
Morale Broken 1

Jay walked casually towards the wooden palisade wall, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

The palisade wall was about six meters high (19ft), and had a platform on the other side so men could walk along the top behind it.

(Don’t attack unless I tell you.) Jay told the skeletons as they approached.

As he came closer, he noticed there was a single man on the top of the wall, keeping a lookout.

He had already spotted the band of skeletons and Jay walking amongst them, but paused in shock as he probably thought he was going mad.

The undead were here? No scouts had reported anything?

Surely this was either an illusion or a lapse in sanity.

Finally he turned to the side, trying not to seem panicked as he called another man to look too, his voice full of urgency.

“Hey, look. Look at the path!”

He ended up yelling to another man who was sitting down on the platform, who was leaning against the wall with his legs hanging over the side.
