

"Niko came closer to Mom and saw the results. Being that close to her made Mom's heart skip a beat again. We're so close. Even her arm is slightly touching yours! But Mom is grateful that Niko likes the result. She says she looks cool. Then Mother asked if she wanted to keep it.

Niko turned to Mom and smiled warmly."

I'm still silent listening to Mother's story.

"I think I'm going crazy. Niko's perfume is so masculine it really messes up my mind.

Niko said Mom could keep it. After that he left Mother!"

"Wooow, so cool!" I cried, grinning widely.
