
Chapter 5: First Impressions.

Thomas POV:

My first day waking up at Hogwarts was on 28th July 1987, only a few days left before the term starts. I was taken to the castle and the first thing that Albus did was to call a staff meeting, he introduced me to Fawkes, a nice fellow who chirped hello at me after looking at my face for a minute or so.

And the intriguing part was that I knew that he said hello, to which I replied in kind not knowing that the older wizard almost fell down from his chair hearing me speak.

Not that he never heard my voice but he heard me speak to the phoenix in phoenic.

"Thomas my boy, did you just speak in phoenic?" Dumbledore asked in astonishment.

[A/N:*self-invented word for phoenix tongue*]

"Huh, I just said hello and I am fairly certain I spoke English." Thomas answered not realizing that he spoke a different language.

[Phoenixes are smart creatures with an ancient bloodline, they do communicate with wizards telepathically and the MC being an Angel has a perk of understanding every language and speaking in them.]

Fawkes was jovial, jumped from his perch and handed on my shoulder as he rubbed his face on mine and he was fluffy.

Albus who had bonded with the fire bird knew that Fawkes has been the happiest he had been in decades.

'I on the other hand was fairly certain that this is the perk being an angel has given me, the gift of being Omni-lingual.'

I turned to face Fawkes and started a nice conversation with him about myself and how he is happy to speak with one who speaks his tongue. He said that very few after the ancient mages could speak the tongues of magical beasts.

Albus was literally left with no words at this sight. He looked at me while I and Fawkes had conveniently ignored the existence of the strongest wizard in all of England and beyond.

After a nice chat, Fawkes decided to show me flame apparition and flamed me from one corner of the room to another.

The book said that side along apparition felt like shit and very few could gag themselves in time and refrain from puking their meals after the first time after side-along apparition.

Well, my body was blessed with better specs and I chalked it up to that. But to Albus, I was walking further and further beyond the definition of a normal child.

There was still time before the teachers will be done with their classes to come here, meanwhile me and Albus were chatting about my adoption and to call him old man or pops.

The ministry was dealt with and this was the first time the political circle truly understood how much of a headache the man called Albus Dumbledore can be if he truly wants something done.

The leader of the light circle is not just for the show and the man being the Head Master of Hogwarts and also being the Supreme Mugwump truly has a lot of power both magically and politically.

I willingly accepted the man and knew that he was nothing like some fan-fictions had portrayed him to be. There was no 'power-hungry' or 'manipulative-schemer' there was a grandfatherly figure who wanted nothing more than to right the wrongs he had done in his youth.

Though his forgiving nature can sometimes be a real pain in the ass, the man really needs to know that some people are really beyond salvation, some souls are truly beyond redemption.

'Well, now that I'm here I'll make sure the people who treat me well get a happy ending.'

'It was mostly Albus talking and me listening because I had no prior memory in this world.'

After an hour and some, we both somehow hit it off quite well with each other.

He even tipped Tom to make close relations with a certain potions master who was looking for a talented apprentice.

"Thomas, can you try to imagine yourself looking like me?" Dumbledore asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Huh, that's an odd thing to say pops. Why on earth would I like to have such a long beard like you?" I asked, clearly weirded out by the question.

While Tom was rejecting the idea but somehow, sub-consciously my mind did the job and he grew a silver beard like the man in front of me and yes, I was a meta-fucking-morphagus.

'Damn, this is going to be so damn good, I can't even imagine the pranks I can pull with this.'

The old man was looking at Tom with an odd twinkle in his eyes as he turned back to his appearance.

"Just as I expected, you are a Metamorphagus and a good one at that. Though you don't remember anything, but your sub-conscious memory remembers it all."

Sad that there was no way to recover it now, I would have really liked to hear about your days spent with the founders.

While Albus was looking out of the window, Tom was raking his brains on how to prank the professors who were about to come in a few hours.

'I am going to make it a hell of a first impression that they would surely remember for the rest of their lives.'

"Hey pops, the ministry fellows were whispering about how I might grow up to be the third Dark Lord after he who must not be named."

"What's up with that, and why on earth would I go for that career path, that's truly rude to not know about my preference and make such conjectures within my range of hearing. "

"Well, you being connected to Salazar Slytherin would give the weak-willed a few frights, but just ignore them" Albus sighed.

"Just who on earth names their son (he who must not be named?) Poor choice of a name, imagine the pains the chap had to go through in his childhood."

Tom was shaking his head in pity while Albus was twitching all over and then started roaring in laughter as he wiped a tear from laughing too much.

'All his life the man felt that what happened with Voldemort was his fault and blamed himself over it and I knew that was the first thing I will help him get rid of, Voldemort was the prime example of 'once a bad apple, always a bad apple'.

"Thank you, Thomas, it has really been long since I had a nice laugh like this." Dumbledore smiled and continued, "For your information, he was called Tom Marvolo Riddle and then he named himself Lord Voldemort. He had placed a 'taboo' on his name, it's an ancient magic that would make him know who and where his name was used."

"And with him committing atrocities all over England, his name became feared and thus this way came along to call him, "the one who must not be named"."

"Bloody brilliant, the man was a genius. Pops, I have to meet this fellow, give me his address. I said with excitement and Albus' right eye was twitching, as the man was contemplating on what to say." I said smiling with anticipation.

"The man was a criminal Thomas, and now he is gone. Let's not talk about his anymore, the professors will be here any minute now." Dumbledore sighed heavily, thinking about his wayward student always made him sad.

"Pops, I just had a brilliant idea. Show me your memory of him when he was flexing at his best." I spoke with a Slytherin patented cunning smile.

Albus being the smart man he was instantly understood what Tom was about to do, and a smile formed on his lips.

Albus brought Tom to the pen sieve and showed me the moments when Baldy-mort was looking like an absolute badass.

Tom had seen enough to understand how he spoke, and how he carried himself. In minutes, even Albus could not tell me and the original apart.

He transfigured Tom's clothes to match Baldy-mort's and transfigured a quill into a white eerie looking wand. He helped me adjust my magical signature to make it a mirror copy of Albus' just that it was tainted with malice.

Then the two made an elaborate script to follow and I have to admit, the old man did have a few pranking bones in his body that were still going hard.

The both of them looked at their handiwork and were quite pleased with ourselves. Now all that is left is for the guests to arrive and for me to pull it off flawlessly.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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