
Chapter 01: Growing up.

Yuki POV:

My days were wake up, eat, play, sleep and repeat. I was the weirdest baby the maids had ever seen and yes, it was so indeed because my pride did not let me soil my diapers and I never threw any tantrums like crying whenever I was displeased or something.

But, no matter how hard I tried to talk, all I could manage was broken words that sounded babyish that was frustrating to me and cute to the others. While I might not be a narcissist but I knew that I had all the good-looking genes.

I had lustrous silver hair, my head looked like a dazzling fluff ball in the sunlight whenever I sat beside the window.

My milky white skin and shining blue eyes that could make one lose themselves in.

Right on the day we were to be discharged from the hospital, I was woken up from my dreamland by a voice that was not my mother or any of the maids in the house.

I opened my eyes to see a woman holding me in her arms, she had a smitten expression on her face with eyes that seemed looking at the cutest creature in existence.

Trust me folks, my eyes popped out at the sudden turn of events and eventually, I was strong enough to roll with the punches accepting the fact that my time here won't be anything but spectacular.

Ryuji was a bit awkward with me in the start but got the hang of it soon enough. He was mostly out handling business affairs but made sure to spend time with us. He was a fun person to be with and when I called him papa for the first time he had a grin plastered all over his face that did not wear off for hours that day.

And I had myself a beautiful big sister by a few seconds, Momo. She was like a little ball of sunshine, full of energy and an absolute angel unless she was throwing tantrums.

Three years have passed since I had crossed over to this world. I was a rather quick learner thanks to me being reincarnated and I had awakened my quirk the first time it manifested.

My customized quirk, angel made its first appearance my halo simply popped into existence, a beautiful glowing halo floated inches above my head and along with it came my occulomency and telekinesis.

It was all fine and dandy till I decided to try my hand at it and had floated off from the ground to start air walking. My mother's maid had seen this and hugged me right away fearing that I would fall down or float away. This created another debacle, the maid then looked at me, my galactic blue eyes met here brown ones and she looked at my halo and checked it again.

None of us said a word and then she nodded as she placed my feel on the floor, "bochhama, can you land?"

"Lily, I am not a plane and yes, I can land. My quirk just awakened, please report it to mum and bring me the sketchbook 26." Yuki smiled and with the halo over his head, he just looked the holiest 3-year-old and the cutest one to boot.

The maid lily bowed and left to her duty. My parents were informed and then I was smothered by two adults and a child. I dug my own grave when I had shown them my wings when my father asked me if there were any other changes along with the halo. I was smothered a second time, and then forced to become a model for mum to take pictures, and then a lot more pictures and videos too.

My father was a very precise person who dealt with his work and personal life like a pro, always a calm and rational person who likes things to be precise to the needs but at home, he is a kind father who is strict with his teachings and from a very young age, he brought us up with a strong moral compass while teaching us values and ethics.

He never spoke of flowery words of idealism, he was precise, practical and a hardcore realist. The thing that stuck with me the most was, "the human is a contradictory existence, they can be better than angels and worse than demons, and all of it depends on the circumstances he was born and raised in. Men often change faced with the passing of time, yet nothing changes, what was imprinted shall never go away, it becomes a test of how well it can be hidden."

I became a man of few words or I rather did not do anything unless it was absolutely needed. I felt closer and closer to the space element itself and my innovative brain did all it could do to make myself more-lazy… *cough* rational, yes, efficient and rational.

Days later I could perform small acts of telekinesis and a bit of light make, I could make small things easily, while animated things would drain my energy faster. Yes, like Momo, my energy came from my body metabolism that turned me into a little foodie and even then, I would always remain in perfect shape. Perks of having an Avalon in my being not only provided with healing, but also managed my body to keep it at its optimal state and also provide energy.

Even though I could never possibly run out of energy, but it also drained my psyche. The amount of energy that my body could hold and use was determined by my body and there was no better way to increase it than the good ol' fashioned training.

But Momo was a different case, she was a perfectly normal baby who would cry, shout and poop all over and repeat. Dad even called her behaviour inefficient and completely irrational, and mum was quite vocal as she blamed me for being too smart and not childish enough making it harder for her to baby me.

Dad and I had always hit off perfectly and with him watching over me made my control over my quirk better with each passing day while he could be rational, letting me train efficiently and the things we need done were done with telekinesis sparing us the effort.

Yes, Ryuji Yaorozu had a quirk that could create and manipulate small inanimate things, that could be anything, from gold to bullets. He was a master in the art of telekinesis and he trained me personally in it.

My mother Suzume Yaorozu, on the other hand had a quirk that was called halo, she could manipulate light and make simple constructs from it and also had healing capability. She was a pro hero who settled down when she got married to Ryuji and had a family of her own.

Momo was absolutely attached to me and followed me literally everywhere, most of her time passed playing with my light constructs, and I have to say, she was one bright child, she had perfect memory and was passionate about sweets. We hit it off right from the bat and having a same sized person to learn from, she learned things a lot faster and that is what will make her talents bloom this time around.

We were home schooled and with our talents we were taught at a faster pace and about topics that were too advanced for our peers. We were trained in a lot of things like mannerisms, penmanship and courtesy; as we grew up, subjects like music, politics, economics and diplomacy were added.

Momo did not fare well with subjects that had to do with politics or diplomacy, but for me, I was like a fish in the ocean. My father had started to bring me along to the company and taught me personally over business and management. When we were six, Momo awakened her quirk, it was creation, just like in the canon; our quirks were based on our parents but even better, more evolved per se.

Two more years passed and we were eight, father decided to give me companies to manage as a learning experience. Believe me folks, it was tough… people refused to take a eight year old seriously. But from the first meeting it was alright, the workers and employees passed on the words themselves, "a chip off the old block. A second Yaorozu, the genius, the little master and the mini boss became my monikers."

The companies my father handed me were an investment company, a real-estate company and finally a manufacturing company that was just made from scratch.

I named the manufacturing company THANATOS and got it liscenced to manufacture support items and costumes as well as items for self-defence. The investment company was a bankrupt company that father bought off and handed it to me and finally the real-estate company that was a working company that I could just take over and expand further.

The first few months I had to revamp the HR management and sieve through the employees, do mass recruitment and also handle interviews for higher positions. The best thing to do was scout competition and poach from them, being a Yaorozu, securing funds was not hard. I just had to make proper plans and show my father how would I use the funds and how much profit the venture would make with facts and stats.

In corporate sector, it was all numbers and charts, the curves and capital. In three years, I had faced and lived through 37 assassination attempts, and this led to me making another company; a security company called THE GUARD. Recruited and raised a personal battalion, armed with the state-of-the-art weapons and accessories. A lot of heroes who were not satisfied with their jobs had taken up the job.

They took on jobs like providing security for banks, malls and other such facilities, while the main patron was the Yaorozu family. Each of their facilities were secured by the services provided by THE GUARD, this assured the people of their quality and the track record only helped to boost confidence in its reputation.

With a 0 count of failures and the insurance provided by the company to reimburse any and all damages done under their failed security. This had drawn ire from a lot of heroes, for the company had taken over their jobs and a few other people who tried to stage robberies and such to get compensation.
