

I sat across the street in the library, leaning my back against the bookshelves behind me.

You Paijo, he keeps hanging around the school, so I have a hard time avoiding him.


I gasped in surprise when Yogo's deep voice said my name. My heart felt like jumping.

Oh, right! Gepeng said, the heart can't jump from its place!

"You're looking for Paijo, huh! It's like a chick looking for its mother, you know! Go find it!" Yogo ordered.


To this day, I'm really allergic to hear that name.

"Important he said!" added Yogo.

"No, Go! He likes evil, likes to invite fights! Can't I meet him!" I whined.

"Well, as the leader of Roulette, I order you to find him!"

"Oh, you can't do that!" I protest.

"Oh, of course you can! You guys have troubled the other members!"

"Trouble how?"
