
The Result

In the evening, the DNA test was out. Ronan, Arielle, William, Kael, and Lazarus gathered in a room where the Cathedral scientists were. Arielle forbade Sasha to join. She didn't want the boy to know that she stole his hair secretly. 

Priest Jill took out two small cups of two different colors. One cup labeled with the name Lazarus-Crimson had a black liquid. Meanwhile, the cup with the name Crimson-Sasha had a red liquid.

"What does this mean, Priest Jill?" Arielle asked. She was really curious.

Priest Jill cleared his throat, then fixed his glasses with his index finger.

"DNA comprises several proteins and in each individual—"

"Can you just tell me what the result is? Crimson isn't my child, right?" Lazarus asked impatiently. He felt that there was no need to take any more DNA lessons. The lessons he had forgotten during their many years at the academy proved useless to him in his adult life.
